

Before you can use nCOP and pull the nCOP container images to the external registry, complete the following steps:

  1. Install VMware vSphere Tanzu in a VMware vCenter environment. See the documentation provided by VMware.

  2. Set up the HSM. See the Installation Guide for your HSM.

  3. Configure the HSM(s) to have the IP address of your container host machine as a client. This can be a VM running Red Hat.

  4. Load an existing Security World or create a new one on the HSM. Copy the Security World and module files to your container host machine at a directory of your choice. Instructions on how to copy these two files into a persistent volume accessible by the application containers are given when you create the persistent volume during the deployment of the TKG cluster.

  5. Installed nCOP and created containers that contain your application. For the purpose of this guide you will need the nCOP hardserver container and your application container. In this guide we will refer to them as nshield-hwsp and nshield-app containers. For instructions, see the nShield Container Option Pack User Guide.

For more information on configuring and managing nShield HSMs, Security Worlds, and Remote File Systems, see the User Guide for your HSM(s).

Push the nCOP container images to an internal Docker registry

You will need to register the nCOP container images you created to a Docker registry so they can be used when you deploy Kubernetes pods into the Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster you will create later. In this guide, the external registry is <docker-registry-address>. Distribution of the nCOP container image is not permitted because the software components are under strict export controls.

To deploy an nCOP container images for use with VMware vSphere Tanzu:

  1. Log in to the container host machine server as root, and launch a terminal window. We assume that you have built the nCOP container images in this host and that they are available locally in Docker. They are: nshield-hwsp:12.71 and nshield-app:12.71.

  2. Log in to the Docker registry.

    % docker login -u YOURUSERID https://<docker-registry-address>
  3. Register the images:

    1. Tag the images:

      % sudo docker tag nshield-hwsp:12.71" <docker-registry-address>/nshield-hwsp
      % sudo docker tag nshield-app:12.71" <docker-registry-address>/nshield-app
    2. Push the images to the registry:

      % sudo docker push <docker-registry-address>/nshield-hwsp
      % sudo docker push <docker-registry-address>/nshield-app
    3. Remove the local images:

      % sudo docker rmi <docker-registry-address>/nshield-hwsp
      % sudo docker rmi <docker-registry-address>/nshield-app
    4. List the images:

      % sudo docker images
    5. Pull the images from the registry:

      % sudo docker pull <docker-registry-address>/nshield-hwsp
      % sudo docker pull <docker-registry-address>/nshield-app
    6. List the images:

      % sudo docker images

Deploy a TKG cluster

You will use the namespace you created when you deployed vSphere Tanzu to deploy out a TKG - a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster. You will do this from the container host machine. Make sure the kubectl and kubectl-vsphere commands are downloaded and available to be used in that machine. We will call the namespace tanzu-ns.

Log in to the namespace context

Use the kubectl-vsphere login command and set the server to the Supervisor Control Plane API Server IP address. This is the first IP address you use for the load balancers when you deployed the HA proxy server during the vSphere Tanzu setup.

% kubectl-vsphere login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --server=https://<load_balancer_ip>

Logged in successfully.

You have access to the following contexts:
    * tanzu-ns

If the context you wish to use is not in this list, you may need to try
logging in again later, or contact your cluster administrator.

To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>`
% kubectl config use-context tanzu-ns

Switched to context "tanzu-ns".

Verify the control plane nodes and the storage class

Check that the control plane nodes are in a ready state, and that the storage policy assigned to the namespace earlier appears as a storage class. It is also useful to verify that the TKG virtual machine images are visible and that the content library used for storing the images has synchronized successfully.

