
Import a Microsoft CAPI key into the nCipher Security World key storage provider

To import a Microsoft CAPI key into the nCipher Security World key storage provider:

  1. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\nCipher\nfast\bin folder and run cngimport.exe in the command prompt:

    cngimport -m -M -k "MS CAPI key"  "imp_key_name"

    The Microsoft CNG key is in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys folder. For example:

    cngimport -m -M -k,"48753e97af4e829f_b2885b-321a-42b9-9122-81d377654436" "Importedkeyname"
  2. To check the success of the import, list the keys in the Security World in the command prompt:

    cnglist --list-key