
rserverperm --add [options] --exportslot
rserverperm --list --exportslot|--all
rserverperm --remove -p ID

Adds, lists, or removes remote module permissions to the local hardserver configuration.

The default is rserverperm --add --exportslot, which, without other options, exports the module 1 slot 0 to any remote host and any remote module.

Option Description

Action selection


Adds a new permission.


Lists the permissions.


Removes a permission.

Permitted remote server operations


Allows remote access to files.


Show all permissions (only with --list).


Allows remote use of a module.


Allows remote reading of a slot.

Add options:

-a, --address=ADDRESS

Sets the IP address of the remote server.
Default: any.

-A, --Allowed=ALLOWED

When are privileged commands allowed.

-f, --force

Tries to add the module even if it doesn’t claim support.

-l, --local=ESN

From the local/remote pair, sets the local module ESN.
Default: module 1.

-r, --remote=ESN

From the local/remote pair, sets the remote module ESN.
Default: any.

-s, --slot=SLOT

Sets the slot to export to.
Default: slot 0.

Add accessfiles options

-D, --dir

The volume is a directory.

-L, --allow-list

Allows directory listings.

-N, --nativepath=FILENAME

Nativepath for the host volume.

-R, --allow-read

Allows read access to the file or files.

-T, --text

The volume is or contains text files.

-V, --volume=STRING

Name of the host volume.

-W, --allow-write

Allows write access to the file or files

Remove option

-p, --permission-id=ID

Sets the permission ID (given by rserverperm --list).

Help options

-h, --help

Displays help for rserverperm.

-u, --usage

Displays a brief usage summary for rserverperm.

-v, --version

Displays the version number of the Security World Software that deploys rserverperm.