% kubectl get nodes

NAME                               STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
4237574fb12b83b63026e6cc20abb152   Ready    master   28m    v1.18.2-6+38ac483e736488
4237c4c2761f4810a7794fc2ccb7433d   Ready    master   28m    v1.18.2-6+38ac483e736488
4237eb7fea870a051ae56eb564083bcb   Ready    master   28m    v1.18.2-6+38ac483e736488
% kubectl get sc

vsan-default-storage-policy Delete        Immediate         true                 28m
% kubectl get virtualmachineimages

NAME                                                       VERSION                         OSTYPE
ob-15957779-photon-3-k8s-v1.16.8---vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd  v1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd  vmwarePhoton64Guest
ob-16466772-photon-3-k8s-v1.17.7---vmware.1-tkg.1.154236c  v1.17.7+vmware.1-tkg.1.154236c  vmwarePhoton64Guest
ob-16545581-photon-3-k8s-v1.16.12---vmware.1-tkg.1.da7afe7 v1.16.12+vmware.1-tkg.1.da7afe7 vmwarePhoton64Guest

Create a manifest file for the TKG deployment

You create a TKG cluster in vSphere with Tanzu using a yaml manifest file, which contains the following information:

  • The name of the cluster.

  • The number of control plane nodes.

  • The number of worker nodes.

  • The size of the nodes from a resource perspective (class).

  • Which storage class to use (storageClass).

  • Which image to use for the nodes (version).

The following example specifies:

  • A single control plane node.

  • 2 worker nodes.

  • Uses image version 1.17.7.

This use of the version number is a shorthand to specify which Photon OS image to use. Note the indentation. It needs to be just right for the manifest to work.

kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
  name: tkg-cluster
      count: 1
      class: best-effort-small
      storageClass: management-storage-policy-single-node
      count: 2
      class: best-effort-small
      storageClass: management-storage-policy-single-node
    version: v1.17.7

To learn more about the resources assigned to the various classes, list them by using the following command:

% kubectl get virtualmachineclass

NAME                  AGE
best-effort-2xlarge   2d16h
best-effort-4xlarge   2d16h
best-effort-8xlarge   2d16h
best-effort-large     2d16h
best-effort-medium    2d16h
best-effort-small     2d16h
best-effort-xlarge    2d16h
best-effort-xsmall    2d16h
guaranteed-2xlarge    2d16h
guaranteed-4xlarge    2d16h
guaranteed-8xlarge    2d16h
guaranteed-large      2d16h
guaranteed-medium     2d16h
guaranteed-small      2d16h
guaranteed-xlarge     2d16h
guaranteed-xsmall     2d16h

To get more information about a specific class, use the describe command:

% kubectl describe virtualmachineclass guaranteed-small

Apply the TKG manifest and monitor the deployment

  1. Deploy the TKG cluster by applying the manifest:

    % kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml created
  2. Check if cluster has been provisioned:

    % kubectl get cluster
    NAME             PHASE
    tkg-cluster   Provisioned
  3. Check the deployment of the cluster:

    % kubectl get tanzukubernetescluster
    NAME             CONTROL PLANE   WORKER   DISTRIBUTION                     AGE    PHASE
    tkg-cluster   1               2        v1.17.7+vmware.1-tkg.1.154236c   3m7s   creating

You can then use a variety of commands to monitor the deployment. The describe command can be long and you can use it repeatedly to monitor the TKG cluster deployment status. It contains useful information, such as the use of Antrea as the CNI, node and VM status, Cluster API endpoint from our load balancer, frontend network range of IP addresses.

% kubectl describe tanzukubernetescluster

You should see the cluster in the running phase if it was deployed successfully.

% kubectl get tanzukubernetescluster

NAME             CONTROL PLANE   WORKER   DISTRIBUTION                     AGE    PHASE
tkg-cluster   1               2        v1.17.7+vmware.1-tkg.1.154236c   11m    running

Log out then log in to TKG cluster context

The previous stages were carried out in the context of a namespace in the vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor cluster. The next step is to log out from the namespace context, and log in to the TKG guest cluster context. This allows you to direct kubectl commands at the TKG cluster API server.

