SNMP monitoring agent
This appendix describes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) monitoring agent. The SNMP monitoring agent provides you with components that you can add to your (third-party) SNMP manager application.
SNMP was developed in 1988 and revised in 1996.
It is currently regarded as the standard method of network management.
It is widely supported and offers greater interoperability than traditional network management tools (for example, rsh
or netstat
). This makes it ideal for use for the large array of platforms that we support and also avoids the overhead of remote login and execution, helping to reduce network congestion and improve performance.
SNMP defines a collection of network management functions allowing management stations to gather information from, and transmit commands to, remote machines on the network. Agents running on the remote machines can take information gathered from the system and relay this information to the manager application. Such information is either requested from the underlying operating system or gained by interrogating the hardware.
Every SNMP manager adds monitor components differently. Consult the documentation supplied with your SNMP Manager application for details on how to add the MIB files. |
SNMP defines the following SNMP messages:
Message | Description |
This message is sent by a manager to retrieve the value of an object at the agent. |
This message is sent by a manager to set the value of an object at the agent. |
This message is sent by an agent to notify a management station of significant events. |
The SNMP monitoring agent is based on the open-source Net-SNMP project, version 5.7.3. More information on SNMP in general, and the data structures used to support SNMP installations, is available from the NET-SNMP project Web site:
This site includes some support information and offers access to discussion e-mail lists. You can use the discussion lists to monitor subjects that might affect the operation or security of the SNMP agent or command-line utilities.
Discuss any enquiries arising from information on the NET-SNMP Web site with Support before posting potentially sensitive information to the NET-SNMP Web site. |
Installing the SNMP agent
The SNMP agent is installed with the installation of the Security World Software and starts automatically.
Default installation settings
When installing Security World Software, you may be prompted to select Security World Software components from a list.
If you select all
components, then the SNMP agent is installed as part of a full Security World Software installation.
The default installation directory for the nShield Management Information Base (MIB) and the SNMP configuration files (snmp.conf
and snmpd.conf
) is /opt/nfast/etc/snmp/
Do you already have an SNMP agent running?
If you already have another SNMP agent running, you must configure the ports used by the agents in order to avoid conflicts before enabling the SNMP agent.
A port is assigned by editing the agentaddress
entry in the snmpd.conf
file or by editing the defaultPort
entry in snmpd.conf
If both files have been edited, the agentaddress
entry is snmpd.conf
file takes priority for snmpd, and the defaultPort
entry in snmpd.conf
is ignored.
If no existing SNMP agent is found, the SNMP agent runs on the default port 161.
If an existing SNMP agent is detected, and no SNMP agent configuration files are found (implying a fresh installation), the installer automatically configures the SNMP agent to use the first unused port above 161 by creating a new snmpd.conf
configuration file with the appropriate directive.
It then displays a message indicating the number of the port that is has selected.
If an existing SNMP agent is found and an existing SNMP agent installation exists, the installer checks the existing configuration files for an appropriate directive and warns you if one does not exist.
If you need to edit these configuration files yourself, a port is assigned by editing the agentaddress
entry in snmpd.conf
file or editing the defaultPort
entry in snmpd.conf
If both files have been edited, the agentaddress
entry in snmpd.conf
file takes priority for snmpd, and the defaultPort
entry in snmpd.conf
is ignored.
Starting the SNMP agent
The SNMP agent is started automatically however it can be stopped and started manually. To stop, start, or restart (stop and immediately start again) the SNMP daemon:
/opt/nfast/scripts/init.d/ncsnmpd stop|start|restart
See The SNMP configuration file: snmp.conf for more information on additional parameters accepted by snmpd.
Basic configuration
Protecting the SNMP installation
The SNMP agent allows other computers on the network to connect to it and make requests for information. The SNMP agent is based on the NET-SNMP code base, which has been tested but not fully reviewed by Entrust. We strongly recommend that you deploy the SNMP agent only on a private network or a network protected from the global Internet by appropriate network protection systems (e.g. a firewall, a network Intrusion Detection/Prevention System, etc.).
The default nShield SNMP installation allows read-only access to the Management Information Base (MIB). There is no default write access to any part of the MIB.
Every effort has been taken to ensure the confidentiality of cryptographic keys even when the SNMP agent is enabled. In particular, the nShield module is designed to prevent the theft of keys even if the security of the host system is compromised, provided that the Administrator Cards are used only with trusted hosts. Care must be used when changing the configuration of the SNMP agent.
We strongly advise that you use the SNMP User-based Security Model (USM) with Authentication and Privacy protocols selected, to ensure only authorised users can obtain information from the SNMP agent and the confidentiality and data integrity of the transferred information is protected. |
Care has also been taken to ensure that malicious attackers are unable to inundate your module with requests by flooding your SNMP agent. Command results from administration or statistics commands are cached, and thus the maximum rate at which the SNMP agent sends commands to the module is throttled. For more information on setting the cache time-outs. see The SNMP configuration file: snmp.conf.
Configuring the SNMP agent
The Security World Software package uses various configuration files to configure its applications. This section describes the overall nature of the configuration files for the SNMP agent.
If you are installing the SNMP agent to a host that has an existing SNMP agent installation, you may need to edit the SNMP configuration files (snmpd.conf
and snmp.conf
) associated with the SNMP agent to change the port on which the agent listens for SNMP requests.
For more information, see Do you already have an SNMP agent running?.
