Install the CodeSafe 5 SDK on Linux

  1. Make sure that the following nShield ISO images are available locally:

    • SecWorld_Lin64-13.x.y.iso

    • Codesafe_Lin64-13.x.y.iso

      Where <x.y> are the same versions for Security World and CodeSafe.

  2. Create a mount directory for each ISO:

    mkdir ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint
    mkdir ~/codesafe_iso_mountpoint
  3. Mount the ISO images to their respective directories:

    sudo mount <PATH_TO>/SecWorld_Lin64-13.x.y.iso ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/
    sudo mount <PATH_TO>/Codesafe_Lin64-13.x.y.iso ~/codesafe_iso_mountpoint/

    The nShield CodeSafe 5 hostside is located in tarballs under:

    ls ~/codesafe_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/
    csdref.tar.gz  csd.tar.gz

    The nShield Security World hostside is located in tarballs under:

    ls ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/
    ctd.tar.gz   devref.tar.gz  javasp.tar.gz  ncsnmp.tar.gz
    ctls.tar.gz  hwsp.tar.gz    jd.tar.gz      raserv.tar.gz
  4. Untar the tarballs into the root directory:

    tar -zxvf ~/codesafe_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/csd.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/codesafe_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/csdref.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/ctd.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/devref.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/javasp.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/ncsnmp.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/ctls.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/hwsp.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/jd.tar.gz -C /
    tar -zxvf ~/secworld_iso_mountpoint/linux/amd64/raserv.tar.gz -C /

    This installs the nShield CodeSafe 5 SDK to /opt/nfast/c/csd5 and the nShield CodeSafe 5 SDK Python files to /opt/nfast/python3/csd5.