  1. Log out of the namespace:

    % kubectl-vsphere logout
    Your KUBECONFIG context has changed.
    The current KUBECONFIG context is unset.
    To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>`
    Logged out of all vSphere namespaces.
  2. Log in to the cluster:

    % kubectl-vsphere login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --server=https://<load_balancer_ip> --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace tanzu-ns --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-cluster
    Password: ********
    Logged in successfully.
    You have access to the following contexts:
    If the context you wish to use is not in this list, you may need to try logging in again later, or contact your cluster administrator.
    To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>`
  3. Set the context:

    % kubectl config use-context tkg-cluster
    Switched to context "tkg-cluster".

Validate the TKG cluster context

You can run some kubectl commands to verify that you are now working in the correct context. If you display the nodes, you should see the 1 x control plane node and the 2 x worker nodes specified in the manifest when you deployed the cluster. You should also be able to display all the pods deployed in the cluster and observe both the Antrea agents for networking and CSI node agents for storage. This is also a good opportunity to check that everything has entered a Ready/Running state in the TKG cluster.

% kubectl get nodes

NAME                                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
tkg-cluster-control-plane-m62jn             Ready    master   28m    v1.17.7+vmware.1
tkg-cluster-workers-djqql-b45c55588-59wz2   Ready    <none>   28m    v1.17.7+vmware.1
tkg-cluster-workers-djqql-b45c55588-c52h7   Ready    <none>   28m    v1.17.7+vmware.1
% kubectl get pods -A

NAMESPACE                      NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-system                    antrea-agent-7zphw                                           2/2     Running   0          2m23s
kube-system                    antrea-agent-mvczg                                           2/2     Running   0          2m23s
kube-system                    antrea-agent-t6qgc                                           2/2     Running   0          8m11s
kube-system                    antrea-controller-76c76c7b7c-4cwtm                           1/1     Running   0          8m11s
kube-system                    coredns-6c78df586f-6d77q                                     1/1     Running   0          7m55s
kube-system                    coredns-6c78df586f-c8rtj                                     1/1     Running   0          8m14s
kube-system                    etcd-tkg-cluster-control-plane-sn85m                         1/1     Running   0          7m24s
kube-system                    kube-apiserver-tkg-cluster-control-plane-sn85m               1/1     Running   0          7m12s
kube-system                    kube-controller-manager-tkg-cluster-control-plane-sn85m      1/1     Running   0          7m30s
kube-system                    kube-proxy-frpgn                                             1/1     Running   0          2m23s
kube-system                    kube-proxy-lchkq                                             1/1     Running   0          2m23s
kube-system                    kube-proxy-m2xjn                                             1/1     Running   0          8m14s
kube-system                    kube-scheduler-tkg-cluster-control-plane-sn85m               1/1     Running   0          7m27s
vmware-system-auth             guest-cluster-auth-svc-lf2nf                                 1/1     Running   0          8m2s
vmware-system-cloud-provider   guest-cluster-cloud-provider-7788f74548-cfng4                1/1     Running   0          8m13s
vmware-system-csi              vsphere-csi-controller-574cfd4569-kfdz8                      6/6     Running   0          8m12s
vmware-system-csi              vsphere-csi-node-hvzpg                                       3/3     Running   0          8m12s
vmware-system-csi              vsphere-csi-node-t4w8p                                       3/3     Running   0          2m23s
vmware-system-csi              vsphere-csi-node-t6rdw                                       3/3     Running   0          2m23s

This output shows that the TKG cluster is deployed in vSphere with Tanzu.

Deploy nCOP into the TKG cluster

When the Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster has been deployed, it is time to deploy the nCOP containers as pods into the cluster and test the nCOP functionality inside the cluster.

Create the registry secrets inside the TKG cluster

At the beginning of our process we created nCOP Docker containers and we pushed them to our internal Docker registry. Now it is necessary to let the TKG cluster know how to authenticate to that registry.