Make sure you protect access to the configuration files, since these contain information that defines the security parameters of the SNMP system. |
By default, the SNMP configuration files are located in the /opt/nfast/etc/snmp/
Re-reading SNMP configuration files
The SNMP agent reads its configuration files on startup, and any changes made after this point will have no effect. If new directives are added and need to be applied, the SNMP agent can be forced to re-read its configuration files with:
An snmp
of integer(1) toenterprises.nCipher.reloadConfig.0(.
signal sent to thesnmpd
agent process -
stop then restart the SNMP agent.
The SNMP configuration file: snmp.conf
The snmp.conf
configuration file contains directives that apply to all SNMP applications.
These directives can be configured to apply to specific applications.
The snmp.conf
configuration file is not required for the agent to operate and report MIB entries.
The SNMP agent configuration file: snmpd.conf
The snmpd.conf
configuration file defines how the SNMP agent operates.
It is required only if an agent is running.
The snmpd.conf
file can contain any of the directives available for use in the snmp.conf
file and may also contain the following Security World Software-specific directives:
Directive | Description |
This directive specifies the length of time for which statistics commands are cached. The default is 5 seconds. |
This directive specifies the length of time for which administrative commands are cached. The default is 60 seconds. |
This directive sets the initial state of the key table to |
This directive appends the '.0' suffix to object identifiers (OIDs) for backward compatibility.
The default is |
This directive specifies the threshold (as a percentage) below which HSM memory usage is considered to be ok. The default is 0. See Memory usage monitoring for more details. |
This directive specifies the threshold (as a percentage) at which HSM memory usage is considered to be too high. The default is 0. See Memory usage monitoring for more details. |
There may be a tolerance gap between the memoryUsageOkThreshold and the memoryUsageHighThreshold values.
The timeouts should be set to values that achieve a balance between recieving up to date information whilst preventing excessive load. |
The SNMP agent persistent configuration file
On running the SNMP agent for the first time, the persist
directory will be created.
This contains configuration files that are maintained by the SNMP agent.
This directory will be created in the following location:
Modifications should only be made to the persist folder’s snmp.conf
file in order to create users.
The files within this directory should otherwise only be managed by the SNMP agent itself.
User creation can be performed with the createUser
See USM users.
On initialization of the agent the information is read from the file and the lines are removed (eliminating the storage of the master password for that user) and replaced with the key that is derived from it.
This key is a localised key, so that unlike the password, if it is stolen it can not be used to access other agents.
Do not modify the persistent snmpd.conf file while the agent is running.
The file is only read on initialization of the agent and it is overwritten when the SNMP agent terminates.
Any changes made to this file while the SNMP agent directives is running will be lost.
The SNMP agent should be stopped prior to adding createUser directories to the configuration file.
Agent Behaviour
There are a small number of directives that control the behaviour of the SNMP Agent when considering it as a daemon providing a network service.
agentaddress directive
The listening address(es) that the SNMP Agent will use are defined by the agentaddress
It takes a comma separated list of address specifiers where an address specifier consists of one or more of:
a transport specifier udp: or tcp
a hostname or IPv4 address
a port number (e.g. :161 or :1161).
The default behaviour is to listen on UDP port 161 on all IPv4 interfaces (i.e. equivalent to udp:161).
agentaddress localhost : 161,tcp:1161
will listen on UDP port 161, but only on the loopback interface (the port specification ":161" is not strictly necessary as this is the default port). It will also listen on TCP port 1161 on all IPv4 interfaces.
agentgroup and agentuser directives
The user and group that the SNMP Agent changes to after opening the listening port(s) are defined using the agentgroup
and agentuser
The following must be used:
agentgroup ncsnmpd
agentuser ncsnmpd
System information
Most of the scalar objects in the sub-tree can be configured.
sysLocation STRING
sysContact STRING
sysName STRING
The three directives above set the system location, contact or name for the SNMP Agent respectively. Ordinarily these objects are writable via a suitably authorised SNMP SET request, however, specifying one of these directives in the configuration file makes the corresponding object read-only.
sysServices INTEGER
Sets the value of the sysService.0 object. RFC1213 defines how the integer value is calculated.
sysDescr STRING
sysObjectID OID
The two directives above set the system description and object ID for the agent. These objects are not SNMP-writable, but these directives can be used by a network administrator to configure suitable values for them.
USM users
The SNMPv3 protocol supports a User based Security Model as defined in RFC-3414. USM provides authentication and privacy (encryption) functions and operates at the message level allowing for the following security level to be used with SNMPv3:
Communication without authentication and privacy (
) -
Communication with authentication and without privacy (
) -
Communication with authentication and privacy (
Within this document the three possible security levels are referred to as noauth
, auth
and priv
. However, other forms are sometimes used within the NET-SNMP and the equivalents are:
Security level | Equivalents |
Users can be added to the SNMP configuration with the createUser
directive, defining the security mechanisms to be used.
createUser [-e ENGINEID] username [SHA authpassphrase] [AES privpassphrase]
It would not normally be necessary to specify the engine ID, but if it is specified, ENGINEID
is defined as a hexadecimal string of octets starting with the 0x prefix.
The encoding of the engine ID is defined in the description of SnmpEngineID
from RFC3411.
The following recommendations should be followed when defining the security parameters for SNMPv3:
Select a 'Security Level' of Priv, (
) or auth (authNoPriv
is the preferred 'Security Level', since this will provide both data source authentication and confidentially protection for the SNMP messages. -
is the minimum 'Security Level' that should be selected, since this will ensure that SNMP data sent/received has not been tampered with and has been sent from an authorised entity.
