
User login type determines which options are displayed.

Logged in as Administrator

  1. Navigate to:

    Views > Groups > Group List

    Group list

    The Group Summary page opens.

    Group summary

    On this page, you can sort the display order of the Group Name column and the Description column.

Refer to View > Group > Group List for additional information on Administrator options under Group List.

Logged in as Group Manager

Logged on as Group Manager provides the following navigational options:

View group manager

View > Groups

View Groups drop down has three destinations:

  • Group List. Refer to View > Group > Group List, for additional information on Group Manager options under Group List.

  • HSMs By Group

  • Client Hosts By Group

View group options
View group option details

View > HSMs

View HSMs drop down has two destinations:

  • HSM List

  • Client Hosts By HSM

View HSMs
View HSM details

View > Client Hosts

View Client Hosts has two destinations:

  • Client Host List

  • HSMs By Client Hosts

View client hosts
View client hosts details

View > Keys

View Keys has two destinations:

  • Key List

  • Client Hosts By Key

View keys
View keys details

View > Card Sets

View Card Sets has two destinations:

  • Card Set List

  • Client Hosts By Card Set

View card sets
View card sets details

View > Security Worlds

View Security Worlds has five destinations:

  • Security World List

  • HSMs By Security World

  • Client Hosts By Security World

  • Keys By Security World

  • Card Sets By Security World

View Security Worlds
view security worlds details

View > Group > Group List

From the View tab, whether logged in as an Administrator or as a Group Manager (or Auditor), you are able to navigate to the Group List page.

The Group List page provides a group summary listing of groups configured in the virtual appliance as well as utilization information, host command information, and overload, alarm information, and a column for descriptive information.

When logged on as a Group Manager, you can navigate through the View menu to acknowledge alarms.

The options provided in the View drop down menu is directly tied to your logon.

  • Administrator

  • Group Manager

  • Auditor

The Auditor has the same views (i.e., menu drop downs) as the Group Manager; however, the auditor has no ability to perform any actions. For example, an Auditor can not acknowledge alarms or enter comments, etc.

Group List > Group Summary - Administrator

The Group Summary page provides an easy to use view that updates every 60 seconds as information is polled.

  1. Navigate to:

    Views > Groups > Group List

    The Group Summary page opens.

    When logged in as an Administrator, you can only view all groups. You can not perform any other actions on these groups.
    View group summary
    As an Administrator, you are able to sort the data displayed.
    Black column headers indicate that the contents of the column can not be sorted while blue column headers indicate that the contents of the column can be sorted.
    Group summary - group name
  2. Toggle the sort, if needed.

  3. Hover over an alarm total in the Alarm column to view the severity pop-up.

    Group summary alarm

Group List > Group Summary - Group Manager

When logged in as Group Manager, all groups assigned to you are listed.

  1. Navigate to:

    Views > Groups > Group List

    Group summary - group manager view

    The Group Summary page opens.

    View group summary - group manager view

Group Summary page - Navigation options

The Group Summary contains three navigation points.

Selecting any one of the following opens a new page:

  • A specific Group Name

    Group name

    The Group Detail page opens.

    Group details
  • A specific Alarm

    Group alarm

    The Current Unacknowledged Alarms page opens.

    Current unacknowledged alarms

    You can acknowledge the alarm by checking the box to open the Acknowledge Alarm page.

  • A specific entity

    Group summary select specific entity

    The Client Hosts By Group page opens.

    Client hosts by group

Alarms Acknowledgment Views

  1. Navigate to:

    View > Groups > Group List

    View > groups > group list

    The Group Summary page opens.

    Group summary
  2. Select (i.e., click) any number in the Alarm column.

  3. After Current Unacknowledged Alarms page opens, optionally enter a comment and then select Acknowledge Alarm.

    Acknowledge alarm
    Select alarm
    Selecting multiple boxes allows you to simultaneously acknowledge multiple alarms.
    If you click directly on the Alarm Severity, i.e., directly on CRITICAL, the Acknowledge Alarm page opens.
    Critical alarm
    Acknowledge critical alarm
  4. Enter comments (optionally) and then select Acknowledge Alarm.

