Uninstalling Security World Software

This section describes how to uninstall Security World software.

Entrust recommends that you only uninstall the Security World software in the following circumstances:

  • You are certain it is no longer required.

  • You intend to upgrade it.

In Windows environments, because the hardserver is installed as a named service (known as the nFast server), it is only possible to have one Security World software installation on any given computer.

In Linux environments, it is also not possible to have more than one Security World software installation on the same computer.

Entrust therefore recommends that, when you are upgrading, any older versions of software are uninstalled and deleted.

The automated Security World software installers do not delete user created components, key data, or Security World data. However:

  • On Linux, a manual installation using .tar files does overwrite existing data and directories.

  • On Windows, if the installer detects an existing Security World Software installation, it asks you if you want to install the new components. These components replace your existing installation.

Make sure you have completed the steps described in before upgrading software before you uninstall any software.

Uninstalling the Security World software on Windows

This procedure requires the privileges of the built-in local Administrators group.

  1. Open the Control Panel and select Programs and Features.

  2. For the following programs, select Uninstall and follow the on-screen instructions:

    • nShield Software.

    • CyberJack Base Components.

  3. If the file nCipherKM.jar is present, it is located in the extensions folder of your local Java Virtual Machine. The uninstall process may not delete this file and you have to remove it manually.

Removal of Security World data

The uninstaller removes only those files that were created during the installation.

If you wish to completely uninstall the Security World, including any data created during its operation, including key data, navigate to the installation directory and delete the files in the %NFAST_KMDATA% folder.

Do not remove Security World data as part of an upgrade procedure. Only remove Security World data if you wish to do a complete uninstallation.

Uninstalling the Security World software on Linux

This procedure requires root privileges.

  1. To remove drivers, install fragments, and scripts and to stop services, run the command:

    /opt/nfast/sbin/install -u
  2. If you have installed packages with rpm, you must also remove them with rpm:

    1. Check which rpm packages are installed on the system:

      rpm -qa nShield*

      Example output:

      For example, the output of this command on a test system looks as so:
    2. Follow the package list from the output bottom up to uninstall the packages one by one:

      rpm -e <full-package-name>

      For example:

      rpm -e nShield-hwsp-237.a1f2123456789ffffffffd1d0d996f12272a98928-13.4.2.x86_64

      From the output above, uninstall raserv first and uninstall hwsp last.

      Files that were created after an rpm was installed are not deleted.
  3. Delete all the files, including those in subdirectories, from /opt/nfast and /dev/nfast/:

    The following commands delete both software and data. If you are uninstalling as part of an upgrade ensure that you have performed all the steps in Before upgrading software to ensure that the critical data is backed-up so that it can be restored after the upgrade.
    rm -rf /opt/nfast
    rm -rf /dev/nfast
  4. If you are not re-installing the product, delete the configuration file /etc/nfast.conf if it exists.

  5. Unless they are needed for a new installation, remove the user and group nfast and, if they exist, the user and group ncsnmpd.

    sudo userdel ncsnmp
    sudo userdel nfast
    sudo groupdel ncsnmp
    sudo groupdel nfast
  6. If the file nCipherKM.jar is present, it is located in the extensions folder of your local Java Virtual Machine. The uninstall process may not delete this file and you may have to remove it manually.