Define separate
It is good security practice to have key separation.
Use randomly generated passphrases which contain upper and lower case characters, numbers and symbols (e.g. ASCII characters 0x20 - 0x7E).
This should give an entropy per character of 6.57bits,
Use either 15 char for 96 bits of security strength keys and 20 char for 128 bits security strength keys.
The minimum length of both
passphrases is eight characters. -
If a random passphrase is not used, consult NIST SP800-63-2 - Appendix A to determine the security strength of the password and the resultant keys. See
MD5 and DES are not supported or enabled in the nShield distribution of SNMP. Only SHA may be used for authentication, and only AES may be used for privacy (encryption). |
It is strongly recommended that createUser
directives be added to the persist/snmpd.conf
file, so that the passphrases are not available after the SNMP agent is installed.
See USM users.
The user can then be referenced in access control directives(s) after which it can be used.
Traditional access control
Most simple access control requirements can be specified using the directives rouser
(for SNMPv3) or rocommunity
(for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c).
rouser [-s usm] USERNAME [noauth | auth | priv [OID | -V VIEW [CONTEXT]]
rwuser [-s usm] USERNAME [noath | auth | priv [OID | -V VIEW [CONTEXT]]
These directives specify that an SNMPv3 user (USERNAME) will be allowed read-only or read-write access respectively.
The default (unspecified) security level is auth
, which is the recommended minimum security level (see above). It is not recommended to use the usm security level noauth
, where all SNMP messages are unauthenticated and any tampering of the message cannot be detected.
Using noauth
will reduce the security of the SNMP messages to the level of SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c.
OID restricts access for that user to the subtree rooted at the given OID.
restricts access for that user to the specified View-based Access Control Model (VACM) view name.
An optional context can also be specified, or context
to denote a context prefix.
If no context field is specified (or the token * is used), the directive will match all possible contexts. (Contexts are a mechanism within SNMPv3 whereby an agent can support parallel versions of the same MIB objects, referring to different underlying data sets.)
A security model can be specified with -s SECMODEL
however the default security model usm
is the only security model which is supported in the nShield distribution of SNMP.
Read-only user with access to the full OID tree requiring authentication as a minimum:
rouser userl
rouser -s usm user1 auth .1
Read-only user with access to the nShield MIB allowing unauthenticated requests:
rouser user2 noauth .
Read-write user with access to the full OID tree requiring authentication as a minimum:
rwuser user3
rwuser user3 auth .iso
Read-write user with access to the snmpVacmMIB subtree requiring authentication and encryption:
rwuser user4 priv snmpVacmMIB
rwuser user4 priv .
Specifies an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community that will be allowed read-only (GET
) or read-write (GET
and SET
) access respectively.
By default, this will provide access to the full OID tree for such requests, regardless of where they were sent from. SOURCE
allows access either from a particular range of source addresses, or globally (default
). A restricted source can either be a specific hostname or address (e.g. localhost
or 127.0.01), or a subnet - represented as IP/MASK (e.g., or IP/BITS (e.g.
are as defined for rouser
and rwuser
Setting up a read-only community named
that can be accessed by any user with the community name:rocommmunity public
Setting up a read/write community named
that can only be accessed from the machine on which the agent is running:rocommmunity private localhost
In each case, only one directive should be specified for a given SNMPv3 user, or community string.
It is not appropriate to specify both rouser
and rwuser
directives referring to the same SNMPv3 user (or equivalent community settings). The rwuser
directive provides all the access of rouser
(as well as allowing SET
support). The same applies to rwcommunity
and rocommunity
More complex access requirements (such as access to two or more distinct OID subtrees, or different views for GET
and SET
requests) should use VACM configuration directives.
VACM configuration
The full flexibility of the VACM, for example allowing access to two or more distinct OID subtrees, or different access requirements for reading and writing, is available using four configuration directives - com2sec
, group
, view
and access
. The directives essentially define who has access and what they have access to using four directives.
The first two directives (comsec2sec
and group
) define the who, while the last two (view
and access
) define the what.
Maps an SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community string to a security name.
As it defines the community and maps it to a security name, rocommunity
directives are not required when using the directive.
is the security name to be defined.
is as defined for the rocommunity
directives above.
defines the community name to be mapped to the security name.
The same community string can be specified in several separate directives with different source tokens, and the first source/community combination that matches the incoming request will be selected.
Various source/community combinations can also map to the same security name.
if defined (using -Cn
), means that the community string will be mapped to a security name in the named SNMPv3 context.
Otherwise the default context ("") will be used.
Creating three SNMPv1/v2c community names (private
, public
and ltd
), where private
and ltd
only allow requests from the machine on which the SNMP Agent is running (note lines beginning with a # in snmpd.conf
are treated as comments):
com2sec “” sec_private localhost private
com2sec sec_public default public
com2sec sec_limited localhost ltd
group GROUP v1 | v2c | usm SECNAME
Maps a security name (in the specified security model) into a named group.
Several group directives can specify the same group name, allowing a single access setting to apply to several users and /or community strings.
Note that groups must be set up for the two community-based models separately - a single com2sec
directive will typically be accompanied by two group
is the group name being defined/added to. -
defines the security model to which the definition relates. -
is the security (USM) user name or security name defined bycom2sec
to be added to the group.
