Entrust supplies the following SEE-specific nShield command-line utilities:
. -
. -
. -
host-side utilities:-
. -
. -
. -
. -
(the Trusted Code Tool)
This appendix also describes the following general nShield command-line utilities:
For a list of all supplied nShield utilities, see nShield v13.6.8 Utilities Reference.
The cpioc
command-line utility takes a collection of files and packs them up into a userdata
archive file that the SEE machine can use.
cpioc userdata.cpio <MyFile1> <MyFile2> <MyFile3> <[...]>
In this command, <MyFile1>
, <MyFile2>
, and <MyFile3>
represent the files being packed into the userdata.cpio
file that is generated by the command.
You can specify as many files as appropriate.
You can also specify one or more directories; the command automatically packs their contents (including any subdirectories) into the generated userdata.cpio
The elftool
command-line utility lets you convert ELF format executables into a format suitable for loading as an SEE machine.
elftool [<options>] <infile> [<outfile>]
This utility has the following options:
These options dumps (display) all fields in the input file infile as they are read.
These options suppresses informative messages.
This option checks that exactly one of each section type is present in the input file infile. If more than one section of a type is present, an error is displayed.
This option generates an output file outfile in nonexecutable AIF output (ARM only, deprecated).
This option generates an output file outfile in raw binary format.
This option generates an output file outfile in nShield SEE Executable Format (SXF).
These options check the input file infile without generating any output.
To view the loadable sections of an ELF file, use the following command:
elftool --dump-fields <infile>
This command displays details of the sections of the file under one of the following categories:
Read Only
This category includes program code and constant data (either
permissions). Read/Write
This category includes non-constant data initialized to particular values (
permissions). Zero Init
This category includes non-constant data initialized to zero.
To generate an AIF or SXF format output file correctly, the ELF input file must have the following characteristics:
The address range for one category of data (for example,
Read Only
) must not overlap with the address range for another (for example,Read/Write
). -
Zero Init
data must come after allRead/Write
data in memory (that is,Zero Init
data must occupy a higher memory address).
The default options for most linkers ensure that ELF files meet these requirements.
To convert a ELF file into SXF, a format specifically for SEE machines, use the following command:
elftool --sxf <infile> <outfile>
SXF format files can be loaded on all existing SEE-enabled HSMs. This is the preferred format.
To convert a ELF file into binary format, use the following command:
elftool --bin <infile> <outfile>
The output file consists of the Read Only
data immediately followed by the Read/Write
data, without a header.
This may be useful in applications other than SEE Machine images.
The loadmache
command-line utility supplied with the Secure Execution Engine (SEE) loads an SEE machine into an SEE-enabled HSM.
The hardserver can automatically use this utility to load an SEE machines.
To use this command, you must be logged in to the host computer as a user in the group nfast
(Linux) or as a user who is permitted to create privileged connections (Windows).
SEE machines that require support from a host-side see-*-serv utility
If your SEE machine requires support from a host-side see-*-serv utility, you must run one of those utilities as appropriate to serve the SEE machine before its networking or stdioe provisions can work.
loadmache [-m|--module=<MODULE>] [-s|--slot=<SLOT>] [-U|--unencrypted] [-e|--encryptionkey=<IDENT>] [-a|--sighash=<HASH>] [-n|--noprompt] <machine-filename>
In this command, the machine-filename parameter specifies the path of the SEE machine.
If machine-filename is not specified, loadmache
tries to select a machine from the location specified by the `NFAST_SEE_MACHINEIMAGE_`* environment variables.
See Environment variables for more information about environment variables.
HSM options
These options specify the hardware security module to use.
These options specify the slot from which to load cards.
SEE machine loading options
These options specify that the SEE machine is to be signed with a key whose hash is HASH.
These options specify that you are never prompted for missing smart cards.