Navigating to the Group Detail page

  1. To get to the Group Detail page, navigate to:

    View > Groups > Group List

    The Group Summary page opens.

    Group summary
  2. From the Group Name column, select Group <n>.

    Group detail

Filtering Group Detail - Group Average, Top 10, or Custom

Each window on the Group Detail page, i.e.,Client Hosts, nShield HSMs, can be filtered based on Group Average, Top 10, or based on a Custom list of devices.

Example: Filtering a Utilization Chart based on:

Group Average, Top 10, or Custom list of devices

Group detail filters

Each of these views shows the average of the data collected for the interval period selected (5 minutes, 15 minutes, etc.).

Line colors in the chart are used to designate a specific device. Click on the items in the color index, (e.g., specifically on "MAX", and/or on "Group 1") to toggle the display options.
nShield Monitor can provide the maximum data point that occurred in a selected interval period. The utilization chart provides a red line to show a maximum data point as well as a time stamp to show when that maximum utilization occurred.
  • Select the drop down arrow on the time period bar to modify the time period being viewed.

    The Custom Range selections are in the UTC time zone.
  • Use the sliding mechanism to change the intervals.

    Set intervals

    Example of Custom:

  • Select (i.e., click on a device) in the selection box to move it from one box to the other.

  • Select Apply to confirm the change.

  • Select Close to return the to Group Detail page.

  • Select the expansion arrow to open a Group Detail page, as needed.

    Group detail device
    Each graph can be printed or exported in CSV.
    Export graph

Group Detail page - Client Hosts

The Client Hosts window displays:

  • Graphed command count based on command count per time block:

    Client hosts intervals
    Client hosts device
  • Clicking on the device name opens the Client Host Detail page for that device.

Client Host Detail page - Overview

Select the expansion arrow to open the windows.

Client host details

Client Host - Performance window

Client host performance

Client Host - Health window

Client host health

Client Host - Applications with Active Connection window

Client host applications with active connection
  • Click on the blue columns to reverse the sort order, based on preference.

  • Select (i.e., click on) a specific Connection Number to open a the connection’s Application Details page.

    Application details
  • Select a specific Serial number to open the HSM Detail page.

    HSM detail

Client Host - Security World Info window

Client host - security world
  • Select the Security World identifier to open the Security World Detail page.

    Security world detail

Client Host - nShield HSMs window

Client host HSM
  • Select a specific Serial Number to open the HSM Detail page.

    Client host HSM detail

Client Host - nShield Card Sets window

Client host card sets
  • Select a specific Set Name to open the Card Set Detail page.

    Card set detail

Client Host - nShield Keys window

Client host keys
  • Select a specific Key Identifier/Name to open the Key Detail page.

    Key detail

Additional Views available to the Group Manager

The View drop down menu provides several additional options that are not offered to the Administrator, i.e.,

  • Groups

  • HSMs

  • Client Hosts

  • Keys

  • Card Sets

  • Security Worlds

Group manager login
Group manager view options


  1. Navigate to:

    View > Groups > Client Hosts By Group

    View client hosts by group
  2. Select Client Hosts By Groups.

    The Client Hosts By Groups page opens.

    Client hosts by group

The Client Hosts By Group page contains three navigation points. Selecting any one of the following opens a new page;

  • A specific device name

    Device name

    The Client Host Detail page opens.

    Client host detail
  • A specific Alarm

    Specific alarm

    The Current Unacknowledged Alarms page opens.

    Current unacknowledged alarms
  • A specific Security World

    Security world

    The Security World Detail page opens.

    Security world detail

View > HSMs > HSM List

  1. Navigate to:

    Views > HSMs > HSM List

    View HSM list
  2. Select HSM List.

    The HSMs Summary page opens.