Creating three groups (grp_private
, grp_public
, grp_limited
) for three USM users (user1
, user2
and user3
) and the three communities shown in the com2sec
example above:
# GROUP v1|v2c|usm SECNAME
Ggroup grp_private v1 sec_private
group grp_private v2c sec_private
group grp_private usm user1
group grp_public v1 sec_public
group grp_public v2c sec_public
group grp_public usm user2
group grp_limited v1 sec_limited
group grp_limited v2c sec_limited
group grp_limited usm user3
view VNAME included | excluded OID [MASK]
Defines a named view
- a subset of the overall OID tree.
This is most commonly a single subtree, but several view
directives can be given with the same view name (VNAME
), to build up a more complex collection of OIDs.
An optional mask can also be specified, providing a means of indicating which parts of the OID must be matched.
is the view being modified.
| excluded
allows you to define whether the view includes or excludes the subtree, allowing the definition of a more complex view (e.g. by excluding certain sensitive objects from an otherwise accessible subtree).
is an optional list of hex octets (separated by '.' or ':') whose bits indicate which OID sub-identifiers to match against.
So for example if we assume we have on OID with 11 sub-identifiers (.
) where the last four relate to a table, an entry, a column and index 1, specifying a MASK
value of " FF.A0
" (i.e. 1111111110100000) maps to this OID as follows:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
i.e. this mask means all parts of the OID except the column must match, therefore defining a view to any column of the first row of the table.
By including and excluding various aspects of the full OID tree, it is possible to define fine grained visibility within a view’s definition.
Creating five views where vw_sysContact
only has access to the system.sysContact.0
OID, vw_nCipher
only has access to the MIB, vw_global
has access to the full OID tree, vw_nCipher_stats
only has access to nCipher.nC-series.statistics
and vw_nCipher_admin
only has access to nCipher.nC-series.administration
# VNAME included|excluded OID [MASK]
view vw_sysContact excluded .1
view vw_sysContact included system.sysContact.0 FF.80
view vw_nCipher excluded .iso
view vw_nCipher included .
view vw_global included .1
view vw_nCipher_stats excluded .1
view vw_nCipher_stats included enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.statistics
view vw_nCipher_admin excluded .1
view vw_nCipher_admin included enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration
access GROUP CONTEXT any | v1 | v2c | usm noauth | auth | priv exact | prefix READ WRITE NOTIFY
Maps from a group of users/communities (with a particular security model and minimum security level, and specific context) to one of three views, depending on the request being processed.
is a group name defined by the group directive and specifies the group that access is being defined for.
specifies the context for the access (the default context is the empty string ""). The context of incoming requests must match against the context either exactly or by prefix, as specified by the choice of exact
| prefix
made in this directive.
, v1
, v2c
, or usm
define the security model to which this definition relates.
| auth
| priv
define the security level to which this definition relates.
For v1
or v2c
access, this will need to be noauth
as these protocols do not support authentication.
| prefix
specify how CONTEXT
should be matched against the context of the incoming request, either an exact match to CONTEXT
, or prefixed by CONTEXT
specifies the view to be used for GET*
and TRAP
requests (although the NOTIFY
view is not currently used). The keyword none
is used if there is to be no access for that type of request.
Specifying that:
SNMPv1 requests using the public community only have read access to the enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.statistics subtree,
SNMPv2c requests using the public community only have read access to the enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration.subtree,
SNMPv3 requests using the user2 USM user, must as a minimum be authenticated, and have read, notify access to the nCipher MIB (i.e. enterprises nCipher)
SNMPv3 requests using the user1 USM user, must as a minimum be authenticated and encrypted, and have read, write and notify access to the full OID tree. Note that since requests must be authenticated and encrypted as a minimum, SNMPv1 and v2c requests using the private community cannot be made even though the community is included in grp_private.
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 requests using the ltd community and SNMPv3 requests using the user3 USM user, do not require to be authenticated or encrypted, and have read, write access to the system.sysContact.0 OID.
access grp_public "" v1 noauth exact vw_nCipher_stats none none
access grp_public "" v2c noauth exact vw_nCipher_admin none none
access grp_public "" usm auth exact vw_nCipher none vw_nCipher
access grp_private "" any priv exact vw_global vw_global vw_global
access grp_limited "" any noauth exact vw_sysContact vw_sysContact none
Trap Configuration
The distribution of SNMP supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 traps. Control over these traps is defined with a number of directives:
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 traps
trapcommunity COMMUNITY
Defines the default community to be used when sending SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 traps.
Note that this directive must be used prior to a trapsink
or trap2sink
directive that wishes to use this community.
the community name to be used.
trapcommunity traps
Defines a destination for SNMPv1 or SNMPv2 traps generated by the agent.
is an address specifier defining the network target that traps will be sent to.
It consists of an optional transport specifier (udp
(default if not specified) or tcp
) followed by a hostname or IPv4 address followed by an optional port number, deliminated by colons ":". (e.g. localhost
or tcp:
if specified will be the community name used for the traps.
If it is not specified, the most recently specified trapcommunity
will be used.
allows for port-number to be defined if it is not present as part of the HOST
If no port is defined, the default port number of 162 will be used.
When a TCP transport specifier is used the SNMP agent establishes the TCP connection with the trap manager at start-up.
Therefore the trap manger must be started before the SNMP agent otherwise an error is reported for the line in the snmpd.conf
file which defines the trap manager.
Likewise when the TCP connection between the SNMP agent and the trap manager is dropped, traps are lost. Therefore it is inadvisable to use TCP instead of UDP for the transport specifier of trap managers.