These options specify that the SEE machine is to be unencrypted. This is the default. If set, these options override any previously specified `NFAST_SEE_MACHINEENCKEY_`* variable. See Environment variables for more information about environment variables.
These options specify that the SEE machine is to be encrypted with the key identified by IDENT. If set, these options override the
If neither the -e |--encryptionkey nor the -U |--unencrypted options are specified, a decryption key is used only if the name of a suitable one is found in the location specified by the NFAST_SEE_MACHINEENCKEY_DEFAULT environment variable.
See Environment variables for more information about environment variables.
The loadsee-setup
command-line utility helps you set up, display, or remove settings in the hardserver configuration file that control the automatic loading of SEE machines.
You can use loadsee-setup
for one of three types of action by specifying the appropriate option:
Specifying the
option selects thesetup
action, used to add a new configuration or replace an existing configuration -
Specifying the
option selects theremove
action, used to remove an existing configuration (without replacing it) -
Specifying the
option selects thedisplay
action, used to display the configuration of one or all HSMs
loadsee-setup -s|--setup -m <MODULE>
loadsee-setup -r|--remove -m <MODULE>
loadsee-setup -d|--display [-m <MODULE>]
Action selection
This option selects the
action, enabling you to set up the hardware configuration file for the HSM specified by-m
to provide automatic loading for the SEE machine specified by-M
You must always specify the -m |--module=<MODULE> and -M |--machine=<MACHINE>.sar options when using the --setup option.
See the comments in the hardserver configuration file for information about the effects of specifying or omitting other options.
This option selects the
action, enabling you to remove settings that control automatic SEE machine loading from the hardware configuration file for the HSM specified by-m
This option selects the
action, enabling you to display the current configuration of automatic SEE machine loading for the HSM specified by-m
or, if no HSM is specified, all HSMs in the Security World.
Setup options
This option specifies the SEE machine file (packed as a SAR). You must supply a value for this option when using setup mode.
This option specifies the name of the
file (packed as a SAR) to be passed to SEE machine. -k
This option identifies the
key protecting the SEE machine. You must supply this option is the SEE machine is encrypted. Only HSM-protected keys are supported. -S
This option identifies the hash of the key that the SEE machine is signed with. You only need to supply this option if the SEE machine is encrypted and you are using a dynamic SEE feature. This option is not required if the SEE machine is not encrypted or if you have the
static feature. -p
This option specifies the
name to use for publishing theKeyID
of the started SEE machine. -P
This option specifies the post-load program to be run after the SEE machine is loaded.
In most cases, SEE machines using the bsdlib
architecture should supply the valuebsdlib
to specify use of the providedpostload-bsdlib
program. -A
This option specifies an argument string to pass to the post-load program specified by the
option. Supply the individual arguments within the double quotation marks, each argument separated from the next by a single space.
General options
This option specifies the HSM with the hardware configuration file that is to be acted upon by the command. You must supply a value for this option in either setup or remove mode.
This option specifies name of (or path to) the hardserver configuration file to be acted upon by the command. The default is
(Linux) or%NFAST_KMDATA%\config\config
(Windows). -f
Setting this option allows the command to make configuration changes without prompting you.
This option prevents resetting HSMs with changed configurations.
loadsee-setup --setup
This section provides an example of loadsee-setup
used in --setup
When --setup
mode is specified, the only other required options are -m
and -M
However, if you supply the -A
option, you must also supply the -P
To set up a hardware configuration file to provide automatic loading for an SEE machine, run a command similar to the following Solo XC example:
loadsee-setup --setup -m1 --machine /tmp/test.sar --postload-prog=glibc --postload-args="--provision stdoe --userdata-sar /tmp/userdata.sar --trace"
If automatic SEE machine loading has already been configured for the specified HSM, loadsee-setup
warns you before it is overwritten:
Module #1 new SEE configuration saved, new configuration follows:
Module #1:
Machine file: /tmp/test-helloworld.sar
Userdata file:
WorldID published object:
Postload helper: glibc
Postload args: --provision stdoe --userdata-sar /tmp/test.cpio.sar
Clear modules now to reload new configuration? (yes/no): yes
You can use the -f
option to bypass this warning and overwrite the existing configuration.
