stattree [<node> [<node> [[...]]]]
The output of stattree
is statistics currently available on the host machine.
Statistics are gathered both by the hardserver (relating to the server itself, and its current clients) and by each attached HSM.
A typical (abbreviated) output fragment from stattree
See the examples for more complete outputs.
$ stattree
-Uptime 613631
-CmdCount 153343
-Uptime 613631
-CmdCount 0
-Uptime 0
-CmdCount 13
-ObjectCount 5
-CacheEntryCount 0
-SerialNumber 8ED1-2C9A-9331
-CmdCount 153352
-DriverIRQs 0
-JobsOutstanding 0
Example outputs
-Uptime 17577
-CmdCount 1240357
-CmdBytes 77927908
-CmdMarshalErrors 0
-ReplyCount 1240512
-ReplyBytes 2036926904
-ReplyMarshalErrors 0
-ClientCount 9
-MaxClients 17
-DeviceFails 0
-DeviceRestarts 0
-CryptoClientCount 0
-MaxCryptoClients 0
-AuditDBFreeSpaceMB 486429
-AuditDBUsedSpaceMB 0
-Uptime 17577
-CmdCount 1240357
-CmdBytes 77927908
-CmdMarshalErrors 0
-ReplyCount 1240512
-ReplyBytes 2036926904
-ReplyMarshalErrors 0
-ClientCount 9
-MaxClients 17
-DeviceFails 0
-DeviceRestarts 0
-CryptoClientCount 0
-MaxCryptoClients 0
-AuditDBFreeSpaceMB 486429
-AuditDBUsedSpaceMB 0
-ObjectCount 7
-ObjectsCreated 51
-ObjectsDestroyed 44
-CacheEntryCount 0
-CacheEntriesInserted 0
-CacheEntriesRemoved 0
-SerialNumber AC03-03E0-D947
-Uptime 11262
-CurrentTime 1437708806
-MemTotal 2030891008
-MemAllocKernel 470183936
-MemAllocUser 0
-TempSP 39.00
-CurrentCPUTemp1 53.00
-CurrentCPUTemp2 45.00
-CPUVoltage1 1.00
-CPUVoltage2 1.80
-CPUVoltage3 0.99
-CPUVoltage4 1.35
-CPUVoltage5 1.00
-CPUVoltage6 1.51
-CPUVoltage7 3.35
-CPUVoltage8 2.53
-CPUVoltage9 1.19
-CPUVoltage10 2.92
-CPUVoltage11 11.84
-MaxTempC 53.00
-MinTempC 38.00
-AIS31PrelimAlarms 0
-MceCount 0
-SpiRetries 0
-SpI2c1 0
-SpI2c2 9
-SpTempExcursion 0
-SpVoltageExcursion 0
-HostBusExceptions 0
-CryptoBusExceptions 0
-SpSensorCmdFails 0
-NVMFreeSpace 272822272
-NVMWearLevel 0.00
-NVMWornBlocks 0.00
-CurrentFanSpeed 4615
-CurrentFanDuty 25
-XCSpLogEventID 19
-XCSpLogEventDate 1431650807
-XCSpLogEventID 50
-XCSpLogEventDate 4294967295
-XCSpLogEventID 11
-XCSpLogEventDate 1431650905
-XCSpLogEventID 4
-XCSpLogEventDate 1431652698
-XCSpLogEventID 5
-XCSpLogEventDate 1431652698
-XCSpLogEventID 17
-XCSpLogEventDate 1431652764
-XCSpLogEventID 17
-XCSpLogEventDate 1431661948
-XCSpLogEventID 18
-XCSpLogEventDate 1434078570
-XCSpLogEventID 38
-XCSpLogEventDate 1434078570
-XCSpLogEventID 39
-XCSpLogEventDate 1434078570
-XCSpLogEventID 11
-XCSpLogEventDate 1434078710
-XCSpLogEventID 18
-XCSpLogEventDate 1434158867
-XCSpLogEventID 38
-XCSpLogEventDate 1434158867
-XCSpLogEventID 39
-XCSpLogEventDate 1434158867
-XCSpLogEventID 11
-XCSpLogEventDate 1434158878
-XCSpLogEventID 18
-XCSpLogEventDate 1436951986
-XCSpLogEventID 38
-XCSpLogEventDate 1436951986
-XCSpLogEventID 39
-XCSpLogEventDate 1436951986
-XCSpLogEventID 11
-XCSpLogEventDate 1436951993
-CmdCount 8086
