
Select the protection method

OCS or Module protection can be used to authorize access to the keys protected by the HSM. Follow your organization’s security policy to select an authorization access method.

Install the HSM

Install the nShield Connect HSM locally, remotely, or remotely via the serial console. See the following nShield Support articles and the Installation Guide for the HSM:

Access to the Entrust nShield Support Portal is available to customers under maintenance. To request an account, contact

Install the nShield Security World Software and create the Security World

To install the nShield Security World Software and create the Security World:

  1. Install the Security World software as described in Installation Guide and the User Guide for the HSM. This is supplied on the installation disc.

  2. Add the Security World utilities path /opt/nfast/bin to the system path.

  3. Open the firewall port 9004 for the HSM connections.

  4. Open a command window and confirm the HSM is operational:

    # enquiry
     enquiry reply flags  none
     enquiry reply level  Six
     serial number        530E-02E0-D947 7724-8509-81E3 09AF-0BE9-53AA 9E10-03E0-D947
     mode                 operational
    Module #1:
     enquiry reply flags  none
     enquiry reply level  Six
     serial number        530E-02E0-D947
     mode                 operational
  5. Create your Security World if one does not already exist, or copy an existing one. Follow your organization’s security policy for this. Create extra ACS cards as spares in case of a card failure or a lost card.

    ACS cards cannot be duplicated after the Security World is created.
  6. Confirm the Security World is usable:

    # nfkminfo
     generation  2
     state       0x37270008 Initialised Usable ...
    Module #1
     generation 2
     state      0x2 Usable

Generate the OCS

The OCS and associated passphrase will be used to authorize access to the keys protected by the HSM. Typically, one or the other will be used, but rarely both.

When selecting your protection method take your organization’s security policy into consideration.

Create the OCS

To create the OCS:

  1. Ensure the /opt/nfast/kmdata/config/cardlist file contains the serial number of the card(s) to be presented, or the asterisk wildcard (*).

  2. Open a command window as an Administrator.

  3. Run the createocs command as described below, entering a passphrase or password at the prompt.

    Create one card for each person with access privilege, plus the spares.

    After an Operator Card Set has been created, the cards cannot be duplicated.
    # createocs -m1 -s2 -N testOCS -Q 1/1
    FIPS 140-2 level 3 auth obtained.
    Creating Cardset:
     Module 1: 0 cards of 1 written
     Module 1 slot 0: Admin Card #1
     Module 1 slot 2: empty
     Module 1 slot 3: empty
     Module 1 slot 2: blank cardSteps:
     Module 1 slot 2:- passphrase specified - writing card
    Card writing complete.
    cardset created; hkltu = a165a26f929841fe9ff2acdf4bb6141c1f1a2eed
  4. Verify the OCS was created:

    # nfkminfo -c
    Cardset list - 2 cardsets:  (P)ersistent/(N)ot, (R)emoteable/(L)ocal-only
     Operator logical token hash               k/n timeout  name
     edb3d45a28e5a6b22b033684ce589d9e198272c2  1/5  none-NL testOCS

    The rocs utility also shows the OCS was created:

    # rocs
    `rocs' key recovery tool
    Useful commands: `help', `help intro', `quit'.
    rocs> list cardset
    No. Name                     Keys (recov) Sharing
      1 testOCS                  2 (2)        1 of 1;
    rocs> quit

Generating a PKCS11 key

Creating a PKCS11 key is a crucial step in setting up the integration. This key will be used to generate an AWS KMS key via the external key store proxy on your AWS Linux server. Currently, only module and OCS generated keys are supported.

As per the AWS documentation, you must create keys in your HSM and map them to the external key store resource in KMS. These keys are used with AWS services supporting customer keys or within your applications for data encryption. Refer to

In an external key store, the key must be a 256-bit AES key, enabled, and capable of performing encryption and decryption. For specific requirements regarding a KMS key in an external key store. For more comprehensive information, refer to the AWS documentation at:

Follow these steps to generate the key:

  1. Open your terminal and execute the generatekey pkcs11 command as shown below:

    generatekey pkcs11
  2. During the key generation process, make sure to specify the following parameters:

    • Protection Type: Choose module or token (OCS) protection.

    • Key Type: Select AES as the key type.

    • Key Size: Use a 256-bit key size.

    • Key Name: Enter a descriptive plain name that will be used to identify the xks_key_id_set in a later step.

    • NVRAM: Leave the default as "no" for now.

    Example of module protected generated key:

    # generatekey pkcs11
    protect: Protected by? (token, softcard, module) [token] > module
    type: Key type? (DES3, DH, DHEx, DSA, HMACSHA1, HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384,
                     HMACSHA512, RSA, DES2, AES, Rijndael, ECDSA, ECDH) [RSA]
    > AES
    size: Key size? (bits, 128-256) [] > 256
    plainname: Key name? [] > xks-keyset-1
    nvram: Blob in NVRAM (needs ACS)? (yes/no) [no] >
  3. After the key is successfully generated, the system will provide you with the path to the key file. For example:

    Key successfully generated.
    Path to key: /opt/nfast/kmdata/local/key_pkcs11_ua44483047694932fb31383141f6cd8d89a7fc9c3c
  4. Save and keep track of this key, as it is required for the settings_nshield.toml file.

