Install the Remote Administration Client (RAC) software

If you are installing Security World Software, the RAC software is installed with it on the machine. The instructions in this chapter only apply to installations from the Remote Administration Client (RAC) ISO.


The following steps should have been completed by the appropriate member of staff in your organization:

In the HSM environment:

  • The Remote Administration Service has been installed and configured on the appropriate computer or computers, see Server-side preparation tasks.

  • The firewall of the computer where the Remote Administration Service is installed has been configured to allow traffic to and from the nShield Remote Administration Client, see Server-side preparation tasks.

  • Dynamic slots have been configured in the relevant hardserver configuration file, see Set dynamic slots.

On the machine on which RAC will be installed:

  • Ensure that you have installed the latest security updates or patches in accordance with the policies and procedures of your organization.

    • Information about Microsoft security updates is available from

    • On Linux, ensure that libpng12 is available. This package is not installed by default on all distributions. For information on Linux in general, see the documentation supplied with your operating environment.

    • For information on macOS, see the documentation supplied with your operating environment.

  • If you have another nShield product or an earlier version of the RAC on the computer, you should uninstall it. Failure to do so may result in impaired functionality of the RAC.

Install RAC on Windows

  1. Sign in to Windows as an administrator or as a user with local administrator rights.

  2. Mount the ISO.

    If the installation wizard does not start automatically, navigate to setup.msi on the installation media and click it to manually start the installation.

  3. Click Next to display the License Agreement page. Read the End User License Agreement (EULA).

    If you accept the terms and conditions, select the check box and click Next.

    Click Print if you need a printed copy of the agreement.

  4. If required, click Change to change the Destination Folder.

    Click Next to display the Product Features page, with both Remote Administration Client and Trusted Verification Device driver selected by default.

  5. Click Install to start the installation.

    The nShield Remote Administration Client Tools Setup page displays, with a progress bar.

  6. When the installation has completed, click Finish.

The program is added to the Windows start menu: Start > Entrust nShield Security World > Remote Administration Client.

Install RAC on Linux

  1. Sign in as a user with root privileges.

  2. Mount the ISO.

  3. Open a terminal window, and change to the root directory.

  4. Extract the rac.tar.gz file to install the software bundle by running the following command:

    tar xzvf <disc-name>/lin64/amd64/rac.tar.gz

    <disc-name> is the name of the mount point of the installation media.

  5. If you have not used the TVD on your computer previously, you might need to install one of the following drivers from the <ISO>/tvd/linux directory on the install media, depending on your distribution:

    • pcsc-cyberjack-3.99.5final.SP07-1.suse11.4.x86_64.rpm

    • pcsc-cyberjack-3.99.5final.SP07-1.suse12.3.x86_64.rpm

    • pcsc-cyberjack-3.99.5final.SP09-1.centos6.7.x86_64.rpm

    • pcsc-cyberjack-3.99.5final.SP09-1.centos7.1.1503.x86_64.rpm

Install RAC on macOS

  1. Sign in to macOS as a user with Administration rights.

  2. Load the Remote Administration Client software installation media or download the ISO onto your computer.

  3. Locate the disk image file RemoteAdminClient.dmg and open it in a new window.

  4. In the new window, drag the RemoteAdminClient icon to the Applications folder. Wait for the copy process to finish.

  5. If you have not used the TVD on your computer previously, you might need to install the relevant driver from the <ISO>/tvd/mac directory on the install media.

The Remote Administration client will be available in Applications and will show in the Launchpad as a shortcut. It can also be dragged to the Dock for easier access.