
push OFF
push ON ipv4address
push ON ipv6address
push ON [ipv6address]
push ON [ipv6address%eth0]
push ON keyhash
push ON ipv4address keyhash
push ON ipv6address keyhash
push ON [ipv6address] keyhash
push ON [ipv6address%eth0] keyhash

Gets or sets the configuration push setting. Corresponds to the config_op section of the network-attached HSM’s configuration file.

Option Description


If OFF is supplied on the command line, then any further arguments are ignored and the push configuration is set to off.


If ON is supplied on the command line, then the push configuration is set to on. Either an IP address, a keyhash, or both an IP address and the corresponding keyhash may be supplied.
If not already set, and not supplied, the IP address defaults to (any address permitted).


Default: 40 zeros.


The IP address of the client allowed to push config files can be either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address. IPv6 addresses may optionally be enclosed in square brackets. For link-local IPv6 addresses, the interface (eth0 or eth1) is specified after the address with a percentage (%) character separating the address and the interface name. For example, fe80::1%eth0.