There are various example programs included in the examples
These examples use the pqsdk.jar
file to interface with the SEE machine and demonstrate how to use the PQSDK API.
Installation with no pre-built examples
In an installation with no pre-built examples, the example programs need to be compiled before they can be run.
For example, to execute the SignVerify
example for a Solo XC run the following commands:
cd /opt/nfast/pqsdk/examples/xc
javac -d . -cp /opt/nfast/java/classes/nCipherKM.jar:/opt/nfast/pqsdk/bin/java/pqsdk.jar SignVerify.java
jar -cf examples.jar com/entrust/pqsdk/examples/SignVerify.class
java -cp examples:/opt/nfast/pqsdk/bin/java/pqsdk.jar com.entrust.pqsdk.examples.SignVerify
You can use the source code as the basis for your own programs, or modify it to your needs.
Installations with pre-built examples
In an installation with pre-built examples, the example programs are compiled into pqsdk-examples.jar.
For example, to execute the ImportKeypair
example under n5 run the following commands:
cd /opt/nfast/pqsdk/examples/n5
java -cp /opt/nfast/pqsdk/bin/java/pqsdk-examples.jar com.entrust.pqsdk.examples.ImportKeypair fe80::216:3eff:fe6c:1bb%nshield0 8888