-ReplyCount 8084
-CmdBytes 175400
-ReplyBytes 391520
-JobsStarted 8086
-JobsComplete 8085
-RepliesQueued 8089
-HostWriteCount 7693
-HostWriteErrors 0
-HostReadCount 15651
-HostReadErrors 0
-HostReadEmpty 0
-HostReadDeferred 7798
-HostReadTerminated 0
-PFNIssued 4425
-PFNRejected 0
-PFNCompleted 4424
-ANIssued 5
-CPULoadPercent 4
-HostIRQs 8876778
-HostReadCount 3029341
-HostReadDeferred 0
-HostReadErrors 66
-HostReadReconnect 0
-HostWriteCount 5847385
-HostWriteErrors 0
-ObjectCount 7
-ObjectsCreated 83
-ObjectsDestroyed 76
-CacheEntryCount 0
-CacheEntriesInserted 0
-CacheEntriesRemoved 0
-SerialNumber E2D5-E4DD-7C59
-Uptime 17570
-MemTotal 62169088
-MemAllocKernel 577536
-MemAllocUser 0
-CurrentTempC 58.50
-MaxTempC 58.50
-MinTempC 57.00
-CmdCount 12676
-ReplyCount 12674
-CmdBytes 273284
-ReplyBytes 533932
-JobsStarted 12676
-JobsComplete 12675
-RepliesQueued 12802
-HostWriteCount 12044
-HostWriteErrors 0
-HostReadCount 25369
-HostReadErrors 0
-HostReadEmpty 0
-HostReadDeferred 12599
-HostReadTerminated 0
-PFNIssued 7010
-PFNRejected 0
-PFNCompleted 7009
-ANIssued 128
-CPULoadPercent 0
-HostIRQs 24819
-HostReadCount 12773
-HostReadDeferred 12601
-HostReadReconnect 12600
-HostReadErrors 0
-HostReadPushedDMA 80
-HostReadPushedPIO 12690
-HostWriteCount 12046
-HostWriteErrors 0
-HostDebugIRQs 0
-HostUnhandledIRQs 0
-HostKernReadCount 0
-HostKernReadDeferred 0
-HostKernReadReconnect 0
-HostKernReadErrors 0
-HostKernReadPushedDMA 0
-HostKernReadPushedPIO 0
-HostKernWriteCount 0
-HostKernWriteErrors 0
-Uptime 557411
-CmdCount 13499000
-CmdBytes 1516570032
-CmdMarshalErrors 0
-ReplyCount 13499019
-ReplyBytes 2836736908
-ReplyMarshalErrors 0
-ClientCount 12
-MaxClients 34
-DeviceFails 0
-DeviceRestarts 0
-CryptoClientCount 2
-MaxCryptoClients 3
-AuditDBFreeSpaceMB 11822
-AuditDBUsedSpaceMB 0
-Uptime 557466
-CPULoadPercent 0
-MemAllocUser 1874176
-MemAllocKernel 1874176
-CurrentTempC 34.50
-MinTempC 24.00
-MaxTempC 41.50
-CurrentTemp2C 34.00
-MinTemp2C 24.50
-MaxTemp2C 41.50
-VoltageOn3p3VSupply 3.37
-CurrentOn3p3VSupply 0.20
-VoltageOn5VSupply 5.00
-CurrentOn5VSupply 0.68
-VoltageOn12VSupply 11.91
-CurrentOn12VSupply 1.08
-VoltageOn5VSBSupply 5.02
-CurrentOn5VSBSupply 0.35
-TamperBattery1 3.56
-TamperBattery2 0.04
-PSUFailure 0
-CurrentFanRPM 6240
-CurrentFan2RPM 6240
-CurrentFan3RPM 6240
-CurrentFan4RPM 6240
-CurrentFan5RPM 0
-CurrentFan6RPM 0
-CurrentFanRPM 6240
-CurrentFanRPM 6240
-CurrentFanRPM 6240
-CurrentFanRPM 6240
-Uptime 557411
-CmdCount 0
-CmdBytes 0
-CmdMarshalErrors 0
-ReplyCount 1713
-ReplyBytes 47964
-ReplyMarshalErrors 0
-DevOutstanding 1
-QOutstanding 0
-LongOutstanding 0
-RemoteIPAddr (local)
-ClientNumber 1
-ClientProcessID 0
-ObjectCountTotal 0
-ObjectCount 0
-Uptime 557357
-CmdCount 7
-CmdBytes 536
-CmdMarshalErrors 0
-ReplyCount 7
-ReplyBytes 748
-ReplyMarshalErrors 0
-DevOutstanding 0
-QOutstanding 0
-LongOutstanding 0