HSM Summary Page

With the HSM Summary page open, you can toggle between views by selecting Client Hosts by HSM. See the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Client hosts by HSM

Colored font indicates that filtering is available. Additionally, you can select individual devices to open new windows.


HSM detail example
HSM detail example

Navigation Example - nShield HSMs window

HSM navigation example
Blue icons and blue text indicate action available, e.g., selecting a specific Security World, opens the Security World Summary page.

Examples follow:

Security World identifier
  • Select the Security World identifier. The Security World Detail page opens.

    Security World detail
  • Select Edit Security World Name to edit the name:

    Edit Security World Name
  • Enter the new name and select Save.

    Select Clear to close this dialog box without saving an edit.
  • Health window

    Health window
  • Security World Quorum window

    Security World Quorum
  • Client Hosts window

    Client hosts
  • Select the client host name to open the Client Host Detail page.

    Client host detail
  • nShield HSMs window

    HSMs window
  • Select a Serial No. (e.g., click F48C-82C8-3ED9) to open the HSM Detail page.

    HSM detail

View > HSMs > Client Hosts by HSM

  1. Navigate to:

    Views > HSMs > Client Hosts by HSM

    The Client Host by HSM page opens.

  2. When hovering over the text turns the text blue, click to expand.

    HSM host

    A details window opens:

    HSM hosts details

    This detail window has 4 navigation links as summarized in the following table.

    Links on the Details window


Opens this page



See Client Host Detail page

HSMs count

nShield HSMs page.
This page lists all the HSMs by Serial Number

The nShield HSMs page also contains a link under the Security World column. Clicking on the Security World identifier opens the Security World Detail page.

(hover over the colored alarm total box in the Alarm column, then click.)

Current Unacknowledged Alarm

Select the box associated with the alarm to open the Acknowledge Alarm window.

Security World (name or HashKNSO)

Security World Detail page.

Client Host Detail page

Select the expansion arrows to open additional windows.

Client host detail

Performance window:

Performance window

Health window:

Health window

Applications with Active Connection to Hardserver window:

Applications with active connection

Security World Info window:

Security World window
Clicking on the Security World identifier (e.g, c076cd…​.), opens the Security World Detail page.

nShield HSMs window:

HSMs window

nShield Card Sets window:

HSM card sets
Selecting a set name, opens the Card Set Detail page.

Card Set Detail page:

Card set detail

Select the expansion arrows to open additional windows.

nShield Keys window:

Keys window

This window has two navigational links.

Selecting the Key Identifier opens the Key Detail page:

Key detail

Selecting the Client Hosts number opens the Client Hosts By Key page.

Client hosts by key

Navigating to the Security World Detail page

  1. Select a Security World name.

    Security World name

    Security World Detail page opens.

    Security World detail
  2. Select the Health expansion arrow.

  3. Select the Security World Quorum expansion arrow.

    Security World Quorum
  4. Select Client Hosts

    Client hosts

    The Client Hosts window has one navigational link.

  5. Select a name from the Name column (e.g., click on Faisal CH 1)

    The Client Host Detail page opens:

    Client host detail

View > Keys

Key > Key List

  1. Navigate to:

    Views > Keys

    View key list
  2. Select Key List.

    The Key Summary page opens.

    Key summary

    The Key Summary page has two navigation links:

    • Key Name/Identifier

    • Client Hosts

  3. Select a Key Name to open the Key Detail for page.

    Key detail
    Should you need to Edit the Key Name, Select Edit Key Name, rename the key and then select Save.
  4. Select the expansion arrows to open the windows.

    Blue font indicates that the text is a link. Click on the blue text to drill deeper (e.g., click on Faisal CH 1 to open the Client Host Detail for: Faisal CH1 page.)


    Key health

    Security World Info:

    Security World info

    Client Hosts:

    Client hosts

Keys > Client Hosts By Key

Select cLient hosts by key
  1. Select Client Hosts By Key.

    The Client Hosts By Key page opens.

    Client hosts by key
  2. When hovering over the text turns the text blue, click to expand.

  3. Select a device.

    Select device

    The Client Host Detail page opens.

