Support and Maintenance

Customers are encouraged to obtain a support contract and regularly update their HSM to the latest firmware release.

Security Advisories

If Entrust becomes aware of a security issue affecting nShield HSMs, Entrust will publish a Security Advisory to customers. The Security Advisory will describe the issue and provide recommended actions. In some circumstances the Security Advisory may recommend you upgrade the nShield firmware and/or nShield Connect image file. In this situation you will need to re-present an ACS quorum to the HSM to reload a Security World. The HMS may need upgrading in the field. Consider this when you are deploying the HSM and include the upgrade procedure in the maintenance documentation.

The Remote Administration feature supports remote firmware upgrade of nShield Solo and nShield Connects and remote ACS card presentation.

To see announcements made on a new nShield Security Advisory, we recommend that you regularly check the nShield Announcements & Security Notices section of the Entrust nShield Support Portal.

Application and Operating System patching

To maintain protection against threats that occur in the system environment operating systems and applications should be updated in accordance with a patching policy as described in Patching Policy.

Connect fan tray module and PSU maintenance

The nShield Connect contains only two user-replaceable parts:

  • The PSUs

  • The fan tray module.

Replacing a PSU or fan tray module does not affect FIPS 140-2 validations for the nShield Connect, or result in a tamper event. However, in the very rare event that a PSU or fan tray module requires replacement, contact Support before carrying out the replacement procedure.

Do not remove the fan tray for more than 30 minutes, otherwise a tamper event will occur.

For more information about replacing either a PSU or the fan tray module, see the Installation Sheet that accompanies the replacement part or the Physical Security chapter of the Connect User Guide.

Breaking the security seal or dismantling the nShield Connect voids your warranty cover, and any existing maintenance and support agreements.
Mains power plugs on UK cordsets contain a 5A fuse (BS1362). Only replace with the same type and rating of fuse. If a replacement fuse fails immediately, contact Support. Do not replace with a higher value fuse.

If the product has to be moved for maintenance then all movement should occur in accordance with the HSM and Card Reader Location. Similarly, if the Connect is stored before or after maintenance, then, it should be stored in accordance with the guidance outlined in Environment.

Solo XC fan and battery maintenance

The fan and battery can be replaced should either malfunction or the battery has reached the end of its useful life. Replacing the battery and/or fan whilst the card is powered down will not cause a tamper of any sort. See Physical Security for guidance on tamper events. The replacement procedure is described in the Solo Installation User Guide.

If the product has to be moved for maintenance then all movement should occur in accordance with the HSM and Card Reader Location. Similarly, if the Solo XC is stored before or after maintenance, then, it should be stored in accordance with the guidance outlined in Environment.

Maintenance mode

Firmware upgrades of the module are only allowed when the module is in maintenance mode. Refer to the Installation and User Guides for more information on setting the module into maintenance mode.


In the event of problems with the nShield HSM refer to either:

  • The Troubleshooting chapter in the Connect Installation Guide and the Logging, debugging and diagnostics appendix in the Connect User Guide.

  • The Checking the installation and the Status indicators chapters in the Solo Installation Guide and the Logging, debugging and diagnostics appendix in the Solo User Guide.

If the problem cannot be resolved contact support.

Debugging information for Java

Debug output contains all commands and replies sent to the hardserver in their entirety, including all plain texts and the corresponding cipher texts as applicable.

Contacting Entrust nShield Support

To obtain support for your product, visit