After setting up the configuration, loadsee-setup
resets the affected HSM (unless you specified the --no-reset
loadsee-setup --remove
This section provides an example of loadsee-setup
used in --remove
When --remove
mode is specified, the only other required option is -m
This specifies the HSM with the hardserver configuration file that needs the settings for automatic SEE machine loading removed.
To remove settings for automatic SEE machine loading from an HSM’s hardware configuration file, run a command similar to the following example:
loadsee-setup --remove -m1
If the HSM specified by -m
does not exist or is not currently configured to automatic SEE machine loading configured, an error is displayed.
Otherwise, the current configuration is displayed and loadsee-setup
prompts you to continue:
Module #1:
Machine file: /tmp/test-helloworld.sar
Userdata file:
WorldID published object:
Postload helper: glibc
Postload args: --provision stdoe --userdata-sar /tmp/test.cpio.sar
Erase this configuration? (yes/no): yes
Module #1 SEE auto-loading configuration removed.
Clear modules now to reload new configuration? (yes/no): yes
You can use the -f
option to bypass warnings and remove the existing configuration without being prompted.
After removing the configuration, loadsee-setup
resets any HSM with a configuration that has changed (unless you specified the --no-reset
After running loadsee-setup
command in --remove
mode, no SEE machines are automatically loaded onto the specified HSM.
loadsee-setup --display
This section provides an example of loadsee-setup
used in --display
You are not required to specify any additional options with --remove
You can specify the -m
option to display the settings for automatic SEE machine loading in a particular HSM’s hardserver configuration file; without specifying this option, loadsee-setup
displays the settings for automatic SEE machine loading in the hardserver configuration files for any HSM in the Security World for which these settings exist.
To display settings for automatic SEE machine loading for all HSMs, run a command similar to the following example:
$ loadsee-setup --display
This command produces output similar to the following:
Module #1:
Machine file: /tmp/test-helloworld.sar
Userdata file:
WorldID published object:
Postload helper: glibc
Postload args: --provision stdoe --userdata-sar /tmp/test
The hsc_loadseemachine
utility enables you to publish an SEE machine.
The utility:
Loads an SEE machine into each HSM configured.
Publishes a newly created SEE world, if appropriate.
hsc_loadseemachine [<options>]
This option specifies the HSM number into which the configuration data must be read. The default value is
.The SEE machine can be loaded only if you specify this option. If you do not specify this option, the utility examines the configuration file to check the changes that are made to the
section and then reset any HSM that has had its entry modified. The hardserver loading script then callshsc_loadseemachine -m MODULE
for each HSM that has been reset. -c
This option specifies the name of the configuration file that must be read.
The nfkmverify
command-line utility verifies key generation certificates.
You can use nfkmverify
to confirm how a particular Security World and key are protected.
It also returns some information about the Security World and key.
The nfkmverify
utility compares the details in the ACL of the key and those of the card set that currently protects the key.
A key that has been recovered to a different card set shows a discrepancy for every respect that the new card set differs from the old one. For example, a key recovered from a 2-of-1 card set to a 1-of-1 card set has a different card-set hash and a different number of cards, so two discrepancies are reported. The discrepancy is between the card set mentioned in the ACL of the key and the card set by which the key is currently protected (that is, the card set mentioned in the key blobs).
A key that has been transferred from another Security World shows discrepancies and fails to be verified. We recommend that you verify keys in their original Security World at their time of generation. |
If you must replace your Security World or card set, we recommend that you generate new keys whenever possible. If you must transfer a key, perform key verification immediately before transferring the key; it is not always possible to verify a key after transferring it to a new Security World or changing the card set that protects it.
nfkmverify [-f|--force] [-v|--verbose] [-U|--unverifiable] [-m|--module=<MODULE>] [appname ident [appname ident [...]]]
