Build and sign example SEE machines on Linux

Build module-side C examples

  1. Create an empty directory to build the module side examples into, for example:

    mkdir ~/buildmodule/
  2. Navigate to the empty directory:

    cd ~/buildmodule/
  3. Build the module side examples with cmake using the following commands:

    cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/nfast/c/csd5/cmake/codesafe-toolchain-nshield5-csee.cmake /opt/nfast/c/csd5/examples/
    cmake --build .

Successful builds create .cs5 images for each example. For example, the classic SEE Hello example has a .cs5 image at ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/hello.cs5.

Building Host Side C Examples

  1. Create an empty directory to build the host-side clients for the SEE machines, for example:

    mkdir ~/buildhost/
  2. Navigate to the directory where the host-side examples will be built:

    cd ~/buildhost/
  3. Build the host-side examples with cmake using the following commands:

    cmake /opt/nfast/c/csd5/examples/
    cmake --build .

Successful builds create executable host-side clients for each example. For example, the classic SEE Hello example has an executable program at ~/buildhost/n5/csee/hello/host/hello.

Build CS5 Images for Python Examples

  1. Create an empty directory to build the Python examples into, for example:

    mkdir ~/build_python
  2. Navigate to the empty directory:

    cd ~/build_python/
  3. Build the examples with cmake using the following commands:

    cmake /opt/nfast/python3/csd5/examples
    cmake --build .

Successful builds create .cs5 images and executable host-side clients for each example. For example, the hello_tcp example has a .cs5 image at ~/build_python/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/helloworld_mod_tcp.cs5 and the executable program is located at ~/build_python/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/hostside/

Sign CodeSafe Images

  1. Use csadmin ids create to generate the developer ID key, if it does not already exist, as well as the CSR file in a single step. If the key already exists, it only generates the CSR.

    csadmin ids create --keyname developerid --x509cname --x509country US --x509province Minnesota --x509locality Shakopee --x509org "Entrust CodeSafe" --x509orgunit "Entrust CodeSafe"
    Generate key 'testdeveloperkey' ...
    Loading `TestOCS':
     Module 1: 0 cards of 1 read
     Module 1 slot 0: empty
    Card reading complete.
    Generate a CSR in 'testdeveloperkey.csr' ...
    Created CSR file 'testdeveloperkey.csr'. Please send it to Entrust Support
    This creates the CSR file in the location where the command was run. This developer ID creation was done with TestOCS, quorum of 1/1. Exact output might vary slightly with different OCS quorums.
  2. Send the CSR to customer support to be signed by Entrust. You must obtain the signed developer ID certificate in order to sign and load an application.

    For more detailed information on Developer IDs and CSRs, see Sign and deploy CodeSafe 5 SDK apps using csadmin.
  3. Use nfast generatekey to generate a simple ECDSA NIST521P application signing key (ASK). The following example specifies the key to be protected by the module. However, end users are encouraged to protect the key with an OCS.

    /opt/nfast/bin/generatekey --batch --module=1 simple type=ECDSA curve=NISTP521 ident=ask plainname=ask protect=module
  4. Sign the CodeSafe image, for example:

    csadmin image sign --askeyname ask --devkeyname developerid --devcert ~/ca/developerid_cert.pem --out /tmp/hello-signed.cs5 ~/ca/hello.cs5

    Additional examples are provided later in this chapter.

  5. Use csadmin ids add to install the developer ID certificate chain from Entrust.

    You can use csadmin ids list to view the loaded certificate.

