Base64url Encoding

Base64url encoding is a method of encoding binary data for safe, unambiguous transmission as plain text, for example in URLs. Full details of how to encode and decode are detailed in Since standard base64 encoding uses characters that are reserved for other uses in URLs, a variant has been created that uses alternative characters that do not require escaping when forming part of a URL. Padding characters are also removed and can be derived through the length of the base64url-encoded data, as specified in

The following python script demonstrates how to encode a file to base64url-encoded format:


import base64
import sys

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as input_file:
    in_data =
    out_b64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(in_data).strip("=")
    print out_b64

The following python script demonstrates how to pad and decode:


import base64
import sys

pad = {0: "", 2: "==", 3: "="}

with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as input_file:
    in_b64u_stripped =
    mod4 = (len(in_b64u_stripped)) % 4
    if (mod4 == 1):
        raise ValueError("Invalid input: its length mod 4 == 1")
    b64u = in_b64u_stripped + pad[mod4]
    out_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b64u)