-RemoteIPAddr (local)
-ClientNumber 5
-ClientProcessID 726
-ClientProcessName /opt/nfast/sbin/config-update
-ObjectCountTotal 0
-ObjectCount 0
-ObjectCount 6
-ObjectsCreated 211
-ObjectsDestroyed 205
-CacheEntryCount 0
-CacheEntriesInserted 0
-CacheEntriesRemoved 0
-SerialNumber 4210-02E0-D947
-Uptime 54491
-CurrentTime 1713974041
-MemTotal 2030891008
-MemAllocKernel 473952256
-MemAllocUser 0
-TempSP 38.00
-CurrentCPUTemp1 55.00
-CurrentCPUTemp2 44.00
-CPUVoltage1 1.00
-CPUVoltage2 1.79
-CPUVoltage3 0.99
-CPUVoltage4 1.35
-MaxTempC 55.00
-MinTempC 36.00
-AIS31PrelimAlarms 0
-MceCount 0
-SpiRetries 0
-SpI2c1 0
-SpI2c2 34
-SpTempExcursion 0
-SpVoltageExcursion 0
-HostBusExceptions 0
-CryptoBusExceptions 0
-SpSensorCmdFails 0
-NVMFreeSpace 273788928
-NVMWearLevel 0.04
-NVMWornBlocks 0.00
-CurrentFanSpeed 4615
-CurrentFanDuty 25
-XCSpLogEventID 5
-XCSpLogEventDate 1712803702
-XCSpLogEventID 18
-XCSpLogEventDate 1712803759
-XCSpLogEventID 18
-XCSpLogEventDate 1712803979
-XCSpLogEventID 18
-XCSpLogEventDate 1712804362
-XCSpLogEventID 18
-XCSpLogEventDate 1713416534
-CmdCount 4643573
-ReplyCount 2290447
-CmdBytes 1668
-ReplyBytes 5251
-JobsStarted 55
-JobsComplete 2353182
-RepliesQueued 55
-HostWriteCount 198489
-HostWriteErrors 0
-HostReadCount 397806
-HostReadErrors 0
-HostReadEmpty 0
-HostReadDeferred 198705
-HostReadTerminated 0
-PFNIssued 21456
-PFNRejected 0
-PFNCompleted 21455
-ANIssued 6
-CPULoadPercent 2
-HostIRQs 4643632
-HostReadCount 2290449
-HostReadDeferred 0
-HostReadErrors 3
-HostReadReconnect 0
-HostWriteCount 2353184
-HostWriteErrors 0
-DriverIRQs 4643585
-DriverReadIRQs 2290453
-DriverWriteIRQs 2353185
-DriverWriteFails 0
-DriverWriteBlocks 2353185
-DriverWriteBytes 1489286200
-DriverReadFails 0
-DriverReadBlocks 0
-DriverReadBytes 0
-DriverEnsureFail 1
-DriverEnsure 2290451
-JobsOutstanding 1
-LongJobsOutstanding 0
-CmdCount 13438883
-ReplyCount 13438882
-DriverIRQs 190493
-DriverReadIRQs 96241
-DriverWriteIRQs 94281
-DriverWriteFails 0
-DriverWriteBlocks 94281
-DriverWriteBytes 3470424
-DriverReadFails 0
-DriverReadBlocks 0
-DriverReadBytes 0
-DriverEnsureFail 0
-DriverEnsure 96236
-JobsOutstanding 1
-LongJobsOutstanding 0
-CmdCount 12638
-ReplyCount 12637
-DriverIRQs 193067
-DriverReadIRQs 99010
-DriverWriteIRQs 94580
-DriverWriteFails 0
-DriverWriteBlocks 94580
-DriverWriteBytes 3043588
-DriverReadFails 0
-DriverReadBlocks 14
-DriverReadBytes 114688
-DriverEnsureFail 0
-DriverEnsure 99011
-JobsOutstanding 1
-LongJobsOutstanding 0
-CmdCount 12681
-ReplyCount 12680
, ModuleObjStats
, and ModuleEnvStats
are <node>
tags that identify classes of statistics for each hardwerver or HSM.
identifies an instance node.
, MemTotal
, and the remaining items at the same level are pairs of <statistics-id>
s and their values.
Times are listed in seconds.
Other numbers are integers, which are either real numbers, IP addresses, or counters.