    $ csadmin ids add entrust_developerid_cert_chain.pem
    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    $ csadmin ids list
    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    {'serialNumber': '1', 'subject': 'Common Name:, Organizational Unit: Entrust CodeSafe, Organization: Entrust, Locality: Shakopee, State/Province: Minnesota, Country: US', 'keyid': 'abcdef12345678900987654321fedcbaabcdef12', 'authKeyid': '0987654321fedcbaabcdef123456789009876543', 'notBefore': '2023-01-01 12:34:56+00:00', 'notAfter': '2024-01-01 12:34:56+00:00'}
    {'serialNumber': '2', 'subject': 'Common Name:, Organizational Unit: Entrust CodeSafe, Organization: Entrust, Locality: Shakopee, State/Province: Minnesota, Country: US', 'keyid': '1234567890abcdeffedcba098765432112345678', 'authKeyid': 'fedcba09876543211234567890abcdeffedca098', 'notBefore': '2023-01-01 12:34:56+00:00', 'notAfter': '2024-01-01 12:34:56+00:00'}

Run NetSEE examples

NetSEE examples communicate between the client and SEE machine directly through a TCP/IPv6 network connection to the container, unlike legacy applications, such as for Solo XC or Solo+, which communicate through the hardserver to the nCore API.


To execute the helloworld TCP example that opens a socket within the container and uses the connection to transact a "helloworld" message:

  1. Sign the .cs5 image using devcert and askeys:

    csadmin image sign --askeyname ask --devkeyname developerid --devcert ~/ca/developerid_cert.pem --out ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/helloworld_mod_tcp-signed.cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/helloworld_mod_tcp.cs5
  2. Load the signed .cs5 image using csadmin load:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin load ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/helloworld_mod_tcp-signed.cs5
    The output of csadmin load contains the UUID of the loaded container. This UUID will be required for starting the container. The UUID can always be retrieved from the output of csadmin list.
  3. Start the container using csadmin start:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin start --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef
    csadmin list lists the UUIDs of all containers. The IPv6 address of the started container appears in the output of the csadmin start command. It can also be found in the output of csadmin list and csadmin stats.
  4. Run the host-side application.

    The host-side application takes three positional arguments, the IPv6 address of the container, the port number, and the message to send to the container. The port number used by this example is 8888 by default. The message can be any string of valid characters.

    ~/buildhost/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/hostside/helloworld_host_tcp ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff%nshield0 8888 hello_module

    Expected output:

    Successful Connection to Socket...
    Host>Sending TCP Message-->hello_module
    Host>Hello World From HSM!
    The IPv6 address is link-local and requires the zone index to be appended (typically %nshield0).


To execute the helloworld UDP example that opens a socket within the container and uses the connection to transact a "helloworld" message:

  1. Sign the .cs5 image using devcert and askeys:

    csadmin image sign --askeyname ask --devkeyname developerid --devcert ~/ca/developerid_cert.pem --out ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_udp/module/helloworld_mod_udp-signed.cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_udp/module/helloworld_mod_udp.cs5
  2. Load the signed container using csadmin load:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin load ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_udp/module/helloworld_mod_udp-signed.cs5

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765: Uploading ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_udp/module/helloworld_mod_udp-signed.cs5
    FEDC-BA09-8765: creating machine
    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    UUID: fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef
    The output of csadmin load contains the UUID of the loaded container. This UUID will be required for starting the container. The UUID can always be retrieved from the output of csadmin list.
  3. Start the container using csadmin start:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin start --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    IP ADDRESS: ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff
    csadmin list will list the UUIDs of all containers. The IPv6 address of the started container appears in the output of the csadmin start command. It can also be found in the output of csadmin list and csadmin stats.
  4. Run the host-side application.

    The host-side application takes three positional arguments, the IPv6 address of the container, the port number, and the message to send to the container. The port number used by this example is 8888 by default. The message can be any string of valid characters.

    ~/buildhost/n5/netsee/helloworld_udp/hostside/helloworld_host_udp ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff%nshield0 8888 hello_module

    Example output:

    Successful Connection to Socket...
    Host>Sending UDP Message-->hello_module
    Host>Hello World From HSM!
    The IPv6 address is link-local and requires the zone index to be appended (typically %nshield0).