  1. Log in to the TKG cluster:

    % kubectl-vsphere login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --server=https://<load_balancer_ip> --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace tanzu-ns --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-cluster
    <load_balancer_ip> is the IP address used by the cluster namespace.
  2. Set the context to the TKG cluster:

    % kubectl config use-context tkg-cluster
  3. Create the secret in the cluster:

    % kubectl create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/home/<YOUR USER ID>/.docker/config.json
  4. Check if the secret was created

    % kubectl get secret regcred --output=yaml

Create the configuration map for the HSM details

  1. Edit the following template yaml file for your HSM:

    configmap yaml file
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: config
      config: |
  2. Create the configuration map:

    % kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
    configmap/config created
  3. Verify that the configuration map was created:

    % kubectl describe configmap/config
    Name:         config
    Namespace:    default
    Labels:       <none>
    Events:  <none>

Create the cluster persistent volumes in the TKG cluster

  1. Create the /opt/nfast/kmdata/local directory in your host machine and copy the Security World and module files to it.

    Do this before you proceed with the creation of the persistent volume.

  2. Edit the following example yaml file to create and claim the persistent volume:

    persistent_volume_kmdata_definition yaml File
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: nfast-kmdata
        type: local
      storageClassName: manual
        storage: 1G 
        - ReadWriteMany 
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
        path: /opt/nfast/kmdata
    persistent_volume_kmdata_claim Yaml File
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name : nfast-kmdata
        - ReadWriteMany
      storageClassName: local-storage
          storage: 1G
      storageClassName: manual
  3. Apply the definition file to the cluster:

    % kubectl apply -f persistent_volume_kmdata_definition.yaml
    persistentvolume/nfast-kmdata created
  4. Verify the persistent volume has been created:

    % kubectl get pv
    nfast-kmdata    1G         RWO            Retain           Available                          manual                  43m
  5. Create the claim:

    % kubectl apply -f persistent_volume_kmdata_claim.yaml
    persistentvolumeclaim/nfast-kmdata created
  6. Verify the claim has been created:

    % kubectl get pvc
    nfast-kmdata    Bound    nfast-kmdata    1G         RWO            manual         61m
    % kubectl get pv
    nfast-kmdata    1G         RWO            Retain           Bound    default/nfast-kmdata    manual                  67m

Deploy the nCOP pod with your application

Create a yaml file that defines how to launch the hardserver and your application container into the cluster.

The examples below were created to show how you can talk to the HSM from inside the Kubernetes pod. Each example shows how to execute the following commands:

  • enquiry

  • nfkminfo

  • sigtest

Populate the persistent volume with the world and modules file

  1. Before running any of the applications, update /opt/nfast/kmdata/local in the persistent volume with the latest Security World and module files.

    To do this, create a yaml file to run a pod that gives access to the persistent volume so these files can be copied.

    The following example shows how to get access to the persistent volume.

    kind: Pod
    apiVersion: v1
      name: ncop-populate-kmdata
        app: nshield
        - name: regcred
        - name: ncop-kmdata
            - sh
            - '-c'
            - sleep 3600
          image: <docker-registry-address>/nshield-app
            - containerPort: 8080
              protocol: TCP
          resources: {}
            - name: ncop-kmdata
              mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata
            - name: ncop-sockets
              mountPath: /opt/nfast/sockets
      securityContext: {}
        - name: ncop-config
            name: config
            defaultMode: 420
        - name: ncop-hardserver
          emptyDir: {}
        - name: ncop-kmdata
            claimName: nfast-kmdata 
        - name: ncop-sockets
          emptyDir: {}
  2. Deploy the pod:

    % kubectl apply -f persistent_volume_kmdata_populate.yaml
  3. Check if the pod is running:

    % kubectl get pods

    You should see that the deployment is taking place. Wait 10 seconds and run the command again until the status is Running.

