Supply and Transportation

Trusted delivery

To help assure the integrity of the product during delivery a trusted courier service should be used that provides traceable delivery progress reporting and requires signed acceptance of delivery. Inspect the packaging for signs of tampering e.g. packing tape appears to have been removed or cut and then resealed. If tamper is detected, quarantine the package and notify your Security Officer in line with your Security Incident and Response procedures. Similar methods must be deployed by you for any further transportation of the product during its lifetime. If you utilize a protective marking scheme, the relevant protective marking must be deployed during transportation to provide the required level of integrity.

Tamper inspection

Upon receipt of the nShield HSM, it must be inspected for signs of tamper:

  • nShield Edge: Inspect the USB cable and the nShield Edge before use. The inspection should cover the cable for signs of tampering, the fascia for signs of disfigurement and specifically the holographic tamper label in the tamper window shown below for the appearance of VOID.

    edge hologram
    The nShield Edge Developer Edition does not have a hologram and tamper window.
  • nShield Solo: Examine the epoxy resin security coating (after removing the metal lid on nShield Solo XC) of the module for obvious signs of damage.

  • Smart card reader: Examine the smartcard reader for signs of tamper and ensure it is directly plugged into the module or into the port provided by any appliance in which the module is integrated and the cable has not been tampered with.

  • nShield Connect: The nShield Connect Physical Security Checklist, provided in the box with an nShield Connect and available in the document folder on the installation media provides details of the physical security checks required. Further guidance on physical security checks can be found in Physical Security. Review the nShield Connect’s tamper log for tamper alerts.

  • See Physical Security for further guidance on the management of physical mechanisms provided to protect the product.

If a tamper is suspected then the unit must be quarantined to investigate the incident. The unit must not be deployed on the live system until its integrity can be verified. See the Security Incident and Response for further guidance.