Software Installation

Before you install CIOP:

  • See the latest Release Notes at for hardware and software compatibility, and known and fixed issues.

  • Remove any previous installations of CIOP.

  • Check you have the Security World software (v12.60 or later) installed and a working Security World configured. For more information on creating a Security World, see the User Guide for your nShield HSM.

Note that CIOP has different Security World version requirements depending on which cloud service provider you are attempting to export keys for. Refer to the Release Notes for further details.

Install on Windows

To install the Cloud Integration Option Pack on Windows:

  1. Download the CIOP-<version>.zip file.

  2. Extract the CIOP-<version>.zip.

  3. Start a command prompt with Run as administrator.

  4. Change to the directory from step 2.

  5. In the command prompt, install using the provided batch script install.bat. This script uses the nShield Python pip tool.


Install on Linux

To install the Cloud Integration Option Pack on Linux:

  1. Download the CIOP-<version>.zip file.

  2. Extract the CIOP-<version>.zip.

  3. Change to the directory from step 2.

  4. In the command prompt, install using the provided shell script This script uses the nShield Python pip tool.

    sudo ./

Uninstall CIOP

To uninstall CIOP on Windows:

"%NFAST_HOME%\python\python.exe" -m pip uninstall nshield-citool

To uninstall CIOP on Linux:

sudo /opt/nfast/python/bin/python -m pip uninstall nshield-citool