If TCP is used for the connection between the SNMP agent and the trap manager and the connection is lost, to re-establish the connection the SNMP agent must be restarted, with the trap manager running and able to accept a TCP connection from the SNMP agent.
For issues with the trap manager accepting TCP connections from a SNMP agent refer to trap manager documentation.
trap2sink udp: traps
SNMPv3 traps
Defines the configuration for a trap. This is the only way to define SNMPv3 traps and it is an alternative method for defining SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 traps.
are arguments that would be used for an equivalent snmptrap
So for example to send an SNMPv3 trap as USM user user1
with authentication and encryption, the value -v3 -u user1 -1 priv
would be used.
see host definition for trap2sink
trapsess -v3 -u user1 -1 priv udp:
trapsess -v2c -c public
Using the SNMP agent with a manager application
The nShield SNMP monitoring agent provides MIB files that can be added to your (third-party) SNMP manager application. |
Manager configuration
The manager application is the interface through which the user is able to perform network management functions.
A manager communicates with agents using SNMP primitives (get
, set
, trap
) and is unaware of how data is retrieved from, and sent to, managed devices.
This form of encapsulation creates the following:
The manager is hidden from all platform specific details
The manager can communicate with agents running on any IP-addressable machine.
As a consequence, manager applications are generic and can be bought off the shelf. You may already be running SNMP managers, and if so, you can use them to query the SNMP agent.
The manager is initially unaware of the MIB tree structure at a particular node. Managed objects can be retrieved or modified, but only if their location in the tree is known. |
It is more useful if the manager can see the MIB tree present at each managed node. The MIB module descriptions for a particular node must be parsed by a manager-specific MIB compiler and converted to configuration files. These files are read by the manager application at run time.
The SNMP agent is designed to monitor all current nShield modules, working with all supported versions of nShield firmware (contact Support for details of supported firmware).
MIB module overview
A large proportion of the SNMP system is fully specified by the structure of the MIB; the behavior of the agent depends on relaying information according to the layout of the MIB.
The MIB module resides at a registered location in the MIB tree determined by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The private enterprise number of 7682 designated by the IANA corresponds to the root of the branch, and by convention this (internal) node is the company name.
The MIB module groups logically related data together, organizing itself into a classification tree, with managed objects present at leaf nodes.
The nC-series node (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series
) is placed as a sub-tree of the root (enterprises.nCipher
); this allows future product lines to be added as additional sub-trees.
The structure of the tree underneath the registered location is vendor-defined, and this specification defines the structure chosen to represent Security World Software-specific data.
The MIB file can be found in the following location:
MIB functionality
The MIB module separates module information into the following categories:
Retrieval of status and information about installed nC-series modules
Retrieval of live statistics of performance of installed nC-series modules
These categories form the top-level nodes of the sub-tree; the functionality of the first category is in the administration sub-tree, and the second category is in the statistics sub-tree. The top-level tree also contains three items that it would be useful to check at-a-glance:
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
TruthValue |
R |
TruthValue |
R |
Unsigned32 |
Percentage of total available capacity currently utilized. |
The traps sub-tree (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.nC-traps
) contains traps that the SNMP agent sends when certain events occur.
For details on configuring traps, see
USM users.
The following table gives details of the individual traps:
Node name | Description |
This trap is sent when the hardserver fails or is shut down. |
This trap is sent when the hardserver restarts. |
This trap is sent when a module fails. |
This trap is sent when a module is restarted after a failure. |
This trap is sent when a PSU fails. |
This trap is sent when a previously-failed PSU is working again. |
This trap is sent when a fan fails. |
This trap is sent when a previously-failed fan is working again. |
This trap is sent when the HSM memory usage high threshold has been reached or exceeded by an HSM. See section on Memory usage monitoring below for more details. |
This trap is sent when the memory usage for an HSM falls below the HSM memory usage ok threshold. See section on Memory usage monitoring below for more details. |
Some traps can take up to five minutes to be received. |
Other generic Net-SNMP traps may also be received. These include the two below, see Net-SNMP project website for more details. |
Net-SNMP trap name | Description |
This trap is sent when the SNMP agent is started |
This trap is sent when the SNMP agent is stopped |
Memory usage monitoring
The HSM memory usage thresholds and memory usage traps provide a mechanism to monitor HSM memory usage for HSMs in which the SNMP agent’s client computer are enrolled.
With memory usage monitoring enabled, there will be a memoryUsageHighAlert
trap sent each time the currently in-use memoryUsageHighThreshold
is reached or exceeded by an HSM.
With memory usage monitoring enabled, a memoryUsageHighAlert
trap is also sent:
If the SNMP agent starts up and recognises that there are HSMs in a high memory usage state or,
If HSMs in a high memory usage state are enrolled or,
If the SNMP agent loses and then re-gains contact with the local hardserver which is connected to HSMs in a high memory usage state or,
If failed HSMs in a high memory usage state then recover.
For each of the four scenarios above, one memoryUsageHighAlert
trap will be sent for each HSM in a high memory usage state.
With memory usage monitoring enabled, there will be a memoryUsageOkAlert
trap sent each time the memory usage for an HSM falls below the currently in-use memoryUsageOkThreshold
The value for memoryUsageOkThreshold
is read from the snmpd.conf file on starting the SNMP agent and is used provided it contains an integer value in the range 0 to 100 (inclusive); otherwise, the default value of 0 is used.
The value for memoryUsageHighThreshold
is processed in the same way.
