Test the integration

Testing is done using the HPE Library and Tape Tools (L&TT). Within this tool, the Drive Performance test writes and reads data to/from the specified tape drive. The Entrust KeyControl KMIP server manages the keys for the writes and reads operations. Therefore, the entire system is tested.

This test needs a tape manually loaded in the drive(s).
This test will overwrite all data on the tape, meaning that the data will be lost.
  1. Launch the HPE Library and Tape Tools.

  2. In L&TT - Startup, select Saved/Manual Scan, NT Miniport, Check for Backup Applications and Services, then select Continue.

    hpe library tape tools scan mode
  3. All devices available for testing should appear in the Detected devices left pane.

  4. Expand the device(s) to test in the Detected devices pane.

  5. Select a Drive of a device to test, not the actual device itself. Then select Select. Repeat until all the drives to test appear in the Select devices pane. Then select Continue.

    hpe library tape tools selected drives
  6. Wait for the scan to complete. The By Product tab in the left pane displays the selected drive(s).

    hpe library tape tools drives to test
  7. Select a drive. Then select DevPerf in the toolbar. Then select Start.

    hpe library tape tools start test
  8. Acknowledge the warning. Then wait for the test to complete. Then select OK.

    hpe library tape tools test completed
  9. Select the Drive Performance Results tab to view the results.

    hpe library tape tools test results
  10. Sign in to the KMIP Vault with the URL and credentials from Create a KMIP Vault in the Entrust KeyControl.

  11. Select the Objects tab. Notice the symmetric key created during the testing conducted above.

    hpe library tape tools kc object created
  12. Back in the HPE Library and Tape Tools window, select the By Product tab in the left pane.

  13. Repeat steps for additional drives.

    hpe library tape tools kc object created all

    Notice the three symmetric keys created to test the three drives above.