    If there are errors, run the following command to check what went wrong:

    % kubectl describe pod ncop-populate-kmdata
  4. Copy the module file to /opt/nfast/kmdata/local in the pod:

    % kubectl cp /opt/nfast/kmdata/local/module_BD10-03E0-D947 ncop-populate-kmdata:/opt/nfast/kmdata/local/.
  5. Copy the Security World file to /opt/nfast/kmdata/local in the pod:

    % kubectl cp /opt/nfast/kmdata/local/world ncop-populate-kmdata:/opt/nfast/kmdata/local/.
  6. Check if the files are in the persistent volume

    % kubectl exec ncop-populate-kmdata -- ls -al /opt/nfast/kmdata/local
    total 68
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Sep 20 18:40 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  4096 Dec 16  2020 ..
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root 1001  3488 Sep 20 18:40 module_BD10-03E0-D947
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root 1001 39968 Sep 20 18:40 world


This example shows how to run the enquiry command.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: ncop-test-enquiry
    app: nshield
    - name: regcred
    - name: ncop
        - sh
        - '-c'
        - /opt/nfast/bin/enquiry && sleep 3600
      image: <docker-registry-address>/nshield-app
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      resources: {}
        - name: ncop-kmdata
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata
        - name: ncop-sockets
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/sockets
    - name: ncop-hwsp
      image: <docker-registry-address>/nshield-hwsp
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      resources: {}
        - name: ncop-config
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata/config
        - name: ncop-hardserver
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata/hardserver.d
        - name: ncop-sockets
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/sockets
    - name: ncop-config
        name: config
        defaultMode: 420
    - name: ncop-hardserver
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: ncop-kmdata
        claimName: nfast-kmdata 
    - name: ncop-sockets
      emptyDir: {}

<docker_registry-address> is the address of your internal Docker registry server.

  1. Deploy the pod

    % kubectl apply -f pod_enquiry_app.yaml
  2. Check that the pod is running:

    % kubectl get pods

    You should see that the deployment is taking place. Wait 10 seconds and run the command again until the status is Running.

    If there are errors, run the following command to check what went wrong:

    % kubectl describe pod ncop-test-enquiry
  3. Check if the enquiry command runs:

    % kubectl logs pod/ncop-test-enquiry ncop
     enquiry reply flags  none
     enquiry reply level  Six
     serial number        BD10-03E0-D947
     mode                 operational
     version              12.71.0
     speed index          15843
     rec. queue           368..566
     level one flags      Hardware HasTokens SupportsCommandState
     version string       12.71.0-353-f63c551, 12.50.11-270-fb3b87dd465b6f6e53d9f829fc034f8be2dafd13 2019/05/16 22:02:33 BST, Bootloader: 1.2.3, Security Processor: 12.50.11 , 12.60.10-708-ea4dc41d
     checked in           000000006053229a Thu Mar 18 09:51:22 2021
     level two flags      none
     max. write size      8192
     level three flags    KeyStorage
     level four flags     OrderlyClearUnit HasRTC HasNVRAM HasNSOPermsCmd ServerHasPollCmds FastPollSlotList HasSEE HasKLF HasShareACL HasFeatureEnable HasFileOp HasLongJobs ServerHasLongJobs AESModuleKeys NTokenCmds JobFragmentation LongJobsPreferred Type2Smartcard ServerHasCreateClient HasInitialiseUnitEx AlwaysUseStrongPrimes Type3Smartcard HasKLF2
     module type code     0
     product name         nFast server
     device name
     EnquirySix version   4
     impath kx groups
     feature ctrl flags   none
     features enabled     none
     version serial       0
     level six flags      none
     remote server port   9004
     kneti hash           8a16e4e8c5069ac16b7ba03334e463b11a15a400
    Module #1:
     enquiry reply flags  UnprivOnly
     enquiry reply level  Six
     serial number        BD10-03E0-D947
     mode                 operational
     version              12.50.11
     speed index          15843
     rec. queue           43..150
     level one flags      Hardware HasTokens SupportsCommandState
     version string       12.50.11-270-fb3b87dd465b6f6e53d9f829fc034f8be2dafd13 2019/05/16 22:02:33 BST, Bootloader: 1.2.3, Security Processor: 12.50.11 , 12.60.10-708-ea4dc41d
     checked in           000000005cddcfe9 Thu May 16 21:02:33 2019
     level two flags      none
     max. write size      8192
     level three flags    KeyStorage
     level four flags     OrderlyClearUnit HasRTC HasNVRAM HasNSOPermsCmd ServerHasPollCmds FastPollSlotList HasSEE HasKLF HasShareACL HasFeatureEnable HasFileOp HasLongJobs ServerHasLongJobs AESModuleKeys NTokenCmds JobFragmentation LongJobsPreferred Type2Smartcard ServerHasCreateClient HasInitialiseUnitEx AlwaysUseStrongPrimes Type3Smartcard HasKLF2
     module type code     12
     product name         nC3025E/nC4035E/nC4335N
     device name          Rt1
     EnquirySix version   7
     impath kx groups     DHPrime1024 DHPrime3072 DHPrime3072Ex
     feature ctrl flags   LongTerm
     features enabled     GeneralSEE StandardKM EllipticCurve ECCMQV AcceleratedECC HSMHighSpeed
     version serial       37
     connection status    OK
     connection info      esn = BD10-03E0-D947; addr = INET/; ku hash = 2dd7c10c73a3c5346d1246e6a8cf6766a7088e41, mech = Any
     image version        12.60.10-507-ea4dc41d
     level six flags      none
     max exported modules 100
     rec. LongJobs queue  42
     SEE machine type     PowerPCELF
     supported KML types  DSAp1024s160 DSAp3072s256
     using impath kx grp  DHPrime3072Ex
     active modes         UseFIPSApprovedInternalMechanisms AlwaysUseStrongPrimes
     hardware status      OK