Help options
This option displays help for
. -V
This option displays the version number for
. -u
This option displays a brief usage summary for
Program options
This option performs checks with module MODULE.
This option forces display of an output report that might be wrong.
This option permits operations to proceed even if the Security World is unverifiable.
If you need the -U
option, there may be some serious problems with your Security World. -v
This option prints full public keys and generation parameters.
This option checks the original ACL for the key using the key generation certificate. This is the default.
These options check the ACL of a loaded key instead of the generation certificate.
This option checks the ACL of the key loaded from the recovery blob.
This option allows an operation to proceed even if a Diffie-Hellman key is using an unrecognized Sophie-Germain group.
Output returned from nfkmverify
can take a variety of forms, depending on the parameters of the given key generation certificate, Security World, and key concerned.
Examples of possible output resulting from several different situations are provided below.
Under normal circumstances, issuing a command of the form:
nfkmverify --verbose --unverifiable myapp o20010621a13h25m02
returns output of the form:
** [Security world] **
1 Administrator Cards
(Currently in Module #1 Slot #0: Card #1)
Cardset recovery ENABLED
Passphrase recovery disabled
Strict FIPS 140 level 3 (does not improve security) disabled
SEE application nonvolatile storage disabled
real time clock setting disabled
SEE debugging disabled
Generating module ESN 0A42-E645-7A75 currently #1 (in same incarnation)
** [Application key myapp o20010621a13h25m02] **
[Named 'test Thu, 21 Jun 2001 13:25:02 +0100']
Useable by HOST applications.
Recovery ENABLED.
MODULE-ONLY protection
Type RSAPrivate 1024 bits keygenparams.type= RSAPrivate 2
.params.rsaprivate.flags= none 0x00000000
.lenbits= 0x00000400 1024
.given_e absent
.nchecks absent
Generating module ESN 0A42-E645-7A75 currently #1 (in same incarnation)
nCore hash 23a901f3329aa9e29cd79d3bb7b32d549b725fc3
public_half.type= RSAPublic 1
.data.rsapublic.e= 4 bytes
.n= 128 bytes
8a6ab219 183de558 48c8379e 840895ff 0ba64bae 392848c6 c0aeb7f9 d10b046d
4a214b70 4878b518 8e599c69 1cd61db0 bab4f852 425c70f5 b9c000e5 4ceda15f
c062b5dd 01852380 f70275a1 870a6947 68ef59f0 db5d2e84 d6ae8dc1 7542e94d
adedece8 cb3c9fb6 98fab8af 52c94137 a76ab7dd 38648134 0df55ca8 2f45e8b7
Verification successful, check details above.
Output of the form shown above indicates successful verification of the relevant key generation certificate.
The following examples indicate forms of output that could be returned if you try to verify the generation certificate of a key generated in a Security World that was created with an insufficiently up-to-date version of Security World for nShield.
In such a case, issuing a command of the form:
nfkmverify --verbose myapp spong
returns output of the form:
PROBLEM: no world generation certificates
PROBLEM: application key myapp spong: no key generation signature
2 issues found, NOT VERIFIED
Adding the --unverifiable
option to the same command:
nfkmverify --verbose --unverifiable myapp spong
returns output of the form:
PROBLEM: application key myapp spong: no key generation signature
1 issues found, NOT VERIFIED
Then, also adding the --force
option to this same command:
nfkmverify --force --verbose --unverifiable myapp spong
returns output of the form:
PROBLEM: application key myapp spong: no key generation signature
** [Security world] **
proceeding anyway as requested
** [Application key myapp spong] **
[Not named]
Useable by HOST applications.
Recovery ENABLED.
MODULE-ONLY protection
1 issues found, NOT VERIFIED