Run NetSEE examples via SSH tunnel

NetSEE examples communicate between the client and SEE machine directly through a TCP/IPv6 network connection to the container, unlike legacy applications, such as for Solo XC or Solo+, which communicate through the hardserver to the nCore API.

helloworld_tcp via SSH Tunnel

To execute the helloworld TCP example via an SSH Tunnel that opens a socket within the container and uses the connection to transact a "helloworld" message:

  1. Create an SSHD key for the hello example:

    mkdir ~/examplekeys/
    ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key
  2. Modify the network-conf.json of the helloworld_tcp example to support SSH tunneling, for example:

    cat ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/network-conf.json
            "incoming": {
                            "protos": ["ipv6"],
                            "ports": [8888]
            "outgoing" : {
                    "tcp" :
                           "protos": ["ipv6"],
                           "ports": []
            "ssh_tunnel" : {
                     "container_port" : 8888

    When the container server app accepts a client connection on the specified incoming port (for example 8888), it designates and responds to the client on an ephemeral port in the range [32768-60999] as the outgoing port. This port does not have to be defined in the network-conf.json.

  3. Rebuild the .cs5 image with the updated network-conf.json so the loaded container will allow SSH tunneling:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin image generate --package-name "helloworld_tcp" --entry-point /usr/bin/entrypoint --network-conf ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/network-conf.json --packages-conf ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/extra-packages-conf.json --version-str 1.0  --rootdir ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/container/ ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/helloworld_mod_tcp.cs5

    Most paths used in generating the new image are paths to the file locations on the host that is building the image However, the --entry-point path is the absolute path to the entrypoint file within the container and should be /usr/bin/entrypoint, not ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/container/usr/bin/entrypoint.

  4. Sign the new .cs5 image using devcert and askeys:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin image sign --askeyname ask --devkeyname developerid --devcert ~/ca/developerid_cert.pem --out ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/helloworld_mod_tcp-signed.cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/helloworld_mod_tcp.cs5
  5. Load the signed container using csadmin load:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin load ~/buildmodule/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/module/helloworld_mod_tcp-signed.cs5

    The output of csadmin load contains the UUID of the loaded container. This UUID will be required for starting the container and managing the SSHD keys of the container. The UUID can always be retrieved from the output of csadmin list.

  6. Load the public key created earlier (helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key) to the container using csadmin sshd setclient:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin sshd keys setclient --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef --keyfile ~/examplekeys/
  7. Enable SSH tunneling on the container:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin sshd state enable --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    SSHD PORT: 6789
    LISTENING ADDRESS: aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa

    The output of sshd state enable contains the SSHD Port number and the listening address of the container SSHD.

  8. Start the container using csadmin start:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin start --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    csadmin list lists the UUIDs of all containers. The IPv6 address of the started container appears in the output of the csadmin start command. It can also be found in the output of csadmin list and csadmin stats.

  9. Setup the SSH tunnel on the host:

    Run csadmin sshd state get and collect the following information:

    • Container tunnel address (ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff)

    • Container port (8888)

    • SSHD port (6789)

    • SSHD listening address (aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa)

    On nShield Connect the SSHD listening address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address

    Next, choose a local IP address and port number through which to access the tunnel. Typically localhost is chosen as the local IP address ( or [::1])

    The SSH tunnel command is formatted as follows:

    ssh -i ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key -L LOCAL_IP:LOCAL_IP:[TUNNEL_ADDRESS%lxcbr0]:CONTAINER_PORT -f -N -p SSHD_PORT launcher@LISTENING_ADDRESS

    Using the example data:

    ssh -i ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key -L [::1]:8888:[ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff%lxcbr0]:8888 -f -N -p 6789 launcher@aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa%nshield0
    When using nShield 5s the IPv6 address is link-local and requires the zone index to be appended (typically %nshield0).
  10. Run the host-side application.