Memory usage monitoring is enabled unless the in-use values for memoryUsageOkThreshold
and memoryUsageHighThreshold
are both 0 or the in-use values are such that memoryUsageOkThreshold
> memoryUsageHighThreshold
For example, in snmpd.conf
, if memoryUsageOkThreshold
is assigned an invalid value and memoryUsageHighThreshold
is assigned a valid value of say 75%, then memory usage monitoring will be enabled and the values 0% and 75% will be used respectively.
An example of memory usage monitoring by an SNMP agent on a client computer enrolled with 2 HSMs is given below:

Administration sub-tree overview
The administration sub-tree (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration
) contains information about the permanent state of the hardserver and the connected modules.
It is likely that most of the information in this branch rarely changes over time, unlike the statistics
The information given in the administration sub-tree is mostly acquired by the NewEnquiry
command and is supplied both per-module and (where appropriate) aggregated over all modules.
The following table gives details of the individual nodes in the administration sub-tree:
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Enum 1: Running 2: NotRunning |
This variable reflects the current state of the hardserver ( |
R |
Gauge32 |
Number of nC-series modules. |
R |
DisplayString |
Hardserver version string. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Number of 1024-bit signatures each second. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Minimum recommended queue. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Maximum recommended queue. |
R |
TruthValue |
R |
DisplayString |
Security World display flags, as reported by |
R/W |
Integer 1: none 2: all 3: query 4: resetquery |
Controls the behavior of the key table (switch off, display all keys, enable individual attribute queries, clear the query fields). Displaying all keys can result in a very long list. |
R |
DisplayString |
Supported hardserver facilities (the |
R |
Gauge32 |
TCP port on which the hardserver is listening. |
R |
DisplayString |
Security World’s generation time. |
R |
DisplayString |
ESN of the module that generated the Security World. |
can be preset using the keytable
config directive in snmpd.conf
(see The SNMP configuration file: snmp.conf).
Security World hash sub-tree
The following table gives details of the nodes in the Security World hash sub-tree (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration.swHashes
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the Security Officer’s key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the Security World key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the recovery authorization key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the recovery key pair. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the FIPS authorization key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the module certification key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the passphrase replacement key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the nonvolatile memory (NVRAM) authorization key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the Real Time Clock authorization key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the SEE Debugging authorization key. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the Foreign Token Open authorization key. |
Security World quorums sub-tree
The following table gives details of the nodes in the Security World quorums sub-tree (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration.swQuorums
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Gauge32 |
The default quorum of Administrator cards. |
R |
Gauge32 |
The total number of cards in the ACS. |
R |
Gauge32 |
The quorum required for module reprogramming. |
R |
Gauge32 |
The quorum required to transfer keys for OCS replacement. |
R |
Gauge32 |
The quorum required to recover the passphrase for an Operator card. |
R |
Gauge32 |
The quorum required to access nonvolatile memory (NVRAM). |
R |
Gauge32 |
The quorum required to update the Real Time Clock. |
R |
Gauge32 |
The quorum required to view full SEE debug information. |
R |
Gauge32 |
The quorum required to use a Foreign Token Open Delegate Key. |
Module administration table
The following table gives details of the nodes in the module administration table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration.moduleAdminTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Gauge32 |
Module number of this row in the table. |
R |
Integer 1: Operational 2: Pre-init 3: Init 4: Pre-maint 5: Maint 6: AccelOnly 7: Failed 8: Unknown |
Current module state. |
R |
DisplayString |
Firmware version string. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Speed index (approximate number of 1024-bit modulo exponentiation operations possible per second) of module |
R |
Gauge32 |
Module minimum recommended queue length |
R |
Gauge32 |
Module maximum recommended queue length |
R |
DisplayString |
Module Electronic Serial Number (ESN). |
R |
DisplayString |
R |
DisplayString |
Hardware bus/slot info (such as PCI slot number). |
R |
TruthValue |
Indicates whether or not the module is in the current SW. |
R |
DisplayString |
Description of smart card in slot (empty, unknown card, admin/operator card from current SW, failed). N/A for acceleration only modules. |
R |
Integer 1: Unknown 2: Usable 3: MaintMode 4: Uninitialized 5: Factory 6: Foreign 7: AccelOnly 8: Failed 9: Unchecked 10: InitMode 11: PreInitMode 12: Unverified 13: UnusedTableEntry |
Current module and Security World state. |
R |
DisplayString |
Security World flags for this module. |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the module’s secret key. |
R |
DisplayString |
Features enabled on this module. |
R |
DisplayString |
Like |
R |
Gauge32 |
Firmware Version Security Number (VSN); see Version Security Number (VSN). |
R |
MHash |
KNETI hash, if present. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Max. rec. long queue. |
R |
DisplayString |
Connection status (for imported modules). |
R |
DisplayString |
Connection information (for imported modules). |
R |
DisplayString |
SEE machine type. |
Slot administration table
The following table gives details of the nodes in the slot administration table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration.slotAdminTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Integer32 |
Module number of the module containing the slot. |
R |
Integer32 |
Slot number (1-based, unlike nCore which is 0-based). |
R |
Integer 1: Datakey 2: Smart card 3: Emulated 4: Soft token 5: Unconnected 6: Out of range 7: Unknown |
Slot type. |
R |
DisplayString |
Flags referring to the contents of the slot (from |
