Generate the encryption keys

Generate the Always Encrypted Column Master Key (CMK)

The CMK is protected by the nShield HMS.

  1. Log in to the client using the <domain>\dbuser, or a suitable security administrator account.

  2. Launch PowerShell and run the Generate_AECMK.ps1 script (shown below).

    $cngProviderName = "nCipher Security World Key Storage Provider"
    $cngAlgorithmName = "RSA"
    $cngKeySize = 2048
    $cngKeyName = "AECMK"
    $cngProvider = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider($cngProviderName)
    $cngKeyParams = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationParameters
    $cngKeyParams.provider = $cngProvider
    $cngKeyParams.KeyCreationOptions = [System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions]::OverwriteExistingKey
    $keySizeProperty = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty("Length", [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($cngKeySize), [System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions]::None);
    $cngAlgorithm = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm($cngAlgorithmName)
    $cngKey = [System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey]::Create($cngAlgorithm, $cngKeyName, $cngKeyParams)
    1. Run the following command:

      > PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Generate_AECMK.ps1

      The following dialog appears.

      ps generate cmk create
    2. Select Next.

    3. Select the Operator Card Set Protection. Insert the OCS card in the HSM and select Next.

      ps generate cmk protection method
    4. Select the OCS and then Select Next.

      ps generate cmk token
    5. Select the HSM and select Finish.

      ps generate cmk hms
    6. Enter the OCS passphrase and select Next.

      ps generate cmk passphrase
    7. Select Finish.

      ps generate cmk card read

    A 2048-bit RSA key pair, called AECMK, has been generated. The key is encrypted in the HSM and then pushed to the requesting client server, where it is stored as an Application Key Token in the %NFAST_KMDATA%\local folder. That is, :\ProgramData\nCipher\Key Management Data\local.

  3. Verify the new key:

    C:\Users\Administrator.EXAMPLE>nfkminfo -k
    Key list - 1 keys
     AppName caping               Ident user--e57798f862740453d02379579c1758ddfa2189db
  4. Display the information about the key by copy-pasting the key name above as follows:

    C:\Users\Administrator.EXAMPLE>nfkminfo -k caping user--e57798f862740453d02379579c1758ddfa2189db
    Key AppName caping Ident user--e57798f862740453d02379579c1758ddfa2189db
     BlobKA length         1128
     BlobPubKA length      484
     BlobRecoveryKA length 1496
     name                  "AECMK"
     hash                  d9253d650283dafd8d62659f9fb74102b9edcf8c
     recovery              Enabled
     protection            CardSet
     other flags           PublicKey !SEEAppKey !NVMemBlob +0x0
     cardset               a165a26f929841fe9ff2acdf4bb6141c1f1a2eed
     gentime               2022-12-30 19:46:54
     SEE integrity key     NONE
     format                6 Token
     other flags           0x0
     hkm                   28ee9f7cfceba95992f1f3f31b39c8dba7cfa960
     hkt                   a165a26f929841fe9ff2acdf4bb6141c1f1a2eed
     hkr                   none
     format                9 UserKey
     other flags           0x0
     hkm                   none
     hkt                   none
     hkr                   55c38c84103d95278fd54b6b5b3e67d614db8538
     format                5 Module
     other flags           0x0
     hkm                   c2be99fe1c77f1b75d48e2fd2df8dffc0c969bcb
     hkt                   none
     hkr                   none
    Extra entry #1
     typecode              0x10000 65536
     length                60
    Not a blob

Generate My Column Master Key (MyCMK) and My Column Encryption Key (MyCEK) with SSMS

This key will encrypt all subsequent Column Encryption keys (CEKs) in your database.

  1. Log in to the client using the <domain>\dbuser account.

  2. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

  3. Connect to the database on the remote SQL server:

    1. Select the Login tab and set it as follows:

      ssms server connection login
    2. Select the Connection Properties tab, as set as follows:

      ssms server connection properties
    3. Select the Always Encrypted tab and select Enable Always Encrypted:

      ssms server connection enable ae
    4. Select Connect.

  4. Using the Object Explorer, select the Security directory under the required database, then select Always Encrypted Keys > Column Master Key > New Column Master Key.

    generate mycmk new
  5. Enter the following information on the Column Master Keys dialog:

    1. Enter a Name, for example MyCMK.

    2. Select Key Storage Provider (CNG) from the Key store drop-down list and then Select a provider.

    3. Select nCipher Security World Key Storage Provider from the drop-down list.

      The AECMK key created in an earlier step appears in Name.

    4. Select OK to create a new key using the nShield HSM and CNG KSP.

      generate mycmk info
  6. Select Next.

    The newly-created MyCMK is created in the database under Security > Always Encrypted Keys > Column Master Keys.

    generate mycmk shown
  7. Using Object Explorer, select the Security directory under the required database. Select Always Encrypted Keys to expand it, then select New Column Encryption Key.

  8. Enter Name, select the CMK, then select OK.

    generate mycek info
  9. Present the OCS and then select Next.

    generate mycek load key
  10. Select the HSM and then select Finish.

    generate mycek select hsm
  11. Enter the passphrase and then select Next.

    generate mycek enter passphrase
  12. Select Finish after the OCS card reading completes.

    generate mycek card reading complete

    The newly-created MyCEK is in the database under Security > Always Encrypted Keys > Column Encryption Keys.

    generate mycek showing

Generate MyCMK and MyCEK with PowerShell

To generate MyCMK and MyCEK with PowerShell:

  1. Delete MyCEK and MyCMK in that order created above by right-clicking each key and selecting Delete.

  2. Launch PowerShell and run the Generate_MyCMK_and_MyCEK.ps1 script (below).

    # Import the SqlServer module.
    Import-Module SqlServer
    # Connect to database.
    $ConnectionString = "Data,1433;Initial Catalog=TestDatabase;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Packet Size=4096;Application Name=`"Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio`""
    $Database = Get-SqlDatabase -ConnectionString $ConnectionString
    # Create a SqlColumnMasterKeySettings object for your column master key.
    $cmkSettings = New-SqlCngColumnMasterKeySettings -CngProviderName "nCipher Security World Key Storage Provider" -KeyName "AECMK"
    # Create column master key metadata in the database.
    New-SqlColumnMasterKey -Name "MyCMK" -InputObject $Database -ColumnMasterKeySettings $cmkSettings
    # Generate a column encryption key, encrypt it with the column master key and create column encryption key metadata in the database.
    New-SqlColumnEncryptionKey -Name "MyCEK" -InputObject $Database -ColumnMasterKey "MyCMK"

    The command line is:

    > PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Generate_MyCMK_and_MyCEK.ps1
  3. Present the OCS, select the HSM, and enter the passphrase.

  4. Check the newly-created MyCMK and MyCEK are present.