Release notes


These release notes apply to version 8.0.0 of the Time Stamp Option Pack™ (TSOP) Software Development Kit (SDK). They contain information specific to this release such as new features, defect fixes, and known issues.

This release supports the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 x64

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 x64

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 x64

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.1 x64

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.6 x64

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 8 x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 x64

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 x64

  • SUSE Enterprise Linux 12 x64

  • SUSE Enterprise Linux 15 x64

The Release Notes may from time to time be updated with issues that have come to light after this release has been made available. Please check Entrust nShield Support at for the most up to date version of this document and the TSOP user documentation.

Access to support is available to customers under maintenance. Please contact Entrust nShield Support at to request an account.

Purpose of this release

Time Stamp Option Pack™ Software Development Kit version 8.0.0 addresses a number of known issues and introduces a number of enhancements over the previous 7.20.0 release, including:

  • 32-bit TSOP SDK support on Windows.

  • Empty certificate field permitted in time stamp tokens.

Changes in this release

The TSOP SDK 8.0.0 release introduces a number of enhancements. These are discussed in the following sections.

32-bit TSOP SDK support on Windows

To permit integration with some third-party applications, this release provides a 32-bit DLL, as well as associated header and library files, for Windows.

Empty certificate field permitted in time stamp tokens

Time stamp tokens with an empty certificate field no longer provoke an access violation when calling TTI_GetTST_TimeAttributeCertEx(), TTI_GetTST_TSACertEx() and TTI_VerifyTST_SignatureEx().

Important information

Before deploying the TSOP SDK, the following should be considered:

  • This release only supports the operating systems detailed in Introduction.

  • It is required that all client applications built with pre-6.20.00 versions of the TSOP SDK (both the C and Java APIs) are rebuilt to use the updated libraries in this release.

  • On Linux, applications linking with libtti.a must also link with the pthread library.

  • When TTI_VERIFY_ESSCERTIDV2 is set to 0, the first SHA-2 hash in ESSCertIDv2 is checked - if no SHA-2 hashes are present - the first SHA-1 hash in ESSCertID is checked. If TTI_VERIFY_ESSCERTIDV2 is set to 1, or the environment variable is unset, only ESSCertIDv2 is verified.

  • The Java SDK requires a Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.8 installation.

  • Both the Java and C versions of the TSOP SDK include example code (the Java examples are accompanied by Javadoc documentation).

  • On Windows, the Java and C versions of the TSOP SDK software are installed, respectively, in:

    • C:\Program Files\nCipher\nfast\java\dsesdk\

    • C:\Program Files\nCipher\nfast\c\dsesdk\

  • On Unix-based operating systems, the Java and C versions of the TSOP SDK software are installed, respectively, in:

    • /opt/nfast/java/dsesdk/

    • /opt/nfast/c/dsesdk/

See the TSOP SDK Reference Guide for additional information.