    The host-side application takes three positional arguments, the IPv6 address set up in the forwarding step [::1], the port number, and the message to send to the container. The port number used by this example is 8888 by default. The message can be any string of valid characters.

    ~/buildhost/n5/netsee/helloworld_tcp/hostside/helloworld_host_tcp ::1 8888 hello_module

    Expected Output:

    Successful Connection to Socket...
    Host>Sending TCP Message-->hello_module
    Host>Hello World From HSM!

Run CSEE examples via SSH tunnel

The Classic SEE (CSEE) examples are legacy examples modified to run with CodeSafe 5 to demonstrate use of the compatibility layer. These examples are identical to examples provided with previous iterations of nShield HSMs and CodeSafe. This section describes running the CSEE examples using an SSH Tunnel

hello via SSH Tunnel

This section describes executing the legacy hello example using the compatibility layer via an SSH Tunnel. The CSEE hello example operates functionally identically to previous hello examples for Solo XC and Solo+.

The hello example sends a string from the host to the module. The module converts the string to uppercase and returns the string to the host.

  1. Generate an input file containing a character string to be sent to the module.

    echo UPPERCASElowercase > ~/inputfile

    This input file has both uppercase and lowercase characters.

  2. Generate an SSHD key for the hello example:

    mkdir ~/examplekeys/
    ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ~/examplekeys/hello_ecdsa_key
  3. Modify the network-conf.json of the hello example to configure SSH tunneling, for example:

    cat ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/network-conf.json
            "incoming": {
                            "protos": ["ipv6"],
                            "ports": [8888]
            "outgoing" : {
                    "tcp" :
                           "protos": ["ipv6"],
                           "ports": []
            "ssh_tunnel" : {
                     "container_port" : 8888
    When the container server app accepts a client connection on the specified incoming port (for example 8888), it designates and responds to the client on an ephemeral port in the range [32768-60999] as the outgoing port. This port does not have to be defined in the network-conf.json.
  4. Rebuild the .cs5 image with the updated network-conf.json so the loaded container will allow SSH tunneling:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin image generate --package-name "hello" --entry-point /usr/bin/entrypoint --network-conf ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/network-conf.json --packages-conf ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/extra-packages-conf.json --version-str 1.0  --rootdir ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/container/ ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/hello.cs5

    Most paths used in generating the new image are paths to the file locations on the host that is building the image. However, the --entry-point path is the absolute path to the entrypoint file within the container and should be /usr/bin/entrypoint, not ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/container/usr/bin/entrypoint.

  5. Sign the .cs5 image using devcert and askeys:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin image sign --askeyname ask --devkeyname developerid --devcert ~/ca/developerid_cert.pem --out ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/hello-signed.cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/hello.cs5
  6. Load the signed container using csadmin load:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin load ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/hello-signed.cs5

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765: Uploading ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/hello-signed.cs5
    FEDC-BA09-8765: creating machine
    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    UUID: fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    The output of csadmin load contains the UUID of the loaded container. This UUID will be required for starting the container and managing the SSHD keys of the container. The UUID can always be retrieved from the output of csadmin list.

  7. Load the public key created earlier (hello_ecdsa_key) to the container using csadmin sshd setclient:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin sshd keys setclient --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef --keyfile ~/examplekeys/
  8. Enable SSH tunneling on the container:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin sshd state enable --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    SSHD PORT: 6789
    LISTENING ADDRESS: aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa

    The output of sshd state enable contains the SSHD port number and the listening address of the container SSHD.

  9. Start the container using csadmin start:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin start --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    IP ADDRESS: ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff

    csadmin list lists the UUIDs of all containers. The IPv6 address of the started container appears in the output of the csadmin start command. It can also be found in the output of csadmin list and csadmin stats.

