Create and Manage Hyper-V Virtual Machines in Hyper-V Core

Prerequisites for using nShield Monitor with Hyper-V virtual machines

It is recommended to have at least 8 GB main memory when using Hyper-V Manager with nShield Monitor. The following Hyper-V image files are required:

  • nShieldMonitor-3.1.0-1.vhd

  • nShieldMonitor-3.1.0-2.vhdx

  • nShieldMonitor-3.1.0-3.vhdx

  • nShieldMonitor-3.1.0-4.vhdx

  • nShieldMonitor-3.1.0-5.vhdx

Install Hyper-V

With Windows Server Core installations, you can install Hyper-V using the following applications:

  • The legacy Hyper-V Manager.

  • Windows Admin Center.

Install Hyper-V on Windows Server Core with PowerShell

At the PowerShell command prompt, run:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -IncludeAllSubFeature -Restart

Windows Server Core will install the Hyper-V role and restart automatically.

Add the Hyper-V role using Windows Admin Center

  1. Connect your Windows Admin Center Gateway Server to your Windows Server Core installation.

  2. In Windows Admin Server, select Server Manager > Roles and Features > Install, then select Hyper-V.

    Windows Admin Center will calculate the dependencies of role and feature installations and then prompt you to proceed with the installation, including automatic reboot options.

  3. When Windows Server has rebooted, check in Server Manager > Roles and Features that the State for the Hyper-V role is Installed.

Configure a new virtual machine with Hyper-V

  1. In Windows Admin Center, select Server Manager, then launch Hyper-V Manager.

  2. Select New > Virtual Machine.

    The New Virtual Machine Wizard opens.

    New Virtual Machine Wizard
  3. Specify the Name and Location of the virtual machine, then select Next.

  4. Select Generation 1, then select Next.

  5. Set the RAM Size, then select Next.

  6. Set the Connection to Default Switch, then select Next.

  7. Attach the boot hard disk (VHD file) for nShield Monitor.

    Connect Virtual Hard Disk
  8. Select Next, then select Finish.

  9. In the new machine, select Settings.

  10. Select SCSI Controller, then add the remaining four hard drives of nShield Monitor.

    1. Select Hard Drive, then select Add.

      SCSI controller page
    2. In the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard, select Copy the contents of the specified virtual hard disk, browse to the -2.vhdx file, and add it.

    3. Back on the SCSI Controller page, select Apply.

    4. Add the other three virtual hard disk files (-3.vhdx, -4.vhdx, and -5.vhdx), repeating steps a-c for each of them.

      All four virtual hard disk files added to the SCSI Controller:

      SCSI controller’s added
  11. From Hyper-V Manager, select Start and Connect to see the nShield Monitor image running.