Software packages on the Security World software installation media

This appendix lists the contents of the component bundles and the additional software supplied on your Security World Software installation media. For information on installing the supplied software, see Installing the software.

Entrust supply the hardserver and associated software as bundles of common components that provide much of the required software for your installation. In addition to the component bundles, provide individual components for use with specific applications and features supported by certain ncversions command-line utility.

Security World installation media

The following component bundles and additional components are supplied on the Security World installation media:

Component bundles

Linux Package Windows Feature in the Installer Content


nShield Hardware Support

Hardware Support package, including the nShield Server and device driver.


nShield Core Tools

Management utilities, including generatekey, diagnostic and performance tools, Remote Administration Client tools, and the PKCS#11 library.


nShield Cipher Tools

Developer package example programs, and developer libraries for the nCore API and generic stub.


nShield Developer Reference

Reference Documentation for the nCore API.


nShield CSPs (CAPI, CNG)

CAPI and CNG providers and associated tools.


nShield Debug

PDB and .map files for nShield libraries and executables.


nShield Device Drivers

Device drivers for PCI and USB attached nShield devices, included in hwsp for Linux.


nShield Java

nCipherKM JCA/JCE Provider, associated classes (including nFast Java generic stub classes) and the KeySafe application.


nShield Java Developer

Java developer libraries and documentation for the nCore API and generic stub.


nShield SNMP

nShield SNMP service and tools.


nShield Remote Administration Client Tools

Remote Administration Client tools and shortcuts.


nShield Trusted Verification Device

Driver for the Trusted Verification Device (TVD), included in ctls for Linux.


nShield Remote Administration Server

nShield Remote Administration server for enabling communication between remote clients and their Type3 smartcards and this machine.

Components required for particular functionality

Some functionality requires particular component bundles or individual components to be installed.

Support for nShield Edge is shipped by default as part of the nShield Hardware Support component.

Ensure that you have installed the Hardware Support (mandatory) and Core Tools (mandatory) components.

In these part codes, n represents any integer.

If you are developing in Java, install the Java Developer and Java Support (including KeySafe) bundles; after installation, ensure that you have added the .jar files to your CLASSPATH.

You must install the hwsp component if you are using an nShield PCI card.


To use KeySafe, install the nShield Core Tools (ctls on Linux) and the nShield Java (javasp on Linux) components.

Microsoft CAPI CSP and Microsoft Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG)

If you require the Microsoft CAPI CSP, you must install the nShield CSPs (CAPI, CNG) component.

If you want to use the module with PKCS #11 applications, including release 4.0 or later of Netscape Enterprise Server, Sun Java Enterprise System (JES), or Netscape Certificate Server 4, install the nShield PKCS11 library. For detailed PKCS #11 configuration options, see:

  • The appropriate nShield 5c User Guide.

  • The appropriate third-party integration guide for your application.

Entrust has produced Integration Guides for many supported applications. The Integration Guides describe how to install and configure an application so that it works with Entrust Hardware Security Modules and Security Worlds. For more information about the Entrust range of Integration Guides:

nCipherKM JCA/JCE cryptographic service provider

If you want to use the nCipherKM JCA/JCE cryptographic service provider, you must install:

  • The nShield Java bundle.

An additional JCE provider nCipherRSAPrivateEncrypt is supplied that is required for RSA encryption with a private key. To install and use this provider, ensure that the nCipherKM.jar is in your CLASSPATH or MODULEPATH. You will also need to add the following classname to the top of the list of providers in your file com.ncipher.fixup.provider.nCipherRSAPrivateEncrypt

See the nShield 5c User Guide for more about configuring the nCipherKMJCA/JCE cryptographic service provider.

SNMP monitoring agent

If you want to use the SNMP monitoring agent to monitor your modules, install the nShield SNMP component (ncsnmp on Linux).

During the first installation process of the SNMP agent, the agent displays the following message:

If this is a first time install, the nShield SNMP Agent will not run by default.
Please see the manual for further instructions.

See the nShield 5c User Guide for more about how to activate the SNMP agent after installation.