  10. Setup the SSH tunnel on the host:

    Run csadmin sshd state get and collect the following information:

    • Container tunnel address (ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff)

    • Container port (8888)

    • SSHD port (6789)

    • SSHD listening address (aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa)

    On nShield Connect the SSHD listening address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address

    Next, choose a local IP address and port number through which to access the tunnel. Typically localhost is chosen as the local IP address ( or [::1])

    The SSH tunnel command is formatted as follows:

    ssh -i ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key -L LOCAL_IP:LOCAL_IP:[TUNNEL_ADDRESS%lxcbr0]:CONTAINER_PORT -f -N -p SSHD_PORT launcher@LISTENING_ADDRESS

    Using the example data:

    ssh -i ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key -L [::1]:8888:[ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff%lxcbr0]:8888 -f -N -p 6789 launcher@aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa%nshield0
    When using nShield 5s the IPv6 address is link-local and requires the zone index to be appended (typically %nshield0).
  11. Run the host-side application.

    The host-side application takes one required positional argument, and three required optional arguments. The required optional arguments are the IPv6 address set up in the forwarding step [::1] (--ipv6), the UUID of the container (--uuid), and the file path to the signed container image (--cs5). The required positional argument is the input file containing a string to convert to uppercase on the module.

    ~/buildhost/n5/csee/hello/hostside/hello --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef --ipv6 ::1 --cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/hello/module/hello-signed.cs5 ~/inputfile

    Example output:

    Worldid: 0x1234abcd

    The module has received the input string UPPERCASElowercase and has converted and returned it as a fully uppercase string UPPERCASELOWERCASE.

tickets via SSH tunnel

This section describes executing the legacy tickets example using the compatibility layer via an SSH Tunnel. The CSEE tickets example operates functionally identically to previous tickets examples for Solo XC, Solo+. The tickets example serves to demonstrate cryptographic functionality by encrypting and having the module decrypt a user-provided string.

  1. Generate a simple RSA key to encrypt with:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/generatekey --module=1 simple type=RSA pubexp=3 ident=encryptionkeytickets plainname=encryptionkeytickets protect=module nvram=no size=2048
  2. Generate an SSHD key for the tickets example:

    mkdir ~/examplekeys/
    ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ~/examplekeys/tickets_ecdsa_key
  3. Modify the network-conf.json of the tickets example to configure SSH tunneling, for example:

    cat ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/network-conf.json
            "incoming": {
                            "protos": ["ipv6"],
                            "ports": [8888]
            "outgoing" : {
                    "tcp" :
                           "protos": ["ipv6"],
                           "ports": []
            "ssh_tunnel" : {
                     "container_port" : 8888
    When the container server app accepts a client connection on the specified incoming port (for example 8888), it designates and responds to the client on an ephemeral port in the range [32768-60999] as the outgoing port. This port does not have to be defined in the network-conf.json.
  4. Rebuild the .cs5 image with the updated network-conf.json:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin image generate --package-name "tickets" --entry-point /usr/bin/entrypoint --network-conf ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/network-conf.json --packages-conf ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/extra-packages-conf.json --version-str 1.0  --rootdir ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/container/ ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/seetickets.cs5

    Most paths used in generating the new image are paths to the file locations on the host that is building the image. However, the --entry-point path is the absolute path to the entrypoint file within the container and should be /usr/bin/entrypoint, not ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/container/usr/bin/entrypoint.

  5. Sign the .cs5 image using devcert and askeys:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin image sign --askeyname ask --devkeyname developerid --devcert ~/ca/developerid_cert.pem --out ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/seetickets-signed.cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/seetickets.cs5
  6. Load the signed container using csadmin load:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin load ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/seetickets-signed.cs5

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765: Uploading ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/seetickets-signed.cs5
    FEDC-BA09-8765: creating machine
    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    UUID: fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    The output of csadmin load contains the UUID of the loaded container. This UUID will be required for starting the container and managing the SSHD keys of the container. The UUID can also be retrieved from the output of csadmin list.