For example, a result -CmdCount 74897
means that there have been 74,897 commands submitted.
If you provide a <node>
on the command line, stattree
uses it as the starting point of the tree and displays only information at or below that <node>
in the tree.
Values for <node>
can be numeric or textual.
$ stattree PerModule 3 ModuleObjStats
-ObjectCount 6
-ObjectsCreated 334
-ObjectsDestroyed 328
If you use a <statistics-id>
instead of a <node>
on the command line, you get an error message:
$ stattree PerModule 3 ModuleObjStats ObjectCount
Unable to convert 'ObjectCount' to number or tag name.
Node tags
Statistics for connections between clients and the hardserver.
There is one node for each currently active connection.
Each node has an instance number that matches the log message generated by the server when that client connected.
For example, when the hardserver message is |
Only in network-attached HSMs |
Only in network-attached HSMs |
Statistics about cache entries. |
General statistics for the HSM’s operating environment. |
This tag holds statistics for the Security World Software commands (jobs) processed by this HSM. |
Statistics for the HSM’s Object Store, which contains keys and other resources. These statistics may be useful in debugging applications that leak key handles, for example. |
This tag holds statistics for the PCI connection between the HSM and the host computer. It does not apply to nShield Edge HSMs. |
This tag is for nShield Edge HSMs only. It holds statistics for the serial connection between the HSM and the host computer. |
Statistics kept by the HSMs. There is one instance node for each HSM, numbered using the standard HSM numbering. The statistics provided by each HSM depend on the HSM type and firmware version. |
Aggregate statistics for all commands processed by the hardserver since it started. |
Lists Security Processor log events for XC HSMs. |
Statistics IDs
nShield 5 HSMs |
The number of |
nShield 5 HSMs |
nShield 5 HSMs |
Total number of entries inserted into the cache. |
Total number of entries removed from the cache. |
The number of entries in the cache. |
The number of fast channel jobs completed by the HSM.
The fast channel facility is unsupported on current HSMs.
This number should always be |
The number of low-level (principally data transport) errors encountered while processing fast channel jobs.
Should always be |
The number of fast channel jobs issued to the HSM.
The fast channel facility is unsupported on current HSMs.
This number should always be |
The number of clients currently connected to the hardserver.
This also includes internal client objects.
Remote nCipher Secure Transport/Impath connections are represented both by the outer remote protocol and the nested nCore client payload, which results in |
The integer identifier for this hardserver client. It increments for each new client created. |
The process ID of the client application connected to the hardserver, or |
The process name of the client, if available. Usually the executable path. |
The total length of all the command blocks sent for processing. |
The total number of commands sent for processing from a client to the server, or from the server to an HSM. Contains the number of commands currently being processed. |
The number of times a command block was not understood when it was received. A nonzero value indicates either that the parties at each end of a connection have mismatched version numbers (for example, a more recent hardserver has sent a command to a less recent HSM that the HSM does not understand), or that the data transfer mechanism is faulty. |
The current battery voltage for each voltage rail in the HSM. Where |
PCI1 (Crypto) NPE (non-parity error) count. |
Only relevant when reported from a hardserver with remote clients Use the
The value under
Temperature recorded by the CPU sensor, in degrees C. |
Fan duty cycle. |
The fan speed, in RPM, for each fan in the HSM. |
The fan speed, in RPM. |
The current on the power supply. |
The current temperature (in degrees Celsius) of the HSM main circuit board. First-generation HSMs do not have a temperature sensor and do not return temperature statistics. |
The current time, in seconds-since-the-1970-epoch (Unix time) format. |
The number of times the hardserver has declared a device to have failed. The hardserver provides a diagnostic message when this occurs. |
The number of times the hardserver has attempted to restart an HSM after it has failed. The hardserver provides a Notice message when this occurs. The message does not indicate that the attempt was successful. |
The number of commands sent by the specified client that are currently executing on one or more HSMs.
When an HSM accepts a command from a client, this number decreases by |
nShield 5 HSMs |
On PCI HSMs, the number of debug interrupts received.
This is used only for driver testing, and should be |
On PCI HSMs, the total number of interrupts received from the host.
On current HSMs, approximately equal to the total of |
The number of times a read operation to the HSM was attempted.
The HSM can defer a read if it has no replies at the time, but expects some to be available later.
Typically the HSM reports |
The number of times a read operation to the HSM was suspended because it was waiting for more replies to become available. When the HSM is working at full capacity, a sizeable proportion of the total reads are likely to be deferred. |
The number of times a read from the HSM returned no data because there were no commands waiting for completion.
