Deploy KeyControl

Deploy a KeyControl cluster

For this integration, a two-node cluster was deployed as follows:

  1. Download the KeyControl software from Entrust TrustedCare. This software is available as an OVA or ISO image. This guide deploys an OVA installation.

  2. Install KeyControl as described in KeyControl OVA Installation.

  3. Configure the first KeyControl node as described in Configuring the First KeyControl Node (OVA Install).

  4. Add second KeyControl node to cluster as described in Adding a New KeyControl Node to an Existing Cluster (OVA Install).

  5. Both nodes need access to an NTP server, otherwise the above operation will fail.

  6. Sign in to the console to change the default NTP server if required.

    keycontrol cluster
  7. Install the KeyControl license as described in Upgrading Your Trial License.

Additional KeyControl cluster configuration

After the KeyControl cluster is deployed, additional system configuration can be done as described in KeyControl System Configuration.

Configure authentication

This guide uses local account authentication.

For AD-managed Security groups, configure the LDAP/AD Authentication Server as described in Specifying an LDAP/AD Authentication Server.

Create DNS record for the KeyControl cluster

This guide uses the individual IP addresses of the KeyControl nodes.

To use hostnames, configure your DNS server giving each node in the KeyControl a unique name.

Create a KMIP vault in KeyControl

The KeyControl Vault appliance supports different types of vaults. This section describes how to create a KMIP vault for this integration.

  1. Sign in to the KeyControl Vault Server web user interface using the secroot credentials.

  2. From the user’s dropdown menu, select Vault Management.

    vault usersmenu
  3. Select Create Vault > KMIP, then enter your information.

    kc create kmip vault scality ring
  4. Select Create Vault, then select Close.

    A window with the new vault information appears. In addition, an email with the same vault information is sent to the security administrator secroot.

    Example vault information window:

    vault created successfully scality ring

    Example email:

    login email
  5. Bookmark the Vault URL listed above.

    The new vault is added to the Vault Management dashboard.

    vault management dashboard scality ring
  6. Sign in to the Vault URL with the temporary password. Change the temporary password when prompted. Sign in again to verify.

    vault login

Notice the new vault.

vault new scality ring

For more information, see Creating a Vault.

View the KMIP vault details

In the Vault Management dashboard, hover over the vault and select View Details.

vault details scality ring