
postrocs -m  MODULE -s SLOT

Transfers PKCS #11 keys to a new card set in the new security world. When transferring keys by using either the key-xfer-im utility or the migrate-world utility, run the postrocs utility if there are any PKCS #11 keys that are protected by OCSs.

The prefix of PKCS #11 keys is keys_pkcs_um or key_pkcs_uc.
Option Description

-m, --module=MODULE

Specifies the number of the module to use.
If you only have one module, MODULE is 1.

-s, --slot=SLOT

Selects SLOT for the card to re-attach keys.

Help options

-h, --help

Displays help for postrocs.

-u, --usage

Displays a brief usage summary for postrocs.

-V, --version

Displays the version number of the Security World Software that deploys postrocs.