Installing the nShield Key Attestation Verifier

Always download the nShield Key Attestation Verifier from a trusted source. Verify the integrity after it has been downloaded. You can verify the integrity by using the hash provided at the software download, or obtained from a trusted source.

Before you install the nShield Key Attestation Verifier:

  • See the latest Release Notes at for hardware and software compatibility, and known and fixed issues.

  • Determine whether the nShield Key Attestation Verifier will be installed as a standalone tool, or installed alongside an existing Security World software installation.

  • Remove any previous installations of the nShield Key Attestation Verifier.

Install the nShield Key Attestation Verifier


To install the nShield Key Attestation Verifier on Windows:

  1. Download and mount keyattest-Common-<version>.iso.

  2. In an administrator command prompt, change to where the ISO is mounted.

  3. Run nShieldKeyAttestSetup.bat, specifying: -s (or --standalone) for a standalone installation, or -n (or --nshield-upgrade) to install alongside an existing Security World software installation. For example, to install as a standalone installation:

    nShieldKeyAttestSetup.bat -s

On completion, nfkmattest will exist in C:\Program Files\nCipher\nfast\bin.


To install the nShield Key Attestation Verifier on Linux:

  1. Download and mount keyattest-Common-<version>.iso.

  2. In a command prompt, change to where the ISO is mounted.

  3. Run, specifying: -s (or --standalone) for a standalone installation, or -n (or --nshield-upgrade) to install alongside an existing Security World software installation. For example, to install alongside an existing Security World software installation:

    sudo ./ -n

On completion, nfkmattest will exist in /opt/nfast/bin.

Uninstall the nShield Key Attestation Verifier


To uninstall the nShield Key Attestation Verifier on Windows:

  1. In an administrator command prompt, change to where the ISO is mounted.

  2. Run nShieldKeyAttestSetup.bat with the --uninstall option - specifying: -s (or --standalone) if installed as a standalone installation, or -n (or --nshield-upgrade) if installed alongside an existing Security World software installation. For example, to uninstall a standalone installation:

    sudo ./nShieldKeyAttestSetup.bat -s --uninstall


To uninstall the nShield Key Attestation Verifier on Linux:

  1. In a command prompt, change to where the ISO is mounted.

  2. Run with the --uninstall option - specifying: -s (or --standalone) if installed as a standalone installation, or -n (or --nshield-upgrade) if installed alongside an existing Security World software installation. For example, to uninstall if installed alongside an existing Security World software installation:

    sudo ./ -n --uninstall