Deploy and configure Entrust KeyControl

Deploy Entrust KeyControl cluster

A two-node cluster was deployed for this integration. See the KeyControl online documentation.

KeyControl can be deployed on VMware using the OVA image, or Nutanix AHV and Microsoft Hyper-V using the ISO image. These images are available from Entrust TrustedCare.

Request root certificate for the Entrust KeyControl vault

Any CA can be used, for the purpose of this integration a Microsoft Windows CA configured as a local root was utilized.

  1. Log into the Entrust KeyControl Vault server web user interface:

    1. Use your browser to access the IP address of the server.

    2. Sign in using the secroot credentials.

  2. In the Vault Management dashboard, select the Settings icon on the top right.

  3. Select the Action icon pull-down menu. Then select Generate CSR.

  4. Enter your information.

    Include the FQDN and / or IP of all the Entrust KeyControl nodes in the Subject Alternative Names.

    For example:

    keycontrolvault csr

  5. Issue a certificate for the CSR created above using the local root CA.

    1. Log into your local root CA with Administrator privileges.

    2. Copy the CSR created above to a local folder.

    3. Launch the certsvr application.

    4. Right-click on the <certification authority name> in the left pane and select All Tasks / Submit new request…​.

    5. Select the copied CSR.

    6. Select <certification authority name> / Pending Request in the left pane.

    7. Right-click on the request in the right pane and select All Tasks / Issue.

    8. Select <certification authority name> / Issued Certificates in the left pane.

    9. Select the certificate.

    10. Select the Details tab / Copy to File…​. Follow the instructions, selecting Base-64 encoded X.509 in Export File Format.

      For example:

      keycontrolvault cert

  6. Export the local root CA certificate in pem format.

    C:\Users\Administrator>certutil -ca.cert C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\rootcacert.cer
    CA cert[0]: 3 -- Valid
    CA cert[0]:
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    CertUtil: -ca.cert command completed successfully.
    C:\Users\Administrator>certutil -encode C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\rootcacert.cer C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\rootcacert.pem.cer
    Input Length = 923
    Output Length = 1328
    CertUtil: -encode command completed successfully.
  7. Copy the keycontrolvault certificate and the rootcacert.pem.cer to a location in the Entrust KeyControl Vault server.

Install root certificate in the Entrust KeyControl vault

The KMIP server settings are set at the Entrust KeyControl appliance level and apply to all the KMIP vaults. See KMIP Client and Server Configuration.

  1. Log into the Entrust KeyControl Vault server web user interface.

  2. In the Vault Management dashboard, select the Settings icon on the top right.

  3. Select Custom radio button in Certificate Types.

  4. Browse and select the certificate as shown.

    kc server root certs

  5. The other defaults settings are appropriate for most applications. Make any changes necessary.

  6. Select Apply.

Create a KMIP Vault in the Entrust KeyControl

The KeyControl Vault appliance supports different type of vaults that can be used by all type of applications. This section describes how to create a KMIP Vault in the KeyControl Vault Server.

Refer to the Creating a Vault section of the admin guide for more details about it.

  1. Log into the KeyControl Vault Server web user interface:

    1. Use your browser to access the IP address of the server.

    2. Sign in using the secroot credentials.

  2. Select the user’s dropdown menu and select Vault Management.

    vault usersmenu

  3. In the KeyControl Vault Management interface, select Create Vault.

    vault interface

    KeyControl Vault supports the following types of vaults:

    • Cloud Key Management - Vault for cloud keys such as BYOK and HYOK.

    • KMIP - Vault for KMIP Objects.

    • PASM - Vault for objects such as passwords, files, SSH keys, and so on.

    • Database - Vault for database keys.

    • Tokenization - Vault for tokenization policies.

    • VM Encryption - Vault for encrypting VMs.

  4. In the Create Vault page, create a KMIP Vault:

    Field Value




    Vault name


    Vault description

    Admin Name

    Vault administrator username

    Admin Email

    Vault administrator email

    For example:

    kc create kmip vault

  5. Select Create Vault. Then select Close.

    vault created successfully

    The newly created vault URL and login credentials will be emailed to the administrator’s email address entered above. In closed gap environments where email is not available, the URL and login credentials are displayed at this time.

    Example email:

    login email

  6. Bookmark the URL and save the credentials. Then select Close if the URL and login credentials are displayed.

  7. The newly created Vault is added to the Vault Management dashboard.

    For example:

    vault dashboard

  8. Login to the URL provided above with the temporary password. Change the initial password when prompted. Sign in again to verify.

    For example:

    vault login

  9. Notice the new vault.

    For example:

    vault new

View the KMIP Vault details

  1. Hover over the Vault and select View Details.

    For example:

    vault details

  2. Select Close when done.

Edit the KMIP Vault

  1. Select Edit when you hover over the Vault.

    For example:

    vault edit

  2. Select Apply when done.

Add KMIP Vault Administrators

It is important to have other administrators set up on the Vault for recovery purposes. Add one or more admins to the Vault.

  1. Select Security > Users.

    security users

  2. In the Manage Users dashboard:

    1. Select the + icon to add one or more users.

    2. Add the user by providing the information requested in the Add User dialog.

      For example:

      add user

    3. Select Add.

      After the user is added, a window appears which requests selection of the policy to be used by this user.

  3. Select Add to Existing Policy.

    user policy

  4. On the Add User to Access Policy dialog, select the KMIP Admin Policy and select Apply. The new user is added as an administrator to the Vault.

    For example:

    user access policy

Create the Entrust KeyControl client certificate bundle

Certificates are required to facilitate the KMIP communications from the Entrust KeyControl KMIP Vault and Veeam Backup & Replication application and conversely. The built-in capabilities in Entrust KeyControl are used to create and publish the certificate.

  1. Login to the KMIP Vault with the URL and credentials from Create a KMIP Vault in the Entrust KeyControl.

  2. Select Security, then Client Certificates.

    kc securityclientcert

  3. In the Manage Client Certificate page, select the + icon on the right to create a new certificate. The Create Client Certificate dialog box appears.

  4. In the Create Client Certificate dialog box:

    1. Select Add Authentication for Certificate.

    2. Enter the username.

    3. Enter the password.

    4. Enter the expiration date.

    5. Leave Certificate Signing Request (CSR) field as default.

    6. Select Create.

      For example:

      kc create certificate

      The new certificates are added to the Manage Client Certificate pane.

    kc new certificate

  5. Select the certificate and select the Download icon to download the certificate.

  6. Unzip the downloaded file. It contains the following:

    • A certname.pem file that includes both the client certificate and private key. In this example, this file is called Veeam.pem.

      The client certificate section of the certname.pem file includes the lines “-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and “-----END CERTIFICATE-----" and all text between them.

      The private key section of the certname.pem file includes the lines “-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" and “-----END PRIVATE KEY-----" and all text in between them.

    • A cacert.pem file which is the root certificate for the KMS cluster. It is always named cacert.pem.

    kc new certificate unzipped

  7. Create two new files named cert.pem and key.pem. File cert.pem content is the client certificate section of Veeam.pem. File key.pem content is the private key section of Veeam.pem.

  8. Convert key.pem into a PKCS #11 format by using the following command. choco install openssl. Save these Files for later use in Veeam Backup & Replication KMS Configure Section.

    > openssl pkey -in key.pem -out keypkcs1.pem -traditional

    kc cert key