  7. Load the public key created earlier (tickets_ecdsa_key) to the container using csadmin sshd setclient:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin sshd keys setclient --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef --keyfile ~/examplekeys/
  8. Enable SSH tunneling on the container:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin sshd state enable --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    SSHD PORT: 6789
    LISTENING ADDRESS: aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa

    The output of sshd state enable contains the SSHD Port number and the listening address of the container sshd.

  9. Start the container using csadmin start:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin start --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    IP ADDRESS: ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff
    The IPv6 address of the started container appears in the output of the csadmin start command. It can also be found in the output of csadmin list and csadmin stats.
  10. Setup the SSH tunnel on the host:

    Run csadmin sshd state get and collect the following information:

    • Container tunnel address (ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff)

    • Container port (8888)

    • SSHD port (6789)

    • SSHD listening address (aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa)

    On nShield Connect the SSHD listening address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address

    Next, choose a local IP address and port number through which to access the tunnel. Typically localhost is chosen as the local IP address ( or [::1])

    The SSH tunnel command is formatted as follows:

    ssh -i ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key -L LOCAL_IP:LOCAL_IP:[TUNNEL_ADDRESS%lxcbr0]:CONTAINER_PORT -f -N -p SSHD_PORT launcher@LISTENING_ADDRESS

    Using the example data:

    ssh -i ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key -L [::1]:8888:[ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff%lxcbr0]:8888 -f -N -p 6789 launcher@aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa%nshield0
    When using nShield 5s the IPv6 address is link-local and requires the zone index to be appended (typically %nshield0).
  11. Run the host-side application.

    The host-side application takes three required optional arguments. The required optional arguments are the IPv6 address set up in the forwarding above [::1] (--ipv6), the UUID of the container (--uuid), and the file path of the signed .cs5 image (--cs5). The host-side also accepts the encryption key created earlier as an optional argument (--key).

    ~/buildhost/n5/csee/tickets/hostside/hosttickets --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef --ipv6 ::1 --cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/tickets/module/seetickets-signed.cs5 --key simple,encryptionkeytickets
  12. When prompted, enter a string to encrypt (for example, testencryption) and press Return:

    Enter string to be encrypted (256 characters maximum): testencryption

    The host encrypts the message then the module decrypts it and returns it in plain text format.

    Example output:

    HostSide> Loading security world key (simple,encryptionkeytickets)
    HostSide> Creating World: init status was 0 (OK)
    HostSide> Sending ticket for private RSA key to module
    HostSide> Generating AES session key and creating blob under public RSA key
    HostSide> Sending key blob to module
    HostSide> Sending cipher-text to module
    HostSide> decrypted cipher text received from SEE machine:
    HostSide> Thank you for watching. The end.

benchmark via SSH tunnel

This section describes executing the legacy benchmark example using the compatibility layer via an SSH tunnel. The CSEE benchmark example operates functionally identically to previous benchmark examples for Solo XC and Solo+. The benchmark example will transact asynchronously with the module running multiple threads processing transactions. The benchmark example will output transactions/second data every second.

  1. Generate a simple key for signing a ticket in the bm-machine on the module:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/generatekey --module=1 simple type=RSA pubexp=3 ident=signingkeybenchmark plainname=signingkeybenchmark protect=module nvram=no size=2048
  2. Generate an SSHD key for the benchmark example:

    mkdir ~/examplekeys/
    ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f ~/examplekeys/benchmark_ecdsa_key
  3. Modify the network-conf.json of the benchmark example to configure SSH tunneling, for example:

    cat ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/network-conf.json
            "incoming": {
                            "protos": ["ipv6"],
                            "ports": [8888]
            "outgoing" : {
                    "tcp" :
                           "protos": ["ipv6"],
                           "ports": []
            "ssh_tunnel" : {
                     "container_port" : 8888
    When the container server app accepts a client connection on the specified incoming port (8888), it designates and responds to the client on an ephemeral port in the range [32768-60999] as the outgoing port. This port does not have to be defined in the network-conf.json.
  4. Rebuild the .cs5 image with the updated network-conf.json:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin image generate --package-name "bm-machine" --entry-point /usr/bin/entrypoint --network-conf ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/network-conf.json --packages-conf ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/extra-packages-conf.json --version-str 1.0  --rootdir ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/container/ ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/bm-machine.cs5

    Most paths used in generating the new image are paths to the file locations on the host that is building the image. However, the --entry-point path is the absolute path to the entrypoint file within the container and should be /usr/bin/entrypoint, not ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/container/usr/bin/entrypoint.