    To verify that the key was generated correctly, you can list the keys created using the nfkminfo -l command, as shown below:

    # nfkminfo -l
    Keys with module protection:
     key_pkcs11_ua44483047694932fb31383141f6cd8d89a7fc9c3c `xks-keyset-1`

    You can also use the rocs tool to view your keys. To list all keys, run the following command in your terminal:

    # rocs
    `rocs' key recovery tool
    Useful commands: `help', `help intro', `quit'.
    rocs> list keys
      No. Name                     App        Protected by
        1 xks-keyset-1             pkcs11     module

Remember to use the correct key when configuring the settings_nshield.toml file for seamless integration with AWS KMS.

Clone the Git repository and configure the settings

The Git repository to be cloned plays a significant role in driving the development of XKS, an Open interoperability specification for regulated workloads. It provides essential materials, including the XKS proxy API specification, enabling Entrust to create an XKS proxy for their nShield Hardware Security Module (HSM).

Additionally, it offers a reference implementation of an XKS proxy and a test client to ensure compliance with the specification. Integrating this repository with AWS KMS XKS Proxy enhances security and fosters standardized security practices for secure workloads. For more information, refer to:

To set up the integration with AWS KMS XKS Proxy, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Git repository to your AWS Linux Server by executing the following command:

    git clone
  2. Next, configure the settings_nshield.toml file located under aws-kms-xks-proxy/xks-axum/configuration/settings_nshield.toml.

  3. Start by configuring the [server] section of the file. To do this:

    1. Enter the IP of your server and set the port to 443.

    2. Keep the other settings as default.

    3. Ensure that any firewalls between AWS KMS and the external key store proxy allow traffic to and from port 443 on the proxy. AWS KMS communicates on port 443.

    ip = ""
    port = 443
    region = "us-east-1"
    service = "kms-xks-proxy"
  4. Now, configure the [security] section of the file. Enable is_sigv4_auth_enabled and is_tls_enabled.

    is_sigv4_auth_enabled = true
    is_tls_enabled = true
    is_mtls_enabled = false
  5. Proceed to configure the [external_key_stores] section of the file. For the uri_path_prefix, use /nshield/xks. Generate the sigv4_access_key_id and sigv4_secret_access_key with the specified character requirements. Set the xks_key_id_set to match the plain name of the PKCS11 key you generated in the previous step.

    Before generating the keys, ensure that you follow your organizations’s policy and guidelines for key generation. These keys securing your system, so adhere to the specified character requirements and security best practices during the process.
    uri_path_prefix = "/nshield/xks"
    sigv4_access_key_id = "2J6C4RFB3A5XMWYTHPKX"
    sigv4_secret_access_key = "rD5/fh6yK4dDjnrj4g9znwTJxYnPhB99Qemv71g5Wv38QoO6vuR/+ba6rgsD0ap"
    xks_key_id_set = ["xks-keyset-1"]
    If there is another [external_key_stores] section, you can delete it and keep the one you configured.
  6. Now, configure the [tls] section of the file for TLS communication during the integration process. You must obtain a TLS certificate issued by a public certificate authority supported for external key stores. For a list, see

    1. First, ensure that you have obtained the necessary certificate files required for TLS communication.

    2. Copy these certificate files to the designated folder /aws-kms-xks-proxy/xks-axum/tls, which will be utilized by the xks-proxy for TLS communication.

    3. Make sure the certificate chain is in a single file called tls_cert_pem.

    4. Confirm that the tls_key_pem specified in the configuration file matches the key used when generating the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the certificate. This ensures the proper functioning of the TLS communication.

    After completing these steps, your [tls] section in the configuration file should look like this:

    # Applicable when is_tls_enabled = true
    tls_cert_pem = "tls/combined.crt"
    tls_key_pem = "tls/private.key"
    # Applicable when is_mtls_enabled = true
    mtls_client_ca_pem = ""
    mtls_client_dns_name = ""

    By adhering to these configurations, your TLS communication will be successfully set up for AWS KMS XKS Proxy integration.

  7. If you are using OCS protection, provide the passphrase of the OCS in the user_pin section of the settings_nshield.toml file. If there is no passphrase, leave it blank ("").

    user_pin = "standard"
  8. Keep the rest of the settings as default and save the file.

Configure the cknfastrc variables

To configure the cknfastrc variables:

  1. Ensure that you have edited the cknfastrc file found under /opt/nfast/cknfastrc to enable module protection:

  2. If you are using OCS protection, edit the cknfastrc to include this variable:


Key Administrators - AWS IAM user

To enable the integration, you must designate an IAM user as a key Administrator. This user will have permissions to manage and use the KMS key for cryptographic operations.

