Install the CodeSafe 5 SDK on Windows


Make sure that the following nShield ISO images are available locally:

  • SecWorld_Windows-13.x.y.iso

  • Codesafe_Windows-13.x.y.iso

Where <x.y> are the same versions for Security World and CodeSafe.

Install the Security World Software

  1. Log in as Administrator or as a user with local administrator rights.

  2. Mount the Security World Software ISO image and navigate into the mounted directory.

  3. Launch setup.msi.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

  5. Accept the license terms and select Next to continue.

  6. Specify the installation directory and select Next to continue.

  7. Select Install.

  8. Select Finish to complete the installation.

Install CodeSafe 5

  1. Mount the CodeSafe 5 SDK ISO image and navigate into the mounted directory.

  2. Launch setup.msi.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

  4. Accept the license terms and select Next to continue.

  5. Specify the installation directory and select Next to continue.

  6. Select Install.

  7. Select Finish to complete the installation.

    This installs the nShield CodeSafe 5 SDK C:\Program Files\nCipher\nfast\c\csd5 and the nShield CodeSafe 5 SDK Python files to C:\Program Files\nCipher\nfast\python3\csd5.