This example shows how to run the nfkminfo command.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: ncop-test-nfkminfo
    app: nshield
    - name: regcred
    - name: ncop
        - sh
        - '-c'
        - /opt/nfast/bin/nfkminfo && sleep 3600
      image: <docker-registry-address>/nshield-app
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      resources: {}
        - name: ncop-kmdata
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata
        - name: ncop-sockets
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/sockets
    - name: ncop-hwsp
      image: <docker-registry-address>/nshield-hwsp
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      resources: {}
        - name: ncop-config
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata/config
        - name: ncop-hardserver
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata/hardserver.d
        - name: ncop-sockets
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/sockets
    - name: ncop-config
        name: config
        defaultMode: 420
    - name: ncop-hardserver
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: ncop-kmdata
        claimName: nfast-kmdata 
    - name: ncop-sockets
      emptyDir: {}

<docker_registry-address> is the address of your internal Docker registry server.

  1. Deploy the pod:

    % kubectl apply -f pod_nfkminfo_app.yaml
  2. Check if the pod is running:

    % kubectl get pods

    You should see that the deployment is taking place. Wait 10 seconds and run the command again until the status is Running.

    If there are errors, run the following command to check what went wrong:

    % kubectl describe pod ncop-test-nfkminfo
  3. Check if the nfkminfo command runs:

    % kubectl logs pod/ncop-test-nfkminfo ncop
     generation  2
     state       0x37a70008 Initialised Usable Recovery PINRecovery !ExistingClient RTC NVRAM FTO AlwaysUseStrongPrimes !DisablePKCS1Padding !PpStrengthCheck !AuditLogging SEEDebug
     n_modules   1
     hknso       c9fb9e4cc5ec99fed1b92a766d90faccb639c7da
     hkm         235a046a49e6361470ba5a76dc1b3f745521dbd3 (type Rijndael)
     hkmwk       c2be99fe1c77f1b75d48e2fd2df8dffc0c969bcb
     hkre        4c8a5db06af0f51ab29a5ca5dacc72929f9f1b87
     hkra        6a1691c6d9a447ed90379fa49ebb6808a5b1851f
     hkmc        77bdd4664d681c9211b0fca71ced36351dfafc72
     hkp         2e1db243c305c1b0b9ff9a13b5039cce10119413
     hkrtc       6e100c78fd6e200e6fffd6419089d5dd34320097
     hknv        7d64bf068d30e0283219665b10aee498b061f85d
     hkdsee      059485679ff0a96048891bb6041cc11e4b0e9236
     hkfto       8aa8a2a902ffe4a6c83beaab3984aea1626b90d0
     hkmnull     0100000000000000000000000000000000000000
     ex.client   none
     k-out-of-n  1/1
     other quora m=1 r=1 p=1 nv=1 rtc=1 dsee=1 fto=1
     createtime  2021-06-21 20:55:08
     nso timeout 10 min
     ciphersuite DLf3072s256mAEScSP800131Ar1
     min pp      0 chars
     mode        none
    Module #1
     generation 2
     state      0x2 Usable
     flags      0x0 !ShareTarget
     n_slots    4
     esn        BD10-03E0-D947
     hkml       7f6ee17f7d9c0c26297ee788a1e1a5e698040b5d
    Module #1 Slot #0 IC 1
     generation    1
     phystype      SmartCard
     slotlistflags 0x2 SupportsAuthentication
     state         0x7 Error
     flags         0x0
     shareno       0
     error         UnlistedCard
    No Cardset
    Module #1 Slot #1 IC 0
     generation    1
     phystype      SoftToken
     slotlistflags 0x0
     state         0x2 Empty
     flags         0x0
     shareno       0
     error         OK
    No Cardset
    Module #1 Slot #2 IC 0
     generation    1
     phystype      SmartCard
     slotlistflags 0x80002 SupportsAuthentication DynamicSlot
     state         0x2 Empty
     flags         0x0
     shareno       0
     error         OK
    No Cardset
    Module #1 Slot #3 IC 0
     generation    1
     phystype      SmartCard
     slotlistflags 0x80002 SupportsAuthentication DynamicSlot
     state         0x2 Empty
     flags         0x0
     shareno       0
     error         OK
    No Cardset
    No Pre-Loaded Objects


This example shows how to run the sigtest command.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: ncop-test-sigtest
    app: nshield
    - name: regcred
    - name: ncop
        - sh
        - '-c'
        - /opt/nfast/bin/sigtest && sleep 3600
      image: <docker-registry-address>/nshield-app
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      resources: {}
        - name: ncop-kmdata
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata
        - name: ncop-sockets
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/sockets
    - name: ncop-hwsp
      image: <docker-registry-address>/nshield-hwsp
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      resources: {}
        - name: ncop-config
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata/config
        - name: ncop-hardserver
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/kmdata/hardserver.d
        - name: ncop-sockets
          mountPath: /opt/nfast/sockets
    - name: ncop-config
        name: config
        defaultMode: 420
    - name: ncop-hardserver
      emptyDir: {}
    - name: ncop-kmdata
        claimName: nfast-kmdata 
    - name: ncop-sockets
      emptyDir: {}

<docker_registry-address> is the address of your internal Docker registry server.

  1. Deploy the pod:

    % kubectl apply -f pod_sigtest_app.yaml
  2. Check if the pod is running:

    % kubectl get pods

    You should see that the deployment is taking place. Wait 10 seconds and run the command again until the status is Running.

    If there are errors, run the following command to check what went wrong:

    % kubectl describe pod ncop-test-sigtest
  3. Check if the sigtest command runs:

    % kubectl logs pod/ncop-test-sigtest ncop
     Hardware module #1 speed index 15843 recommended minimum queue 43
    Found 1 module; using 43 jobs
    Making 1024-bit RSAPrivate key on module #1;
      using Mech_RSApPKCS1 and PlainTextType_Bignum.
    Generated and exported key from module #1.
    Imported keys on module #1
     1, 9106 3642.4, 9106 overall
     2, 19814 6468.64, 9907 overall
     3, 29238 7650.78, 9746 overall
     4, 38331 8227.67, 9582.75 overall
     5, 46616 8250.6, 9323.2 overall
     6, 56538 8919.16, 9423 overall
     7, 66632 9389.1, 9518.86 overall
     8, 77314 9906.26, 9664.25 overall
     9, 87932 10191, 9770.22 overall
     10, 98555 10363.8, 9855.5 overall
     11, 108923 10365.5, 9902.09 overall
     12, 118720 10138.1, 9893.33 overall