  1. Log into the AWS Management Console.

  2. Search for the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service and select it.

  3. In the IAM console, select Access Management in the left tab and then choose Users.

  4. You can either select an existing user or create a new user to be the Key Administrator. In this example integration, a new user named xks-user is created as the Key Administrator.

IAM user 1

Getting started with the XKS proxy

Before proceeding with the integration of the AWS XKS and nShield HSM, note that the following section demonstrates an example of deploying the XKS Proxy using Rust Cargo. However, the choice of build and deployment environment may vary based on your organization’s preferences and toolset.

The provided steps illustrate how to set up the XKS Proxy using Rust Cargo as a reference implementation for this integration guide. This is an example utilizing the tools available at the time of testing. There are various other build and deployment options. Adapt the process based on your specific requirements and infrastructure.

To use the XKS Proxy, follow these steps:

  1. Install Rust Cargo. This command may differ based on your setup:

    # yum install rust cargo
  2. Create an executable file named xks_nshield_run with the following contents:

    # cat xks_nshield_run
    cd <directory>/aws-kms-xks-proxy/xks-axum
    XKS_PROXY_SETTINGS_TOML=configuration/settings_nshield.toml cargo run
  3. Run the executable xks_nshield_run by executing the following command:

    # ./xks_nshield_run

Upon successful execution, you should see the XKS Proxy start and display relevant information:

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.22s
     Running `target/debug/xks-proxy`
2023-07-19T17:53:24.718713Z  INFO main xks_proxy: 276: Tracing level="DEBUG" is_file_writer_enabled=true
2023-07-19T17:53:24.719126Z  INFO main xks_proxy: 278: Tracing file rotation_kind="HOURLY"
2023-07-19T17:53:24.719224Z  INFO main xks_proxy: 67: Starting service="kms-xks-proxy" region="us-east-1"
2023-07-19T17:53:24.719744Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker xks_proxy: 195: available for health check
2023-07-19T17:53:24.719868Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker xks_proxy: 113: is_sigv4_enabled=true is_tls_enabled=true is_mtls_enabled=false secondary_auth=None
2023-07-19T17:53:24.720202Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker xks_proxy: 133: Ciphertext Metadata is not configured.
2023-07-19T17:53:24.720397Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker xks_proxy: 144: TCP Keepalive secs=Some(60s) interval_secs=Some(1s) retries=Some(3)
2023-07-19T17:53:24.720599Z  INFO tokio-runtime-worker xks_proxy: 149: v3.1.2-unknown listening on for traffic

With these instructions, you now have the XKS Proxy up and running, ready to handle your KMS-related tasks.

Creating the External Key Store on AWS

To set up the External Key Store on AWS, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the AWS console and navigate to the Key Management Server (KMS) section.

  2. In KMS, go to Custom key stores > External key stores.

  3. Select Create external key store.

    create external keystore 1
  4. Provide the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the Key store name.

  5. Choose the Public endpoint option.

  6. Enter the HTTPS URL for the server, for example:

    create external keystore 2
  7. For the proxy configuration, provide the following details:

    1. Enter the URI path prefix as specified in the settings_nshield.toml file: "/nshield/xks".

    2. Enter the Access key ID generated earlier (Ensure it matches the one in settings_nshield.toml).

    3. Enter the secret access key generated earlier (Ensure it matches the one in settings_nshield.toml).

    create external keystore 3
  8. Select "Create external key store". AWS will notify you when the external keystore has been created.

    create external keystore 4
  9. After the external key store is created, you can view its details, including the connection state:

    keystore details 1
  10. Connect the newly created External Keystore. Under Key store actions, select "Connect."

    connect keystore

    The connection process may take up to 5 minutes to complete.

    connect keystore 2
  11. After connection, the connection state will change to "Connected."

    connect keystore 3

With the External Key Store successfully created and connected, you can now utilize its functionality to securely manage and store keys in your AWS environment.

Creating a key in AWS KMS

To create a new key in AWS Key Management Service (KMS), follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Key Management Server (KMS) section in the AWS console and select Customer managed keys.

    create key 1
  2. Choose Symmetric as the key type.

  3. Select Encrypt and decrypt for the key usage.

  4. In the Advanced options, choose External key store and check the agreement.

    create key 2
  5. Select the external key store created earlier.

  6. Enter the plainname that was defined for the key when it was generated, and ensure it matches the one in the settings_nshield.toml file under xks_key_id_set. For this example, xks-keyset-1 was used.

    create key 3
  7. Enter the External key id for Alias and description.

    create key 4
  8. For key administrators, select the xks-user from the IAM step.

    create key 5
  9. Select the xks-user for key-usage permissions as well.

    create key 6
  10. Review the details of the key creation and select Finish to create the key.

    create key 7
  11. After completing the creation process, you will find your new key listed under Customer managed keys.

    create key 8

With the new key successfully created and managed by the External Key Store, you have completed the integration.