In general, this only happens infrequently during HSM startup or reset.
It can also happen if |
The number of times a read to an HSM failed because the parameters supplied with the read were incorrect. A nonzero value here typically indicates some problem with the host interface or device driver. |
The number of times an HSM had to cancel a read operation which has been deferred. This normally happens only if the clear key is pressed while the HSM is executing commands. Otherwise it might indicate a device driver, interface, or firmware problem. |
Not currently reported by the HSM. |
On PCI HSMs, the number of unidentified interrupts from the host. If this is nonzero, a driver or PCI bus problem is likely. |
On PCI HSMs, the number of deferred reads that have now completed.
This should be the same as |
Not currently reported by the HSM. |
The number of write operations (used to submit new commands) that have been received by the HSM from the host machine. One write operation may contain more than one command block. The operation is most efficient when this is the case. |
The number of times the HSM rejected the write data from the host. A nonzero value may indicate that data is being corrupted in transfer, or that the hardserver/device driver has got out of sync with the HSM’s interface. |
Not currently reported by the HSM.
Write failures due to a lack of memory are reflected in |
Not currently reported by the HSM.
Write overruns are reflected in |
The number of jobs completed in the HSM. |
The number of jobs that are currently in progress on the HSM. |
The number of jobs started in the HSM. |
The number of long jobs that are currently in progress on the HSM. |
The number of |
The maximum number of client connections ever in use simultaneously to the hardserver. |
Only in network-attached HSMs |
The maximum temperature recorded by the HSM’s temperature sensor. This is stored in non-volatile memory, which is cleared only when the HSM is initialized. First-generation HSMs do not have a temperature sensor and do not return temperature statistics. |
The number of machine check exceptions (MCEs). |
The total amount of RAM (both allocated and free) available to the HSM. This is the installed RAM size minus various fixed overheads. |
The minimum temperature recorded by the HSM’s temperature sensor. This is stored in non-volatile memory, which is cleared only when the HSM is initialized. First-generation HSMs do not have a temperature sensor and do not return temperature statistics. |
The total amount of free space in the NVRAM of the HSM, in bytes. |
The wear level of the HSM’s NVRAM, expressed as a percentage of the ratio between the erase count and the endurance. |
The percentage of worn blocks in the NVRAM of the HSM. |
The number of times a new object has been put into the object store.
This appears under the HSM’s |
The number of items in the HSM’s object store that have been deleted and their corresponding memory released. |
The current number of objects (keys, logical tokens, buffers, SEE Worlds) in the object store.
This is equal to |
The number of objects loaded by this hardserver client across all modules.
This is the sum of all the nested |
The number of |
The number of |
The number of |
The number of power supply unit (PSU) failures. |
The number of commands waiting for an HSM to become available on the specified client connection.
When an HSM accepts a command from a client, this number decreases by 1 and |
The remote IP address of a client who has this connection. A local client has the address |
The number of replies and notifications added to the output queue, waiting to be sent. |
The total number of replies returned from server to client, or from HSM to server. |
The total length of all the reply blocks received after completion. |
The number of times a reply was not understood when it was received. A nonzero value indicates either that the parties at each end of a connection have mismatched version numbers (for example, a more recent hardserver has sent a command to a less recent HSM that the HSM does not understand), or that the data transfer mechanism is faulty. |
The number of voltage excursions (sudden changes in voltage level). |
The unique serial number (ESN) of the HSM. |
The Security Processor total and secondary I2c errors. |
The number of SPI bus synchronization errors. |
The number of temperature excursions (sudden changes in temperature level). |
The number of times the T1022 SPI code has passed through an error path. |
The fan speed (RPM) for each fan in the HSM. |
Network-attached HSMs |
The temperature of the Security Processor, in degrees C. |
The length of time (in seconds) since an HSM was last reset, the hardserver was started, or a client connection was made. |
The actual voltage on the power supply. |
The date the log event was created. |
The ID of the log event. |
ModuleDriverStats fields
DriverIRQs |
Total number of interrupts |
DriverReadIRQs |
Read interrupts |
DriverWriteIRQs |
Write interrupts |
DriverWriteFails |
Write failures |
DriverWriteBlocks |
Blocks written |
DriverWriteBytes |
Bytes written |
DriverReadFails |
Read failures |
DriverReadBlocks |
Blocks read |
DriverReadBytes |
Bytes read |
DriverEnsureFail |
Read request failures |
DriverEnsure |
Read requests |