    Client host detail
  4. Select the expansion arrows to open the windows.





    Applications with Active Connection to Hardserver:

    Applications with active connection to hardserver

    Security World Info:

    Security World info

    nShield HSMs


    nShield Card Sets:

    Card sets

    nShield Keys:


Card Sets

  1. Navigate to:

    Views > Card Sets

View > Card Set > List

  1. Select Card Set List.

    The Card Set Summary page opens.

    Card set summary
  2. Select a Set Name to open a specific Card Set Detail page.

    Card set detail
  3. Select the expansion arrow to open the windows.



    Security World Info:

    Security World info

    nShield Keys Protected By This Card Set:

    Keys protected by card set
    When there are no keys to display, the system indicates such.

    Client Hosts:

    Client hosts

View > Card Sets > Client Hosts By Card Set

Select client hosts by card set
  1. Select Client Hosts By Card Set.

    The Client Hosts By Card Set page opens.

    Client hosts by card set
  2. When hovering over the text turns the text blue, click to expand.

    Hover over card set
    Client hosts by card set
  3. Continue to click on the blue text to drill deeper.

For example, clicking on the Security World identifier opens the Security World Detail page:

Security World detail

Security Worlds

Views > Security Worlds > Security World List

  1. Navigate to:

    Views > Security Worlds > Security World List

    View Security World list
  2. Select Security World List.

    The Security World Summary page opens.

    Security World summary
  3. Click on the blue text to drill deeper.

    View details

    For example, clicking on the Security World HashKNSO opens the Security World Detail page.

    Security World detail.png
  4. Click on the expansion arrows to open additional windows.

Security Worlds > HSMs By Security World

  1. Navigate to:

    Security Worlds > HSMs By Security World

    View HSMs by Security World
  2. Select HSMs By Security World.

    The HSMs By Security World page opens.

    HSMs by Security World
  3. When hovering over the text turns the text blue, click to expand.

    HSM more info
  4. Select a Serial Number to open the HSM Detail page.

    HSM detail
  5. Select the expansion arrows to open additional windows.

Security Worlds > Client Hosts By Security World

  1. Navigate to:

    Security Worlds > Client Hosts By Security World

    View client hosts

    The Client Hosts By Security World page opens.

  2. When hovering over the text, the font turns blue, click to expand.

    Client hosts by Security World

    The page expands:

    Select client host

    The blue font indicates that there are two links on this page, i.e., data in the name column, and count total in the HSMs column.

  3. Select a specific Name, e.g., click on Faisal CH 2.

    The Client Host Detail for: Faisal CH 2 page opens.

    Client host detial
  4. Select the expansion arrows to open additional windows.

    Client host - more detial
    Client host - more detial
    Client host - more detial
  5. Continue to click on the blue text to drill deeper.

Security Worlds > Keys By Security World

  1. Navigate to:

    Security Worlds > Keys By Security World

    View keys

    The Keys By Security World page opens.

    Keys by Security World
    Both the Key Name/Identifier and the Client Host columns contain blue font. Blue font indicates an active link. For example purposes, the following step selects the Key Name/Identifier.
  2. Select the Key Name/Identifier.

    select key

    The Key Detail page opens.

    Key detail
  3. Select the expansion arrows to open additional windows.

    More detail
  4. Continue to click on the blue text to drill deeper.

Security Worlds > Card Sets By Security World

  1. Navigate to:

    View > Security Worlds > Card Sets By Security World

    View Card Sets by Security World

    The Card Sets By Security World page opens.

    Card Sets by Security World
  2. Select a Set Name to open the Card Set Detail page.

    Card Set detail
  3. Select the expansion arrows to open the windows.

    Card Set - more detail
  4. Select the Client Host Count (from the Card Sets By Security World page).

    Client host count

    The Client Hosts By Card Set page opens.

    Client Hosts by Card Set
  5. Select Name to open the Client Host Detail page.

    Client Host detail
  6. Select the expansion arrows to open the windows.