Test the integration

Create a bucket with encryption enabled

  1. On a browser, go to the Scality supervisor URL and login.

  2. On the toolbar, select S3 SERVICE > S3 BROWSER. A new tab should open. Login with the user’s AccessKey and SecretAccessKey.

  3. Select +CREATE BUCKET. Enter the information as shown. Notice Bucket encryption is enabled. Then select Create.

    You cannot use capital letters or spaces in the name.

    s3 create bucket 1
  4. Notice the newly created bucket.

    s3 create bucket 2
  5. Sign in to the vault URL that you created in Create a KMIP Vault in the KeyControl.

  6. Select the Objects tab. Notice the symmetric key created to protect the bucket created above (creation times match).

    s3 create bucket 3

Upload test object to bucket and verify encryption

An test object named test-file.txt will be uploaded to the bucket named entrust-kmip-bucket created in Create a bucket with encryption enabled. Once inside the bucket, the object encryption will be verified.

  1. Create test object named test-file.txt on your PC.

    C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\Documents>type test-file.txt
    This is a test file.
  2. On a browser, go to the Scality supervisor URL and login.

  3. On the toolbar, select S3 SERVICE > S3 BROWSER. A new tab should open. Login with the user’s AccessKey and SecretAccessKey.

  4. Select the bucket named entrust-kmip-bucket.

  5. Select the UPLOAD icon. Then select UPLOAD OBJECTS and select the test-file.txt file created above.

    upload object 1
  6. In the supervisor VM, login (SSH) as root. The password is listed in the document titled "Scality OVA Deployment guide - 3-server RING - 4TB.pdf".

  7. Go to the federation folder.

    cd /srv/scality/s3/s3-offline/venv/bin
  8. Run the following command:

    [root@scality-supervisor-01 bin]# ./aws --endpoint-url s3api head-object --bucket entrust-kmip-bucket --key test-file.txt
        "AcceptRanges": "bytes",
        "LastModified": "Mon, 04 Nov 2024 20:44:52 GMT",
        "ContentLength": 20,
        "ETag": "\"3de8f8b0dc94b8c2230fab9ec0ba0506\"",
        "VersionId": "null",
        "ContentType": "text/plain",
        "ServerSideEncryption": "AES256",
        "Metadata": {}

Notice the ServerSideEncryption as AES256.