R |
Integer 1: Unused 2: Empty 3: Blank 4: Administrator 5: Operator 6: Unidentified 7: Read error 8: Partial 9: Out of range |
R |
DisplayString |
Flags referring to attributes of the slot (from |
R |
Gauge32 |
Share number of card currently in slot, if present. |
R |
DisplayString |
Names of shares present in card currently in slot. |
Card set administration table
The following table gives details of the nodes in the card set administration table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration.cardsetAdminTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the token protected by the card set. |
R |
DisplayString |
R |
Gauge32 |
Required number of cards in the card set. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Total number of cards in the card set. |
R |
DisplayString |
Other attributes of the card set. |
R |
DisplayString |
Names of individual cards, if set. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Token time-out period, in seconds, or 0 if none. |
R |
DisplayString |
Generation time of card set. |
Key administration table
The key administration table is visible as long as the listKeys
node in the administration sub-tree is set to a value other than none
The following table gives details of the nodes in the key administration table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration.keyAdminTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
DisplayString |
Application name. |
R |
DisplayString |
Name of key, as generated by the application. |
R |
MHash |
R |
Integer 1: Enabled 2: Disabled 3: No key 4: Unknown 5: Invalid 6: Unset |
The value |
R |
Integer 1: Module 2: Cardset 3: No key 4: Unknown 5: Invalid 6: Unset |
The value |
R |
MHash |
Hash of the card set protecting the key, if applicable. |
R |
DisplayString |
Certificate and public key flags. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Number of extra key attributes. |
R |
DisplayString |
SEE integrity key, if present. |
R |
DisplayString |
ESN of the module that generated the key, if present. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Time limit for the key, if set. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Per-authentication use limit for the key. |
Key query sub-tree
The key query sub-tree is used if the listKeys
node in the administration sub-tree is set to query
If these values are set, they are taken as required attributes for filtering the list of available keys; if multiple attributes are set, the filters are combined (AND rather than OR).
The following table gives details of the nodes in the key query sub-tree (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.administration.keyQuery
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R/W |
DisplayString |
Application name. |
R/W |
DisplayString |
Name of key, as generated by the application. |
R/W |
DisplayString |
R/W |
Integer 1: Enabled 2: Disabled 3: No key 4: Unknown 5: Invalid 6: Unset |
The value |
R/W |
Integer 1: Module 2: Cardset 3: No key 4: Unknown 5: Invalid 6: Unset |
The value |
R/W |
DisplayString |
Hash of the card set protecting the key, if applicable. |
R/W |
DisplayString |
Certificate and public key flags. |
R/W |
Gauge32 |
Number of extra key attributes. |
R/W |
DisplayString |
SEE integrity key, if present. |
R/W |
DisplayString |
ESN of the module that generated the key, if present. |
R/W |
Gauge32 |
Time limit for the key, if set (0 for no limit). |
R/W |
Gauge32 |
Per-authentication use limit for the key (0 for no limit). |
Statistics sub-tree overview
The statistics sub-tree (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.statistics
) contains rapidly changing information about such topics as the state of the nShield modules, the work they are doing, and the commands being submitted.
Do not rely on information returned from the agent to change instantaneously on re-reading the value. To avoid loading the nShield module with multiple time-consuming statistics commands, the agent can choose to cache the values over a specified period. You can configure this period in the agent configuration file see The SNMP configuration file: snmp.conf. |
Statistics sub-tree
The following table gives details of the nodes in the statistics sub-tree, and the module statistics table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.statistics.moduleStatsTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Integer |
Module number of this row (for |
R |
Counter32 |
Uptime of the hardserver. |
R |
Counter32 |
Returned aggregated for all modules and all commands. |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
Returned as for |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
See notes above for |
R |
Gauge32 |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
Total number of outstanding commands over all modules. |
R |
Counter32 |
Module statistics table
The following table gives details of the nodes in the module statistics table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.statistics.moduleStatsTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Integer |
Module number of this row (for |
R |
Counter32 |
Uptime of the module. |
R |
Counter32 |
Returned aggregated for all commands. |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
Returned as for |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
See notes above for |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Counter32 |
R |
Gauge32 |
R |
DisplayString |
Depending on the module settings, this can require KNSO permissions to read (and therefore depend on the installation parameters of the agent). |
R |
DisplayString |
Character representation of the current temperature value (SNMP does not provide for a floating-point type). Only available on non-XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Maximum temperature the module has ever reached. Only available on non-XC variants. |
R |
Gauge32 |
R |
Gauge32 |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Only available on XC variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
R |
DisplayString |
R |
DisplayString |
R |
DisplayString |
R |
DisplayString |
R |
Counter32 |
Free space available on the HSM’s NVRAM, in bytes Only available on XC and nShield 5 variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Wear level of the HSM’s NVRAM Only available on XC and nShield 5 variants. |
R |
DisplayString |
Worn blocks in the HSM’s NVRAM Only available on XC and nShield 5 variants. |
nShield HSM statistics table
The following table gives details of the nodes in the nShield HSM statistics table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.statistics.netHSMStatsTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Integer |
Table index (not module number). |
R |
Counter32 |
Host system uptime. |
R |
