Using silent installations

This appendix describes how to use the command line for software installation and uninstallation for automation.

When you follow the standard installation instructions for Security World Software, the setup.msi installer runs automatically when you place the Security World Software installation media in the optical disc drive. You then follow the on-screen instructions from the installer to configure your installation.

However, if you run the setup.msi installer from the command line, you have the option to define the components you want to install via the Windows command prompt. This allows your installations to run 'silently', without the need for further interaction with the installer.

See the Installation Guide for more information about installing Security World Software.

Installing using the silent install functionality

The Windows Installer (MSI) has the ability to install software without user interaction. This is useful for automation purposes.

Before starting, please ensure that:

  • Any previously installed Security World Software is uninstalled

  • If the directory C:\Program Files\nCipher or C:\Program Files\nCipher exists, it is deleted

  • If the directory C:\ProgramData\nCipher exists, it is renamed or deleted

To install the nShield Software using the silent install functionality:

  1. Log in as Administrator or as a user with local administrator rights.

  2. Place the Security World Software installation media in the optical disc drive. If the installer runs automatically, quit the installer.

  3. Open a Command Prompt, and run the command:

    msiexec /i <PATH_TO_MSI> /quiet /forcerestart

    This installs the nShield Security Software to the default installation directory, %PROGRAMFILES%\nCipher\nfast\, and restarts the machine.

    To generate a verbose install log, add /l*v <path-to-file.txt> to the command after the /quiet argument. For example:

    msiexec /x E:\setup.msi /quiet /l*v C:\users\USER_NAME\installLog.txt> /forcerestart

    This creates a log file in the specified directory.

Uninstalling using the silent install functionality

To uninstall the nShield Security Software using the silent uninstall functionality:

  1. Log in as Administrator or as a user with local administrator rights.

  2. Place the Security World Software installation media in the optical disc drive. If the installer runs automatically, quit the installer.

  3. Open a Command Prompt, and run the command:

    msiexec /x <PATH_TO_MSI> /quiet /forcerestart

    This uninstalls the nShield Security Software packages and restarts the machine.

    To generate a verbose uninstall log, add /l*v <path-to-file.txt> to the command after the /quiet argument. For example:

    msiexec /x E:\setup.msi /quiet /l*v C:\users\USER_NAME\uninstallLog.txt> /forcerestart

    This creates a log file in the specified directory.