
Oracle error messages may sometimes show error symptoms rather than the root cause. If you see an error you have not encountered before, search for further information online before attempting to resolve the error. If you remain unable to resolve the error, contact Oracle support.

If you edit an Oracle configuration file, use a simple text editor running on the host. Do not cut and paste the file contents from another file using a formatting editor, as it may insert hidden characters that are difficult to detect and which can stop the file from working. Entrust also suggests you avoid copying files onto a UNIX host via a Windows intermediary (this includes library files).

An SQL command is run, and there is no output, or an unexpected output or error occurs

  1. Try reconnecting to the database.

  2. If that does not work, try bouncing the database.

After a change to a configuration file, no resultant change in the database behavior is observed

  1. Try reconnecting to the database.

  2. If that does not work, try bouncing the database.

ORA-28367: wallet does not exist

  1. Check that you have correctly installed and configured the Entrust PKCS#11 library.

  2. Try reconnecting to the database.

  3. Try bouncing the database.

  4. Try restarting the Entrust hardserver.

ORA-28353: failed to open wallet

Check to see if your /opt/oracle/entrust/orcl.conf is formatted correctly. Ensure that the file is in a JSON format.

ORA-12162: TNS: net service name is incorrectly specified

Check that you have correctly set the value for ORACLE_SID in your local environment.

ORA-28407: Hardware Security Module failed with PKCS#11 error CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID(179)

It is necessary to update the PKCS#11 library for Oracle 19c and 21c Multitenant Database. For the most accurate and updated information regarding the PKCS11 library fix, nShield recommends referring to the KeyControl 10.1 release notes. This will provide comprehensive details on the issue and the fixed library.

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

It is necessary to update the PKCS#11 library for Oracle 19c and 21c Multitenant Database. For the most accurate and updated information regarding the PKCS11 library fix, nShield recommends referring to the KeyControl 10.1 release notes. This will provide comprehensive details on the issue and the fixed library.