  5. Sign the .cs5 image using devcert and askeys:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin image sign --askeyname ask --devkeyname developerid --devcert ~/ca/developerid_cert.pem --out ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/bm-machine-signed.cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/bm-machine.cs5
  6. Load the signed container using csadmin load:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin load ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/bm-machine-signed.cs5

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765: Uploading ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/bm-machine-signed.cs5
    FEDC-BA09-8765: creating machine
    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    UUID: fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    The output of csadmin load contains the UUID of the loaded container. This UUID will be required for starting the container and managing the SSHD keys of the container. The UUID can always be retrieved from the output of csadmin list.

  7. Load the public key created earlier (benchmark_ecdsa_key) to the container using csadmin sshd setclient:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin sshd keys setclient --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef --keyfile ~/examplekeys/
  8. Enable SSH tunneling on the container:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin sshd state enable --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    SSHD PORT: 6789
    LISTENING ADDRESS: aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa
    The output of sshd state enable contains the SSHD port number and the listening address of the container SSHD.
  9. Start the container using csadmin start:

    sudo /opt/nfast/bin/csadmin start --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef

    Example output:

    FEDC-BA09-8765        SUCCESS
    IP ADDRESS: ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff

    The IPv6 address of the started container appears in the output of the csadmin start command. It can also be found in the output of csadmin list and csadmin stats.

  10. Setup the SSH tunnel on the host:

    Run csadmin sshd state get and collect the following information:

    • Container tunnel address (ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff)

    • Container port (8888)

    • SSHD port (6789)

    • SSHD listening address (aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa)

    On nShield Connect the SSHD listening address may be an IPv4 or IPv6 address

    Next, choose a local IP address and port number through which to access the tunnel. Typically localhost is chosen as the local IP address ( or [::1])

    The SSH tunnel command is formatted as follows:

    ssh -i ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key -L LOCAL_IP:LOCAL_IP:[TUNNEL_ADDRESS%lxcbr0]:CONTAINER_PORT -f -N -p SSHD_PORT launcher@LISTENING_ADDRESS

    Using the example data:

    ssh -i ~/examplekeys/helloworld_tcp_ecdsa_key -L [::1]:8888:[ffff::fff:ffff:ffff:ffff%lxcbr0]:8888 -f -N -p 6789 launcher@aaaa::aa:aaaa:aaaa:aaaa%nshield0
    When using nShield 5s the IPv6 address is link-local and requires the zone index to be appended (typically %nshield0).
  11. Run the host-side application.

    The host-side application takes three required optional arguments and two positional arguments. The required optional arguments are the IPv6 address set up in the forwarding above [::1] (--ipv6), the UUID of the container (--uuid), and the path to the signed .cs5 image (--cs5). The required positional arguments are the simple signing key created earlier.

    ~/buildhost/n5/csee/benchmark/hostside/bm-test --uuid fedcba09-8765-4321-1234-567890abcdef --ipv6 ::1 --cs5 ~/buildmodule/n5/csee/benchmark/module/bm-machine-signed.cs5 simple signingkeybenchmark

    Example output:

    Worldid: 0x1234abcd
    1 759 759.00
    2 1522 761.00
    3 2361 787.00
    4 3324 831.00
    5 4238 847.60
    6 5124 854.00
    7 5948 849.71
    8 6723 840.38
    9 7579 842.11
    10 8408 840.80