Gauge32 |
CPU usage of unit host processor. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Total user memory of unit. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Total kernel memory of unit. |
R |
DisplayString |
Internal unit temperature (sensor 1). |
R |
DisplayString |
Maximum recorded temperature (sensor 1). |
R |
DisplayString |
Internal unit temperature (sensor 2). |
R |
DisplayString |
Maximum recorded temperature (sensor 2). |
R |
DisplayString |
unit 5V power reading. |
R |
DisplayString |
unit 12V power reading. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Fan 1 speed (RPM). |
R |
Gauge32 |
Fan 2 speed (RPM). |
R |
Gauge32 |
Fan 3 speed (RPM). |
R |
IpAddress |
IP address of unit. |
R |
DisplayString |
Textual description of module (for example, |
R |
Gauge32 |
Fan 4 speed (RPM). |
R |
DisplayString |
3.3V Supply Rail Voltage |
R |
DisplayString |
3.3V Supply Rail Current |
R |
DisplayString |
5V Supply Rail Current |
R |
DisplayString |
12V Supply Rail Current |
R |
DisplayString |
5V Supply Rail Voltage (Standby) |
R |
DisplayString |
5V Supply Rail Current (Standby) |
R |
DisplayString |
Voltage of Tamper Battery 1 |
R |
DisplayString |
Voltage of Tamper Battery 2 |
R |
TruthValue |
Power Supply failure status |
Per connection statistics table
The following table gives details of the nodes in the per connection statistics table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.statistics.connStatsTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Integer32 |
Index of this entry. |
R |
Integer32 |
Hardserver connection number. |
R |
Counter32 |
Uptime of the connection. |
R |
Counter32 |
Number of commands submitted through this connection. |
R |
Counter32 |
Number of bytes submitted through this connection. |
R |
Counter32 |
Number of marshalling errors on commands through this connection. |
R |
Counter32 |
Number of replies received by this connection. |
R |
Counter32 |
Number of bytes received by this connection. |
R |
Counter32 |
Number of marshalling errors on replies through this connection. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Number of commands outstanding on this connection. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Number of commands outstanding in the hardserver queue. |
R |
Gauge32 |
Number of long jobs outstanding for this connection. |
R |
IpAddress |
IP Address of connection client. |
R |
Integer32 |
Process identifier reported by connection client. |
R |
DisplayString |
Process name reported by connection client. |
R |
Gauge32 |
The total object count for a connection |
Module/connection statistics table
The following table gives details of the nodes in the per module, per connection statistics table (enterprises.nCipher.nC-series.statistics.connModuleStatsTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Integer |
Identity of this connection |
R |
Integer |
Index of the module entry |
R |
Gauge32 |
The object count on this module for this connection |
Fan table
The fan table provides the speeds of each fan on the remote module (HSM). The following table gives details of the nodes in the fan table (enterprises.nCipher.softwareVersions.netHSMFanTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Integer32 |
Module number |
R |
Integer32 |
Fan number |
R |
Gauge32 |
Fan speed (RPM) |
Software versions table
The following table gives details of the nodes in the software versions table (enterprises.nCipher.softwareVersions.softwareVersionsTable
Node name | R/W | Type | Remarks |
R |
Integer |
Table index. |
R |
DisplayString |
Component name. |
R |
Component output name |
Component name. |
R |
Gauge |
R |
Gauge |
R |
Gauge |
R |
DisplayString |
Repository name. |
R |
Gauge |
SNMP agent command-line
SNMP agent (snmpd) switches
The SNMP agent that binds to a port and awaits requests from SNMP management software is snmpd
. Upon receiving a request, snmpd processes the request, collects the requested information and/or performs the requested operation(s) and returns the information to the sender.
The SNMP agent supports a limited subset of command line switches that can be specified when starting the agent.
snmpd [-h] [-v] [-f] [-a] [-d] [-V] [-P PIDFILE):] [-q] [-D] [-p NUM] [-L] [-l LOGFILE] [-r]
This command can take the following options:
Option | Description |
This option displays a usage message. |
This option displays the configuration file directives that the agent understands. |
This option displays version information. |
This option specifies not forking from the calling shell. |
This option specifies logging addresses. |
This option specifies that warnings and messages should be appended to the log file rather than truncating it. |
This option specifies the dumping of sent and received UDP SNMP packets. |
This option specifies verbose display. |
PIDFILE This option specifies the use of a file (PIDFILE) to store the process ID. |
This option specifies that information be printed in a more easily parsed format (quick print). |
This option turns on debugging output. |
NUM This option specifies running on port NUM instead of the default: 161. |
CONFFILE This option specifies reading CONFFILE as a configuration file. |
This option specifies that the default configuration files not be read. |
This option prints warnings and messages to stdout and err. |
This option logs warnings/messages to syslog. |
This option specifies not exiting if root-only accessible files cannot be opened. |
[-]INITLIST This option specifies a list of MIB modules to initialize (or not). Run |
LOGFILE This option prints warnings/messages to a file LOGFILE (by default, |
Using the SNMP command-line utilities
As an alternative to using an SNMP manager application, we supply several command-line utilities to test your SNMP installation and enable you to obtain information about your nShield module from the SNMP agent.
These utilities support the -h
(display a usage message) as described in the table above.
Utility | Description |
This utility monitors and manages SNMP information. |
This utility runs a single GET request to query for SNMP information on a network entity. |
This utility runs a single SET request to set SNMP information on a network entity. |
This utility runs a single GET NEXT request to query for SNMP information on a network entity. |
This utility obtains and prints an SNMP table. |
This utility translates SNMP object specifications into human-readable descriptions. |
This utility communicates with a network entity using repeated GET NEXT requests. |
This utility communicates with a network entity using BULK requests. |
These tools are general purpose SNMP utilities and are configurable for use with other SNMP agents.
For more information on configuring and using these tools, refer to the NET-SNMP project Web site: .